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Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: Hillsdale County,...

Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: Hillsdale County,... image
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The Liberty party met at the village of UÜKsdale, on the lötn of Ju!y, according to previoue noiico. Jercniiah Stone vvns caüed to the chair. and D. C. Fullerappointed Secretary. Rev. Mr. Colirin ofCook's Prairie, wns introduced to the Convention, and admitted asa correspondí ng member. A committeeon rcsolurions wisappointed consisiing of Èthel Jmld, Calvin Sawdey, A. S. '■ Rogers and Cyrus Coltrin. Afterthe report of the committee, tho follow. , ing persons were duly nonimated, for the several ofliecs. For Representatives: Levi Trcadwell,of Whcatland, William Savage, of Litchfield. For Sheriff; James -M. Raymond, of flillsdale. For County Clerk; Samuel Long, of Litchfield. For " Register; Lucius A. Webster of Allen. For " Treaourer; William D. Moore, of , Adama. ForJudgeof Probale; William W. Jackson, of Adams. For Associatc Judges; Joseph Webster, ol Allen, Pardon Aldrich, ol' Cambria For County Surveyor; Urius Treadwell, of 1 Pitlsford. For Coroners; Jacob A. Sraith, Joseph Philips. I David C. Fuller, of Adams, was appointed ( chairman of the County Commitiee. consisting ' of one in each tuwn, viz; ■ i Somerset, Mr. Brown. i Moscow, Warner M. Baker. fc'P'0 Mr. Elwood. Luchficld, Henry Smith. ' A1Ien Ahjah Mosier. Fayette, James M. Raymond. Adams, William D. Moore. Wheatland Lymnn Pease. Pitlsford, i Cyrus Lee. Florida, David Green. Cambria, Baron B. IVillets. Reading, Mr. Sax ton. Camelen, Woodbridge, Chester Stoddard. RoIi'n, Joseph Philips. Wright, Mr. Fenuer.A. S. Rogers, Ethel Judd, and James M. Raymond were appointed delégales to attend tht Senatorial Convention of this District, whcn called. A contribution was taken for the printing of tickeis, .$3,83 was received and put in the hands of the Chairman of County Comraiitee. The following resolutiona from the committee were ably defended by Rev. Mr. Coltrin and Ethel Judd, and adoptcd by the Convention: Resolved, Thai in the opinión of ihia Cunvention, elavery ie a moral and political evil, and that she two poliiical panies of the day. (Wliig r.nd Democrats) are its supporters. liesoloel, That in the opinión of tbis Convention, it is in contrariety to the principies of of Christianity, patriotism nnd phiianthropy," to voieforany person for office in our nation, who is a slaveholder, or an apologist for slavery. Rsolccd, Tkat tho great departure of our government frora the principies of our Fathers promulgated in '-76" sbould bealarming to every Freeman, and calis forevery lover of his country to exert himself to aid in bringing back our government to its original purity. On motion of Wm. W. Jackson, esq. Resolved, That the Secretary prepare the proceedings of this Convention and for.ward them to the Signal of Liberty for publication. Adjourned, sine die.


Signal of Liberty
Old News