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A T TE NT I ON CIíOTHIURS ! JUtíT received at tlic General Depot, lor the sale of Cloihiers Stock, Machiuory. Oye SiufEs, &.C. &c, No.139, Jeffijrson Avenue, Detroit, the following Jaree, weil assorted. and carefuJIy selecte J stock, viz: 100 bbl. St. Domingo Logwood, Cuf, 5 Tona " li ia Slick, lói) bbls. Cuba Fustic, Cut, 5 Tons " ' inStick, 50 bbla. Nic. Wood, Chippcd, f0 " Lima Wood, " 30 " Red Wood, " 120 " Ground Caniwood, 10 " Quercitron Bark, 5'JO !bs. Nutgnlls, 10 Cases Extract of Logwood, 300 Ibs. Loe Dye, 2 Ceroons Spanish índigo, 300 los. SumucSicily, 3 Casto Mndder, 3 Casks Bitte Vitriol, ñ Casks Alum, 2 Barrels Red Tnrtar. 2 linrrels Cream Tartar, 3 Carboys Aqua Forlis, 5 ■' Oil Vitri(j], 3 " Muriatic Acid, 51;) Iba. VirdlgriB, 5) '; Biock Tin, Teasefs, Twine, Copper Kcttles, all sizes, Parson's Shearina Macliinea,Curtís' " " Scrcwa and Press Plates, Crnuks, Press Paper. Steel Reeds, Worsted Harness, Tenter Hooks, Emery, al] No's.. Olive Oil, Clothiera' Jacks, Saitinett Varp, Clothiers' Brushes. Shuttles, Pickers, Card Clenners, &c. &c. The above, with n variety oí other anieles belonging to the irade, have been ptirchased this timmer by the subscribers from Manufcicturerand First Hands in the New York, L hiladelphin, and Boston Markets, nnd every thing having res ceived his personal inspection. he can wiih the utmost conrtdence offnr them to purchasers as the best and viost complete stoc'cln the country; and ns it is his fixed determination (by the low rates ai whii-'h he wil) sell) to Drevent the necessity ot our Ciothiers and Manfii"'ureiip Ieaving the Stato to make their purchases. hn. would inerelj ay to the trade, CALL, examine the ijoods "nd ascertain prices before you say you can buy cheaper any mhêrp else. He is also preparcd to contract for CARD1NG MACHINES made in this State or Ensr. PIERPtE TELLER, Sign of the Golden Morlar, 139, JeiFerson Avenue, [17-lf.] Detroit.DRY GOODS, dry cmosxsj&ms, Fcathers, Paper HaBiging-s, BASKETS, &c. MAY be found ju ilie losvest cash pnces, at Ray.vond's Casu ótokk, 145 Jeflerson Avenue, De'roit. The undcrsignfd hns just received a full stock of SPRING GOODS, of the 111041 desirablc Btyles and patterns, suitaMe for ciiy or country trade. AirfONG WHICH AEï: French Lawn, Gingham Mualins, Muálin de Lames, Bfllzariaeu, Balzarinc Musline. Siriped S'.viss Muslins, Rich Calicóes, oí' all qualities, coIjts and patterns. Pantaloon and Coal siuffs, such as Gamhroon?,Swedee Cassimeres, Fancy Drillings, ■ Unen Checks, Plaid Swedes. Fancy Enjjüsh Cassimere, Brond Cloths, Kentucky Jeans, &c. - ALSO- Blue Drill, éo Uneaa, Fustiani, Ticlvings, Checks, .Linseys, Burlaps, Bagsings, Padding, Canvass, Brown Sheelings and Drülings, Bleücbed Cot'.ons, Sw'is3, Jackonet. Book & Barred Musline, Wide Laces and Lac Edginga, of eery descriptioa, Vestingff, Bonnets, Ribbons, Linen Cambric, Cámbrica, Hankerchiefa, Cravais, &c; &c. &c. Persons trading in the city are invired. at feast, to cnll and look at this stock, and if the pnces nre not as low as elsewhere, patronage i's not expectcd. W. A. RAYMOND. 148 Jefterson Avenue, Detroit. May 23, 1844. 4 6mToung Iadies' Scminarv. MISS E. PAGE, AND MISS L. MOORE, Associate Tmr.hcs. MISS. G. WEST, Teacher in Music, MUS. HUGI1S, Teacher rn Drawing and Patat ing. MR. F. MARSH, Teac'.er in Matheviadcs and Latín. Tehms - Tuition in the English branches from $2,5') 10 $5,00 per quarter of iwelve weeks.- Leseons on the Piano, -wiih the use ofihe instrument. Slü.ÜO- Fancy work, f 3,00- Drawinu aud Painting $5.00- Latin, $3,00- Frenen $3,00 - Board, 1,50 - Washingand ironing 371 een te per dozen. No pupil will be received ('ur lesa thanone quarier, and no deduction Jor absence will be made, exceptin cases of eickness. TJiat this seminnry may possess every advantage for obtaining athorough. pranical and relined education, and that teachers rnay here be fully prepured for the fulfiln.ent of their duties, Miss P. has fepplied for aid to Miss Lyon, of the distinguished Seminary in Souili Hadly, Mass.. and she is happy toannounce to the public, tlint the neice ot its Prinoipal. and sister to its Vicf Principal, educated under their influences, will. in luture be associated wuH Miss Page, in an au tempt to rearan instiiutiun in this Península, on afooting with the best at the east. Miss Moore brings withher theexperience of fouryears teachmg in a Southern Seminary, which she has elevated nearly in a New England school. It is ex Scted that a Library and Philosophical apparatus will belong to this insiitution. AH are interested in the education of youth, are requested to visit the school and from personal observaiion. become acquainted withiis organization and its dvnntages. Composition will bcread on Thursdays. The Superiniendent of Publielnstruction, Dr. Comstock, the Profeosors of the Universitv and ihe Clergy oí Ar.n Arbor will act a viaiting committee to the School, to whom reference isnadealso to Mr. J. Welles, Capr. J. Perkins, Col' T. Moseley, Mr. W. S. ftiaynnr, Mr. J. Sinclair, Hon. E. Mundy, Ho. R. S. Wileon and E. Lawrence. Esq., of Ann Arbor: F. P. Mastmgs, Esq., Hon. J. M. Hownrd. Hon. C. G. Hammond, Deiroit; Rev. H. Hammond, Ho.-ner. nev. L. S. Hobart. Union City; Flon. E P. Champlin, Joneaville: Rev, Wm. Piijre, Monroe; C. T. Gorhanr, Marshall, Rev. A.lil. Fitch Jackson. 7COTICE. RANnwny from ihe subscriber, the forepari oí March Jast, Levi Wniir a bound boy- I therefore forbid all persons hnrboring or trusting him on my account, as I sha!! pay no debts oí Lis contracting. . GILUERT ALLEN. Locji, May 20ih, 1844. 9_tf. CHARLES "i-I. STEWART, ATTORNEV AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, jnrramoa avkmtb, pbtroit. 49.}. jWOOZ,! WOOX..' CJLOTH! GLOTHÜ TJJK Stibscribers would nform the Public ihnt they wül continue to manufacture good at " Manufactory. two and a balf miles wert of Ana Arbur, on the Huron, on the foltowitig TER MS. Until t!ie first day oí Janunry, A. D. 1845, the price wül be 37$ cents per yard, or h.ilf the cloiti tlie vool will make. Front the ist of Januarv to the 15th of May, 1845, ihe price will be 3') cents per yard, or ninc twenticths of the c!oih tlie wool will ïnnke, thntis. 45 yards out of l:0 manufnetured. The wool will be nianufaclured n lurn m it may come into the iactory, as neor as may bc wiih reference to the different qiialities. Any person who will furnish one or more parcela oi wool froni 80 to 100 pounds of oiie qualiiy c;ui have it manufnetured by itsólf. Wool will be received nt Scb. Wool sent by Rnilroad will be attended toin the sanie niannrr ns if the owner were to come with t - it should be carelully niarked. We have manufactured cloth during the past year for a very Inrae number of cuatomers, to whotn we believe we have given very general satisfaction With these fact8 and the advantiiges oflered by the low price at which we ofier to rhanuftcturo cloth, we hope for a large ahare oí patroni-ga SAMUEL W. FOSTER & CO. Scio. W;is!itenaw Co., April 25. 1844. 3-tfRAISIIV INSTITIJTIO1V. TH ! piiliiic fire hercby nótified, that tlie IIAJSJN INSTI.TUT1QN, in" Lenowce Cuuniy. jMidiignn, is now in operation, and will be coivfiwrl ns a MANUAL LABOR SCHOOL, f r Coloiod People, and all others wishing to avail thernselves of its advantnges. About tweniy-fivo sciiolars cun now be nccommodntcd aL the Instituiion. Our ntentión is toenlargeihe Colony no fast ns wc can., so ns to hnve Mechante Shops üfdiflurent kinds estabüshed in the Colony, so tnst young men may learn meelianical arts i and icíences while pursuing their eiudies. H. BÍBB, Aírent frr tbe"RaÍBn Instituiion. Franklin, May 7, Itíll. 4-t0Among the many striking proofs of the cxcitemcnt of Bristol's Sarsnparilla. not tlie Icaat is furmslied in ihe fact that eucli a multitucie of spuiious and counterfeit preparations have been put forih, and some of ihem by men that profess a high business standing. Unless this medicino had been oföovereign value, and is greait success beyond all queetión, it would have found no imitntiona. People never counierfeit that which j is vnlueless. Whoever hcard of a singlo I terfeit of the wild-cat currency of the West? - Sterling coin and snfety-íund bilis are I luited constantly. The fact that a (hing is exensifdy counlf rfc'ucd. is prooi oí its value. - The euccess of Bristol's Sareaparilla has caused it to be counterfeiied in ulrnost all the cities and towns in ihe Uuion. Spurious money is I versally rejected. so shoulil spurious medicines be. No sensible person will take'the false when he cnn get the true. People who do not wish tu be imposed upon. shotild obtatn the genuino I ticl. Attcntíon to tliis isof theíirst importance. Cautiom. - Ask for Brisiol's SarsapariUa, and se,e that iho written eignatuie of C. C. Btis'ol is over ihc coik f the boitle. none oiher is enuine. W. S. & J. W, MAYNARD.JDlSSOIiUTIOÏIT. THE Cq-paruiership heretolore existing under ihe firm of Henley & Dorrancc is this day dissolved by murual consent. The buainess wiN hereafter be condueied by K. Dorrance win s authorized tü eettlc all demanda due the above firm. JOHN MENLEY, E. DORRANCE. Ann Arbor, June 5. 1813. E. DORRANCE will keep constastly on hand and for sale, Domcslic Dry Goods, VVes! india Goods. Boots, Shoes. Nails. Glass. Paints. OÜ8, Stone Ware, Dried Fruit, Cheese, Bnuer. Lard, Pork. Fish &c. ' 3w8 BtlOCHA, Silk. Muslin de Laine and other Surnmer Shawls, may be found ai RAYMOND'S CASH STORE, 148 Jeff. Avenue, Detroit. May 20. 4 HAÏCIiOCK & RATÜEOÑD, FASHIOXABLE CLOTIHNG EMrORIUM, Desnoytrs' Block; 27 Jifferson Aomue.? SS ?tLtj&5 ff S S S. . llflll % Q& ■s 11! il ÊJ E3&5S " Sv bfl o ;?ri a s w uTT Bra ZsL2 EHSB li= "i ö S a O , pi fttüf f 8LsnjA S == ifffll II & Js ta 1 __ p r-i - pj f-, ■■ C DJ 1 njH H 3 liiM ? H 53 1 I il!1 i s S 9 55 flïlfi s-5 5 v i m gpOBBBB g.rTOs.S o fi RSH ïfl a iflfïfi i?2 f 1 r g 5 iffrS g ui Í L11 ï! I ?New Establishment. THRESHIISia MACHINES KNAPP, HAV1LAND & CO. would res pectfully inform ihe farmers of Wsishtenaw and the surruunding coutities tbat ihey have established tnemsélvés in Lovver Tuwn, Ann Arbor. for the purpose of manufacturing Threshing Machines. JHaving been for niany ycars engagcd in this business in Ohio, they lèe! that thcy can wíth conlidence recommcnd iheir work. TJicy are making the Burrall & Cadiz Macbines and Hoise power; nlso Eastman's planatary power, diflbrent from any othcr made in this country and generally preferred to any othcr Machines, which thcy intend to sell at uuch prices and on such ternis as cannot fail to give satisfaciion - they are determined not to be outdone by any Himilar eatabüshment either in price, otyle or quality of work. "Competition is the life of tradc" and all they nsk of the Farmihg comraunity is ;o patronize them so far as to give ihetn an opportunit} ofsupplping a part of the Machines that mny be wniued. They are prepared to repair old Mnehine8, Their phop ís in the basement story of II. & R. Patridgo & Co's Machine shop where thcy tnay be iound to answer all calis. KNAPP, HAVILAND & CO. W. W. KNAPP, T. A. HAV1LAND, J. E. MC LA1N. Ann Arbor, April 29, 1844. 6ml to ciiOTHisna MAJVUFJ1CTURER8 JiJVD MBRCHJ1NTS.[npHE subscribers are now receiving, attheir JL stores, 188 Jefiferson Avenue, and corner oi Randolpu nnd Woodbridge streets, Detroit, a large nnd general stock of DYE-WOODS AND DIE-STUFFS. 35 tons Logwood, Pustic, Limewood, Nicar ragua, Hypcrnic Woud, in ihe stick, I Í30 bbJs. ground Camwood, 150 do Fustic 120 do Logwood, , 100 do Redwooda, 20 do Alum, 6 hhds Copperns, 4 do Tilue Vitrio!. 4 pipes Ombre and Crop Madders, prime, 500 Ibs. Extract Logwood, 600 do Bengal. Mndras and Caraccas Indigo, 300 do Blue Nutgalls, (Allcppo,) 250 do Powdered Cúrcuma, 200 do Vcrdgri8. 10 Carboys Oil Vitriol, 6 do Aqua Fortie, 4 do Spjrits Sea Salte, 4 do IVitric Acid, 2 cases Lac Dye, 300 Ibs. Bnnquo Tin. 250 do Creoni Tartar. 500 do Quereciron Bark. Together with a complete assortment of all the minor anieles in the trade, to wit: PiC86 Papers. Teazlcs Brushes, Jacks, Tent HookB, Dye Kettles, Pickers, Burling Irons, Nippers, Prussialeof T'otash. Sal Ainoniac. Sal Soda, Sugar of Lead, Steel Reeds. Card Cleaners.MACHINE CARDS, Satinett Warps, Shears, &c. This entirc 6tock has becn pinchase! within the laat two weeks, and selected personally by one of the concenij who has been in the business for the Inst eleven years, and they have no hcHtation ín sayine that tlie quality of these goods is unexceptionnble. They will po3Ítiv!y be sold at the lowest New York jobbing pricee, with the oddition of triinspbrtntioi) only. The subscribers have the sole Agency n Üiis Stnte for the sale of "FARSON'S SHEARÍNG MACHINES," and the celebrated "LEICESTER MACHINE CARDS," docifledly the best in use. THEO. H. EATON, &, CO. April 11, 1843. 5ltfBASKET WARE. TRAVELLING BASKETS. &c- at RAYMOtND'S CASH STORE, 148 Jeff. Avenue. Detroit. May 20. 4 TAKE1V UP BY the Subscriber in Webster on the six:h instant, a stud Colt, supposed to be three years oíd. so ne white in the face and white hiud feet. Said estray has beenentered on tht town book. JACOB BLANDEN. June 9. 18 '4. 8-8wAT THE CASH STORE OF R. &, J. L. DAV1BSOKT, Iwn JlrboVi Lower Vittage ■ TTUST received at the above establishment, a complete assortment of Groceries, Crockery, Shelf Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Tuscan and Straw Bonnets, Flowers, &c. &c, all of vvhich will be so!d as cheap as ihey can be bonght at any other store in Michigan. The above Gootts vvere selected with great care, and we (eel assured that we can convince purfhoserí of ihe truih of wliat we say. The liighest price will be paid for Wool. We vvill also receive all kinds of produce n exchange for Goods at the highest market price, Purchasers are respectfulty invited to cali and examine for ihemselves. Ann Arbor, May 6, 1844. 3-tfWOOL.! WÖO1LÜ npHE undersigned, having been repeatedly solkiied to make some arrange■■ ments by vvhich the Wool Gbowers ol Wa-hlenavv, and the surruiinding country, could dispose of" iheir wool in a tnanrier tliat would be mututually beneficial lo the and the Buyer, would beg leave to say, that we have just received a well selected and valuable stock oí Domestic and Fancy DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, fresh frora New York and Boston, which we purpose to exchano-e for Ca-h or Wool, on the most reasonable lerms. To our old custoners, and as muny more as choose lo give us a cali, we give the assurance that we can -eupply you wilh every aiticle neces'-ary tor family use as low as can be bought this side of Laké Erie, and receivé your WOOL in payment ata price perfectly satisfactory. In addition to our usual stock of Full Cloths, Satineits, Flannels, &c, we have Broadcloths, (varying in price fiom two to ten dollars,) Cassi'meres, all kinds of Summer Cloths, &c. which we propose to exchange as above ''l'o all who wish for richgouds, great bargains and high pricesf or WOOL, we would say give us a call before purehasing elsewhere. a a u t , BECKLEY & IIICK. Ann Arbor. Lower Town, May 14, 1844. 4-8wSOMËTHING YËWü TAMES GIBSON takes this method of iñforming' his w friends and old customers that he has again entered Ihe Mercaniile busiress, and is now opening a general and splendid assortment of HUI GQ012, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, SHELF HARDWARE NAILS, &C. &C. all of which vvill be offcrred to the public as cheap as the cheapest, for Cash or Barter. Wool and most kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE will be (aken in exchange for Goods. $& Take no man's word, but examine for yourselves at No. 5, Huron Blpck, Lower Vlliage,. Ann Arbor, May 15, 1844. 4-6 m.NEW BOOT, SHOE, AND LEATHER ANN ARBOR, LOWER TOWN. Q FELCH has removed hls establishment from the Upper fo the Lower + Village,No. 4, Huron Biock,vvhe?e he holds hiipseif ín readmrss to 'dressthe "understandings" of every Man, Woman, and Child who will give him a cali, in (he neutest, cheapest, and best manner that can be done in Michigan. LEATHER and.FINDINGS of all kinds constantly on hand. WANTED, CASiï and HIDES, in any quantities, for which the highest prices wil! be given. ÖtLet none purchase until they have called at Felch's, No. 4, Huron Til 1 Rlock. Ann Albor, May 4, 1844, 3-lyBOOK BINDERY. ArTHL fAPtRDILL (_I.O vVKR . TO WK ) ANNARBüR. EBOOTH would respecifully inform the inhnbitantsof Ann Arbor and vicinity that he continúes the business of BOOK BINDmG, at the old tand, in the Paper Mili. Oíd Books will be neatly rebound on short notice. AU kinds of RULING done to order. Country produce taken in payment. April 11), 1843. 52-tf. CV ME into the enclosure of the subscriber. the firat of September last, an OX, ajiparently about eieht years old, spotted red and white, with a bell on his neck. The owner is requesled to prove property pay charge and takc him away. S, JENNINGS. Ann Arbor, Moy lOth. 3-8w IVotice to Iflercliants. THE Subscribers encouraged by the patronage they have hitherto received in ihe wholesale departmentof thefr business, will the rst day of May nest. open the store now occupied by Geo. Grenville, fronting on Huron street, and connecting with their present store in the rear. exclusively for a WHOLB SALES EOOK, where they will keep at all times a fuli assonment of Dry Goods. Boots, fy Shoes Carpeting Hats7 Vaps, Paper IJavgings, Bonnets, Crockeri by the Crale, Hardware and GrocerieSj Sfc. fyc. 8fc. all of which will be sold on as good termB as at any point this aideofNew York Cuy. G. D. H1LL & CO. Ann Arbor, MarcUtö 184. 48tf.WOOL AND WOOLEN CLOTHS. Iwill exchange woqlen cloths of every width and quality lor wool, to be delivered in May orJune, or afier shearing time. My stock of clothis complete, quality good, prices low, &c. K. OENISON. Ann Arbor. February Ist, i843. 41. Si B. It is important that wool be done up in good order, and anv ;nformation will be given when ;jelicd F D. Clothing! Clothing1 Clothing HALLOCK& RAYMOND have just received a very large fi86ortment of Reatly Made Clothing Consisting in part of Coais. Pamaloons and Vests. ofall descïiptions, suitablc for the season. Aiso, a large and wcll seclccied assortment of Broad Cloths, Cassimere, Vestings, TVeeds, and everv other arlicle suitnble for gentlemcn's wearing apparl, which they are prepared to manufacture in the beat and most nshionable manner, and at the shortest notice. Having de termined to sell at the Iowest cash prices, they confidenüy urgo alt in want of Ready Made Clothing, or garments manufactnred to order, to cali nnd examine their stock, at the Fflshionable Clothing Ernporium, corner of Jefferson nnd Woodward Avenues. Detroit. 5 Fcathers &. Paper Hangings THE 8tibscriber will keep n supply of Geese Feathers constnntly on hand. Also on nssort of Paper Hangings. Borders. Firebonrd Papers, &c. W. A. RAYMOND, 148 JefT. Avenue, Detroit. May 20. 4 LINEN SH EETING, two yarda and a quar ter, and three yards wide, at RAYMOND S CASH STORE, 146 Jcff. Aveoue. Detroiu May 20. 4PETERS' PILLS. TRUTH MAS PREVAlhED. PETERS' Vegetable Pilis have now been tn years before the pï)lic. During that period they have obtaineda celebrity unparalleled in the history of the most popular medicines which have preceded them or have iöllowed in their track. - The happy combinntion of vegetable ingredients to w hich these pilla orc their erficacy, the result ofyears of carneat ntudy and experiment, directed by long previoua carperience in the pr.opertiee of medical substances, the pathology of disease, the nature and modus operandi of the various ñuids wlnch minister to the support and susicmmcc of the human body, andorganization by which those fluida are prepared, modified and disiributfd. The iriumph of skill, and patiënt experiment has been complete. Throughout the length nnd breadth of our land, in Briiiah America and the West Iridies, and on the continent of Europo, the curativo virlues of Peter's Vegetable Pilis, ore gratefully acknowledged. They may be calledruu medicine pau kxckí.lence, of the Southern States. Their consumption south of the Potomac, is enormous, and continually on theincrease. No other pill "goesdow.n" tliere. ho wever sugared over with hired pufis and home tnnnufactured certificatcs. Petera' Vegetable Pilis may be termed a universa medicine, for there is sc-ircely any deraogement ör obstruction of the organs nnd functions of the huirun machine which they will iiot allevia;e or remove when administered in the éarly siagcs of congestión of the stoniachorbowels, they speedily relax those organs, reduce the attorulant fever, and restore the suffererto health. Containing po irritating or drastic substancea, their exhibition is never followed by thát prostration of ihe bodily powers which characterrze the opcration of most other cuthartics, and they may bu administered without theslightest fear of producing local inílammation, so frequently caused by the Rurgent compositions vended by the quacksand charlatans of the day. Jn almost all stages of disease, Peters Vegetable Pilis will be fpund of beneficial effect, but thèy should always be resorted to when the first sympt un makes its nppearance. The conques! of the cotnplaint will then be easy and mimediate. ■ ín bilUoua di-orders, remittant or intermittant fever, dispepsia, dysentery, cholera, cholle, diarhcea, dropsy, sour or fected eructations, enlargement of the spleen, sick headache. all complaintsgrowingout of imperfect or too rapid disestion, torporof the bowels. femaleobstructions, habitual costivencss. ntid all other diseases in which a purgative medicine is proper. Peters' Vegetable Pilis will be fonnd unrivalled in the peed, certaiifly and gentleness of their operaiton.It is Dsked npon what principie these extraordinary efieets are produeed? We reply that Peters Vegetable Pili acts as a purifier of the blood. by purifying the chyle and other fluids of which blood is composed. Chyle is a mjlky fluid deposiied by the digestive matter on the coats of the intesiines: and which when combined with the billiary sècretion, is conveyed into the veins an-.i becomes the principie of Ufe. This medicine actsdirectly upon the chylel Irom which it expels uil acrid particles, and al, humors detrimemal to á healthy oirculation. L cleansea thejuices and fluids before the chemical change takea place which fits them fo iheimniediatepurposea ol vitalay. This ia beginning at the beginning. To embue the streams of life with liealth, it is necessary to purify them at their 8ources. Such is the radical mode in which this medicine performs ita cures. Testimoniáis which would ñll volumes (mnny of them from high scientifie authority) are iis vouchers, and it used in the practico of the first Physicians hcre and abroad. Forsalchy F. J. B. Orane. W. S. A .T. W. Mrtynard, J. H. Lund. Harris. Panridges & Co S. P. & J. C. Jewett, Dav.dsnn & Becker, H. Becker, Christian Eberbaeh, G. Grenville, D D. Waterman. C. J. Garland, E. T. Williams. Ann 4rbor; Georjre Warner & Co.. D. C Whiiwood. J. Mi Hard & Son. N. H. Wingl Dextcr; M. J.nckson, Laovi; Paul Raymond Jnckson; Brotherson & Kief, Manchester; D Keys, Clinton; D S Haywood, Salive; Stone, Rabcock '&, Co., Ypsilanti; Scattercood & Co. Plymovth; Pierre Teller and T. H. Eaton & Co.' Detroit; also in Adrián. Tecumseh, Brooklyn, Pontiac, Chicago, nnd almost every where else. AnnArbor, Jan. 15. 1844. 27-lvA Farm Tor Sale, SITUATED in the town of Jngharo, Inghnm County, Michigan. Said Farm contains one hundred and fifty acres handsomely eiiuated In the midst ot a thriving settlernent. - The land is what is U6ually called timbered Land, in Mlchignn, he nmber being eugarmaple. whitewood, beach, ash, oak, &c. all kinds of titnber peculiar to the timbered land in Michigan. Thers is on this tarm about forty acres of good improvement: a good part of this is Enfflish Mendow. A'ai. n ernorl LOG HOUSE AND NEW BARN, framed, 34 by 42 feet. well finislied. There are also on the place ter (hing utensils. such ns Chaine, Plouahs, Drag, Cart, Fanning Mili, &c. which will be sold witb the place. TERMS OF SALE. One qunrter of purchase money down; the .omaindcrin ten years, f neces3ary. with annual interest For pnrticulnrs enquire of the subscriber in Dexter village. JULÍÜS RANNEY. March 20, 1844. ! 48-tf. Bristol's Sarsaparilla. THIS valuable medicine so juítly celebra'etl as a certain cure for Scrofula or Kings Evil, or any disease arising from irnpurity of the blood, has become so well known as to need no publ catión of the numereus certificates now in our possession. of the extraordinary cures lately períbrmed by it, but fearing there may be some oersons aifected who have been gulled by using he imimtions got up by othere. we would respectfully request them to cali on us and satisfy themselves of i:s many cures in similar cases. - By purehasing of us they can rely upon the genuineness of the article, which they should be careful to do, as we are told there ís a spurious nrticle of the same name for sale in I his vicinity. Be careful to observe that "Bristol's Extract oí Sarsaparilla, Buffalo," isstaniperl upon thc bottles, and "C. C. Bristol" written in his own hand over the Cork. WS.&J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor, Dec. 25, 1843. 36wholesalYTretail. BOOKSELLERAN STATIONEB, SMART S BLOCK, 137 JEFFBKSON AVEKCB, DETROIT. Keeps const'iiuly lor sale a complete iissorinient ol' Misccllaneous, School and Classical Books; Letter oud Cap Paper, plain and ruled, Quill8, Ink, Sealing Wax, Cuilery, VVrapping Papor, Printing Paper, o a il stzes; and Buoli, News and Canister Ink, ot various kinds. BLANS BCQZS, Full aml luili üuunü. ol every vnrieiy oí Kuling. MEMORANDUM BOOKS, &c. To Merchants. Teachers, and others, buying n quantitiea. a large discount made. SABBATH SGHOOL & BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITOR500.000 Fcet PIN E LUMBER. THE subscribers offer for sale. Five hundred Thousnnd Feet SEASONED PINE LUMBER, which hns been put up n the best possible manner. and ia of every qualiiy and thickness. Per eonawishing to purchase Lumber tht is fit for immcdiatc use, will do well to give usa cali, before purchosing elsewhere. HAZELTON & PATERSON. Formerly Agents for Bcach &, Co. Flint, January 22, 1844. 40-6m. Annexation of Texas or not, PEÍIRY has just recelvcd a first rate lot ol BOOKS. which he will sellcheep for Cash. May 53, 1844. 6w6"TO THE VICToÏrBENö'thS SPOILS 1HB A LTHOUGH many preparntion in tJ.„ r J. of "POPULAR MEDICINES' (rm been before tho public, .ciaimiog to va r r , and even cure the most invetérate difeai. f none have o well answered i)e nurnn ' Lct "COUGH LOZENGES" cure the moei obstinate cases of Connl, ; houre. Tho, have cured a lar nuïL" ? ÍW eons who have been given up by twï ' ?eN and friends, and n.any whj have been T0"" to the verge of tne grave by SDitti" Icd"i Consumption and Hectic Fever hl u ■ ood have hnd the rose of l.ealih restored to ï,'',118 gardcheek. and now live Io Boeak f l "' praisesofthisinvaluable medicine Í"!11" maii's u Shcr-WORM L0ZE1SGE8 have been provedin more than 4tu nnn be infallible, in fact. the onlv e (!in ij0'"1 lo roying medicine ever discove Z c! will eat them whenthey canno, belor Jí, ?rfn any other medicine, and the benefit Í , ake the administration of medicine to í"6"" formisgreat beyond concepción Ia.thi ncver been k-iown to fait. Dr. Shermn -y VS "CAMPHÖR L02ENGES. " relieve Hehdnchn. Nervons Sit u , ''. oitation of the Hezn Z f 52 Pllï few Dr. SheriP.Í, Ve "POOR MAN'S PLASTER" ia acknowledeed by all who have ever u8e,l 5. . be the best strengthening Piaster in ,hf l? and a sovereign remedy for painsaïA 'TW' in the back, lo.ns, side, breas? . ck ?"?' joints., rht-nmaüsm, lumbago, &c R r'i to procure the abovê and all othem v Carefuï Trfs and you wil. besn e ieTetX'i mistake in quantity or charge e W W. 'S. & J. w. MAYNARn Ann Arbor, February 5, 7844 1AÏSSAR; ■ ■ 4JTHE TRUE PAIN EXTRACTOR SALVE "ITTHiCH curesiikea charm all BURNS hl v tire or water, and every exiernsl adv PAJN? IA'FLAMMATIOlï. AC o JTCH ' which it has been applied, must alway be soht (ron, Cometock and Co., of New ffi or.he.r authonzed agents. All are cautioned against nny spuriou articles, which n,ay alwav bc avoided by knowmg the one you buy eom! fron. Cometock & Co , w,o ,re „ow .he oT.Jy proprietora and manufacturera. Inquire for Connel a, wlnch i warranied to do all it ever would whencn! ed by nny othcr name, or ihepiiceahii beTelundcd .n nny case if it does not picase lo placen wiihin reach of all, the pricehaa been reduced n.o.e than four (old, and 6 „0!f so d for 25 cents, rhe forn.erprice bcing JJTE orbuant. The 50 cent si-ié now coiifains fL as rnuch as ihe lormer, and the Al i,I nenr ten times as níuch. e No fnmily ,hnt has any tille to Kumanity, wíl fai! to have Connel's pnin Kxtrnctor Ointment a Uvays at hand, to save ïïïe, nllscare. and Z all agony (rom any burn in five nnnuies, pruvi ded they have seen it used, or will beüeve iho who have used it. COMSTOCK & CO., rr-r. t , 21, Counland Street. ET Be aure, therefore. and ask fo Connei 's os our plme witli Dalley's name ou ii hns been sioien, and the spurious may appenr wiih tint name on it. Know, therefore, that it dj. rectly from Coinstock & Co., or shun it WM.S.&J.W. MAYNÁRD, Agent for Ann Arbor.JBWSXR YJpScaï rriHL subscriber haviug êu=iiLL just reeei vcd n new adrf m?} duio 10 bis former stock of ifi& '3fy Gooda is prepnred to geil I UM lliein cheop for Cash. A(lurvN o' Ï&MPL mong wl"?h may bo iound Gold Finger Rings, and Bosom Pins, Hearts and Crosses, Silyer and Comwon Thimbles, Watch Chains and Keys, Pensil Caaes; also. Spoons, Sugar fiows, Buiicr Knivts, Tooih and ilair Brushes, Pocket Books, Violin Strings, Needies, Pms, Hooks, and Eyes. Spectacles, Fine Co ir, ba, Dressing Conibp, Side Combe, Back Comtm, Pocket Combs, Water Paints. Murking Colton, Steel Pens. and Tweasers. Snuff& Tobacco Boxes. Elnstics, &c. A!l of which vill be sold as cheaj-, as at any other estalili8hient this side of New York. " N. B. The 8iibscriber thankftil for so large n ehare of pnblic patrönace. slill solicitan continuencc of the same. CLOCKS AND WATCH' ES of cvery description repaired and warranicJ. Also, JEWELRY repaired on short notice.- Shop at liis old stand direcily oppoaite the Conrt House. Cashpuid for old Gold and Silver. C. BL1SS. Afin Arbor, Ju]y 1, 1844. 2ë-]y.THE following indispensable tamiJy remedien may be found at Matsard's Drufgist Store, in A nu Albor, where none will be sold unle8s kr.own to be of the best kind nnd no counterleit article ever oflered, patent medicino invariably procured of tlie origm ljnremor or his resalar suecpssor: O No famiïj sliould be a tccek without these remedies . j BALDNESS. Balrn of Co'umbiu, for the Huir, which wil stop il fHing out, or restore itonbnld places; and onchilden make it grow rapidly, or on those who hivo lost theliair from ny cause. Al JL VLRjMIN thatinlest tlie heads of children in schools, are prevemed or killed by i' et once. Find ihe name or COMSTOCK on it or never try it. Femember this ahcays. PILES, &c. are wholly prevented, or governed if the aMack has come on, il you use the only true Hays' Libimknt, irom Comstock & Co All SORESf and every thing relieved by it that admitsofan outward appheation. it actslike a chnim. 'Vso it. RHEUMATISM AxD LAMENESS positively eured: all shrivelled niusclcs and Hmbsarc resiorcd, in the old or young, by xhelvdian Vtg itablc Elixir and Ncrre and Bove Liniment-buV never without the name of Comstock & Co. o it. KOLMSTOCK'S VERMIFUGE will eradjcate all WORMS in children or adulis wilh a1 certainty quite astonishing. TOOTH DROPS. Ki.inks- cures cffectually, - Ann Arbor. Feb. 5, 1H44. 41DR. OSGOOD'S INDIA CHOLAGOaUE, AMONG the most valuahle qualmee üi thi . medicine, is its restoring injluence upoü; constitutions impaired and injured by previous1 aitacks ol billious fever, or fever and aguo; OV ty n long residence in those elimotes which pro duce them. There are many eonstitutions whicHbecoinc grndu;illy undermined by a mias-maU 'influence. without even tt day'sactunlconfinement.ín t?üch cases, the Cliolagoguc act6 like a clinnn' - the sallow complexión, loss of appetitc, languor, weariness and depre6sion of spirits, with' other unpleasnnt symptoms which render Jifea1 burden, aU yicld to this remedy when fuithfully usfcd according to the directions of the acnompa-nying pamphlet. It is entirely a vegetable prep' aration, and may be taken w:ih perfect scfety under all circumstanccs of the system. For sale by 36 W. S. & J. W. MATNARD, 6ole Agent, for Ann Arbor and viciniiy FÍRST rate Tea. Sugar and Cofico, at thelowest markfit prirep, nt RAYMOND'S CASFÍ STORE, 148 Jeff. Avenue, Detroit, May 20. 4 DEFENCE of the Whigs. W hig Almanno, Whig Songs, and Life of Henry Clay by Sargcant. For sale at Perry's Book Stor. May 23 1844; Sti.


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