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Whig Prospects In Michigan

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3 The Detroit Adverh'ser has the followu ing noticeofthe prospects of the Whigs ] in this State: "The sensible Locofocos have no hopes - of gettinga majority in this State. Their sole reliance is, on sueh au abolition di3 version as will give Mr. Polk a bare plu■ rality over Mr. Clay alone. There is n ■ clear Tariffand anti Texas majority in Michigan, but unlbrlunately, this majorI ity is dividen1 by the separate organization of tho Dirncy men. By raeans of this división solcly. the Locofocos, although ín actual íninority, hope to give the electoral vote of the State to Mr. Polk, and secure the choice óf a U. S. Senator, favorable to the annexation of Texas. But this game will not succeed, although some leading Birney men, of whom we had a right to expect better things, seem to favor it, and the Locofoco politicians are straining every nerve to accomplish. The minority will not be allowedto "divide and conquer." The Tariff and anti-Texas majority, laving aside for the moment minor diflereñces, will so far co-operate, as to elect representatives in friendly. to the present TarifT- to secure the choice of a. U. S. Senator opposed to annexation aiid to cast the electoral vote of Michigan against James Iv. Polk, the Texas candidate for the Presidency. Patriotism demands sueh a eo-operatioñ, and it must and will be effected. To doubt it is to question the sense and intellïgence of a majority ofthe people." TJie intelligent reader will place that estímate on the article which it deservcs. It seems "the Birney men" are to be 1 Tl T 1 .wheedled or driven into such "a co-opern tion" with the "Anti-Texas" men, as t olect represen tal i ves iri Congress favora ble to the present Tariff- secure thj choice of a U. S. Senator opposed to an nexatiori, and to cast the electora! vote o, Michigan against James K. Polk." Now, Gentlemen, there is but on e way by which any of these results can bí obtained- that is, by voting for ':lhe Birney men's" ticket throughout. No other "co-operation" can be efFected, and il you dream of it, you will iind your mistake. As to your numerical strength compared wiíh your Poliche opponents, that is your own aFair; and ifyou are in the minority, as you intímate, you wil] not succeed in getting Birney men to figlit your party batlles. You maymake up your minds on this to begia with.- Liberty men have not been abuscd and befooled by W.big 'papers and the Whig party without learning something by cxperience. iri spite of all your eflbrts, the Liberty party vote of last ye'ar wijl be largehj increased, and you wil] come out froin the battle as best you may. In the meantime, in trying your c.xperiments upon the 13irncy men to secure this "co'operatión o necessnry for you, we suggest that you republish the articles in your late pnpers, accusing Mr. Birney of base and delibérate calumny" - of ':adding 3owardice to falsehood"- of rancorous personal abuse, sly unmanly inuendo, and mrsh and brutal calumny" - and of being 'clcarly a wolf in sheep's clothing, or ather a Polkat in the skin. of a mink." 3uch choice ajid honied ph rases of enlearmentand affection towards their rë;pectcd candidate, will have a wonderful ïilect in securing the confidence of Lib:rty men!


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