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Liberty Party In Lyon: For The Signal Of Liberty

Liberty Party In Lyon: For The Signal Of Liberty image
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I At a meeting oí the Liben y party of the town of j Lyon,OakIand County, Töesday, Aug. 13, aenoticed in the Stgnal of Liberty, È. H. Platt waa eallcd to the cliair, nnd N. P. Siniih oppointed '.;;.. t'O. A coniniiueo of eigbt was appointed to correípoad and secure speaker and tranaaot such busineoa na niay bo necepsary, and tho fullowiug resulution wcre adopted. lltsohed, Time wo gratcfuüy acknowloge the baod of prúvideuce in carrying íurward the ohíío of Liberty, end we belioveit ooo important link in the val ehain of ctjuaea by which the all wiiie and beiievolont Being will ultjuiütely redeem a revuhed world lrora every form of Sin aid Opprcs&ion. Resolced, Thnt whei wo consider the light ih't bas been epread on tho subject of sla very, aad when we see Americana inaküig expedieucy and selnslmess paramount to justiceaad duty, we tiemble for our country. Resolved, That should the northern peoplc peraiit tho Annexation of Texas to the Union, crowned with nll tho cufséa of Slavery, posterity wiil moura and curae ïheir tíieraories ht their 'cal wickednew. Resolced, That wo tnko Mr. Clay'g advice to Mr. Meadenhall, nad "mini aur ouru busiuesS' by usins: our best endeavorsto eloct Mr. Bkuey at tho nest e'.ection. Resolved, That the proooedings of ibis inoetüL be aigued Wy tlio Chairmaa aad Siibe, and DuLlJahod in Sinl nf T.ihri


Signal of Liberty
Old News