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Help Me Along In The World

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Help íhose who slriúe lo help tñemselvcs by Honest Industry. The contuiuaiion ol ''Hiird Times" urges the subte ibtr to cry out for herr and to iníorm oil those wiio are desirous to Economize. that he ha ojened a New and Stcond Hond Clothing EstablishmeEií, n Woodward Avenue, next door to llyde Sí. Vilder's Scale Fuctory, bei ween Atwater oud Woodbridge streeis, wheie he wil! feil clo:hinu a. lütle Cieaper iktm the Cheapcst for Cash.. - He wil 1 also continue tí carry n the TAILORING AND CÉOTFÍES (ÍLEANIN6 BUSINESS. All persons dosirous oí having grease. paint, oil, pitcb, tar. &c. removed froni their clothing would do well tínll on him: as hiLC mode oí cleaning isby a procesa of stenm. he wnrrants to completely renovóte the gumenis, ani] give thcm the appearante of NKVV. without doing injury to the cloth n fortn or durability. Collnrs and Breasts of coais warranied toba kept n perfcci shnDü. Any kind'ofcloihingaltered and lepaircd n the neatest style. and on teíms to' correspojid with iho reduced prices n other business. He respectfuHy feturns Vis sincere tlianks to the citizens of Detroit, and the public u genera! for their very liberal; patronage tliat he hns i tofore reccived. and hopes that ly a' cunsiant exertioT and st'rict attention lo business; to rnerít and continue' to receive a shnre of public : age to help him along in the W0R.LO. WM. LAMBERT. N. B. - Nev and second haud clothing bought. 3old, echanged, or tsken d payment for cleaning or repafrKVg. Orders auended to ín any part of the chy. All ol which respectfuHy sulimitted. lun't frrget tlint Lanibert's Taiioring and Clothing establishment ftrott Woodword Avenue, next door to Hyde & Wtlder's Scala Factoty, between Atwater and Woodbridge ftreeis. Come Lawyers, Doctors, Farmers and Merchante tOJ. Coma brz ynur oli garmen'ts citd hace fitm maaa neu. 3ml3


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