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ATTLÍTIO CIiOTHZÜRS ! JO tí I' raoc-ivca ai uiu Crciiciui Utput, lor tht alo of Ciotbiera Sioek, Mnchinery, Oye fctuffá, &c, No. 13'.). Jffftírson Avenue, Detroit, tlie folfowing iartre, weil assorted, and gureíully selecied stuck, v: 10!) ubis. St. üoiningu Logwood, Cut, 5 Tona " " ia Stick, 150 bbls. Cuba Fuoiic, Cut, 5 Tuna ;' %' inSiick, 50 bbls. Nic. Woüd. Chipped, 50 'v Lima Wood, "' 30 Red Wood, " 32J " Qroaad Camwood, lt) " Qjercitron Bark, 5)0 Lbo. iNutgnlIs, 10 Case3 Exiraci of Logwood, 300 Ibs. Lnc Dye, . íí Ceroone Sp.inish índigo, 8J0 Iba. Sumac Sicüy} 3 C.)3iis M.idder, 3 CusUs Blu Vnriol, 5 i sks Aluin. 2 Barrels íted Tartar. 2 JJurrels Cream 'Parlar, 3 Carboys Aqua Fortis, 6 '; Oil Vitriol, 3 " Muliacic Acid, 500 Ib3. Virdigris, h) Block Tin, Teasets, Twine, Copper Kettles, all sizca, Parson's Shearing Machines, Curtís' " " Screvvs and Press Platea, Crank8, Press Paper. Sieel Reeds, Wor8ted Harnpss. Tenter Hooks, Emery, nll No'.; Olive Oil,Clothiers' Jacks, Saitinett Worp, Clothiers' Brushes. Shuttles, Fickers, Cnrd Cleaners, &e. &c. The above. with n variety of other nrticles be longing to the irade, have been purchnsed th nummer by the subscrihers from Manufacturo and First liarulsin the New York, i hüadelphia and Boston Markets, and overy thing having re ceived nis persona) inspeotion. he can with i)i ntmost cinh(l?nce oflsr theni to purchasers aé th brst and mos'. compL't.e stock in the country; anc! as it is h9 fixed deterininaiion (by the low rotes a', which hc wüi sell) to nrevent ihe necessity ol our Clothiers nnd Manufa-urers leaving the Stato to niake their purchases, hn wouid niereh ■iy to the trade, CALL, examine the joods and aacertain p rices before you say you can buy cheaper any irhere else. Fíe is nlso prepared to contract for CARD1NG MACHINES made in tlns State or East. PIERRE TELLER, Sign ofthe Golden Mortar, 139, Jeflerson Avenue, [17-tf.] Detroit.DRY GOODS, DRV GROCERIES, Fcathers, Paper Eïaiiging-s BASKETS, &c. MAY be found at the lowesl cash yricea, a Ravmo.vd's Cash Store, 146 Jeilersor Avenue. De'roit. The umtarsignnd haa just received a ful! stoet cï SPRING GOUDS, of the most desirnblt etylea and patteros. euitable for ciiy or couutr trade. AMONO WH1CK ARBÍ French Lawns, Ginghain Muslin, Muslin de Laines, 1 Bnlzarined, Balzarine Muslins, Striped Swiss Muslins, Rich Calicóes, of all qualilies, colors and patterns. Pantalooii and Coat Blufis, such as Gambroons, Swedes Cassimeres, Fancy Driliings, Ijiiien Checks, Plaid Swedes. Fancy Enslieh Cassimeres, Broad Clotlis, Kentucky Jeans, &c. - ALSO- Blue Drills, do Linens, Fu8tian8, Tickings, Checks, Linseys, Burlaps. Bagginga, Padding, Canvass, Brown Sheetings and Drillings, Bleached Cot'ons, Swiss, Jackonet, Book fe Barred Muslins, Wide Laces and Lace Edgings, of every description, Vestings, Bonneis, RibbonB, Linen Cambric, Cambrics, Hankerchiefs, CravHts, &c. &c. &c. Persons trading in the city are invired, ai least, to cali and look at this stock, and if the prices are not as low as elsewhere, patronage is not expectcd. W. A. RAYMOND. 148 Jetterson Avenue. Detroit. May 2% 1844. ' 4 6mTo Clothiers, IHaiuiíbctiirers and iTIerchauts. nnilE suNsunber 'is rio w receivin at his stores. X !8rt and UJO Jcfferson Avenue, Detroit' ibe following carrfully and well selected stock of Dyk Woods, Dyk Stuffs end VVoolek Man ■fAC-raREii's Machinery. 55 tons Fustic. Cuba, Tobasco, Tampico'and Carthagena. 10 tons Lugwood, Campeach, St Domingo and Honduras, 6 tons Nicaragua, Bonair, Coro, Hache and Lima, 3 ons Camwood, very choice, 180 barrels Logwood, cut and ground, 133 " Fustic, " 100 " Red Woods, " 120 " Camwood, " 10 " Qnerecitron Bark, 45 " Allum, 42 " Copperas, 30 " Blue Vitriol, 28 " Madder, Ombre, and Dutch erop, 3 " Creani Turter, 2 " Nurgalls. 3 caoee Indigo, Bengal, Manilla and Gua tímala, 2 Lac-Dye, 20 " ext. Logwood, 2 Grain Tin, 300 pounds Verdigris, j5 Carboys Oil Viiriol, Spirits Sea-Salts and Ni trie Acid, ALSO.Copper Kettles and Ciothiers' Screws, Tenter Jlooks, Jacks nnd Brushes. Press Papers, Card Cleaners, Wen vers' Sfieare, JNippers und Burhng irons, Conib platea, Pickers nnd Bobbins Wire. VVorsted und Cotton Harnees, Steel and Cane Reeds, Broad Power, Hand Looms and Fly Shuttles, Steel and Copper Mails, Emery &c. Pasons' Shefiring Machines, 4, 6. and 9b!ades Allen s doublé und single Curding Machines Machine Cords. Leicester, The above goods have been recently purchas eü directly from the importers and mainif-ictmera, exci.usively for cash, and will be sold at the New York jobbers' prices, adding tmnsportation only: and in consequence of the decline on many of the American manufuctured articles will, in many cnses, be sold at fiftken pkr ; cent less thn FORMEit PRicEs. Thirteen yeahs in the Dye Wood bu8'ness ennbles the subscnber to say to his customera that he is prepared at nll times to warrant his "oodsoi aupenor quality. THEO. H. EATON. Dye Wond and Dye Stuff" Warehouse j 183 nnd 190 Jefierson Avenue, Detroit, f The Ann Arbor Journal, Ypsilanti Senti'nel Pontiac Gazette. Flint Democrat, Adrián Expoi'or, Marshall Staiesmnn. Niles Courier and Repubhcan, Gazeite, Michigan City (Ia.) and vhe Knquirer, London, (Canada,) will ench pub Í ;n.e..above notlc0 insido, to the amount of bree dollars, and send copy of notice with bilis ib lubscnber for pnvmpnt. í7-tf BASKErWARE. ÏRAVELLiNG BASKETS. &c -atDR. SMITH'S UNITEKSITT PIIXS npiIESE Pilis are prepared ly Wm. M. Smiih, M. D., Jale Profesnor of Materia Medica and X Phai'macy in ilie Uiuveiehy of Lake Krie. Uhio. Dr. Smiih would say 10 Ike public ihm ui offering them Ptll, he presents no qti'nck not-tium ilial will by its iniiating effccta upon :liestomnch and bnw&la créale disease where ihere was linie or none belbie, but one ilial is suie. mild, sahunry and uniionn in its tffL'Cis Up'ón the wfaole.eysieïji. He would say he hus now spent 0 ycars in research and investigation, dircted to tho Pa tholigy ol disease. nnd the properdes of medicinal eubstanees, and their aJaptation to tlic reinova. oi the maladies to whicli flesh is heir. As lijn result of these laboip, lie is now able tu give 10 tho public n combinaiion f medicinal vegetable substatices which is as near perfecu'on, as caic.ul attüüy nnd close inVes'tigátión, tests and expeiimants. can bring it. He would suy to lhysicians as well as othe;s. try this pijl; it will not deceive you. Il is peciiliaWy adapied 10 the removal and preveniion of ihe following flisenses: Bllious. ínter miuani, nnd Henutiant l'ever; Fever and'Agne. Coivgh, Liver Coriplaints, Sick Headach. Passive Dropsy. Rlini ..atism, Enlargeniei óf the Spleen. Inicrnal Ti lt, Colic, Acidity o( the Sionmcli, Incipient Díarrhcea, IJnbitnal Cosiivcness, and in all c;ises of Turpor of the Bowols. vïh.0n;.a .Qith?rucr opdient, prïljran'vg ij; "needtd Tliey ore mild. jet cortuin in their pper.ition, producmg neithur nausea, griping, mr debility. The agenis óf these Pilis are iiiètriicted. Ia case tull satis'aciiun i& noi given to nny person who may purchuse them, that they shall have meir nioney refuuded.TESTIMONIALS ÍN FAVOR OF DR. WM. M. SMITH'S ÜMVERSIÏY PILLS. TESTIMONIAL OF DR. LANDON. Mo.nroe, Michigan, June 12, 18Í4. Dr. SairTH- Dear Sir, - I fake mucli pleasuro in gmog ntv testimojiy i: ikvor of vuur valuable UiMVERSITY PILLS. I most clieerfully recommend tiieni lo the jjubiic an safe, easy, anti efficiënt calliartjc Tor mosi of ihe (lisenses incident to this iron i couniry. I iiave made i-xtt-nsive use of thetu tor t'..ur yearis in my pructine, am F believf ihem to be the BEST AiHi-biJiuuá Cull)!)rt:c ur Auertent medicuje ever combinad and DÍí-rrd Cor cen eral use. Yoíks, he, GRORGK IiANDON. M. D. TESilMOMAL OF DR. TELL..R. MAStLLo.v, O!io. May lí!44. Dr. Smtth - Sir, - I take mucli plpasure in bearingf teBjimoiiy to ihc efficacy of your Pii!s iu rem.oving bile frotn the stemacii, delerg'utg tne Livor, afin In all bompIniYÍtsi emiuíalingfromthatsource. J. V. C. TELLEK, M. D. TESTIMONIAL OF. F. L. WELLs.vvatkkoü, fllich., Matei) 10, 18J4-. To Dr. Smith- Sir, - For upnrds of six manths I was emeÜy afflicted with Fever ;tu Ague, andduring thiu tirne could find nothing thut eave me permuíent relief; ar longtli hmv everyour Univertity Pilis wee lecommfMi.led to m. bv one of tue ber. Pliysiciuns in (hes parts; and I am happy in being oble to sny,ihat frusn the use of one box I wn& pertnanenil cured ofmy ague; eince thc-n a ijuniher of my fatinly have been as sign.iily bem fitied. Yon'rs, Respect fu'ly ' F. L. WELLS. TESTIMONIAL ÜF DANIEL G00DN0W. T, . , Monror, Mich., June 1, 1844. I hereby cerlify tliat Dr. Wro. M. Smith has been my Family Physician tor tour vear last past; rhat he has nsed hJ8 Univereity Puls n his prnctice m my" farnily wih nnparal leled euccess; and I think tltem pref'erable to nnv píll for bilious sffeélion in tbe world DANIEL GOODNOW. Linkeeper, M.comb-Sl. thuse. TESTIMONIAL OF D. S. PARSIiALL. Fli:NT, Micb., June 5, 1344. Dr. Smith- l nm happy fo pivp you my cordial approvnj of your Uuiversity Pilis. I m ablH to keep off Fever i.nd Apue, nd Fevors to wtiich all of ns are siibjecr in ihis VVestm Country, by the tmioly ue ol your ünivf-rsity Pilis, Send an Apeni tiiis way as soon spissible, for we aro all on:.. Ymirs. &c. D.' S P'iltSHALL TESTIMONIAL OF MESíSHS. NOBLE AND FYFIELD. Wecertify that we are and have been personally acqnainted with Wm. M. Stnith, M. X, and iinowthathe isa man of emiuenne in lus pfofeèsiön - and that for four years hè filled the chair üf Materii Medica and Pliarcnacy in the VVillürighby üniversily of Lake Erie, with honor to himself and satiffaction to the Trustees and Facu?ty. as well as to the Studenis of the above University. As for his Pilis, fhey are 'par excellence." ,r „ , T CÍIARLKS NOBLE. Monroe, Mich., June 19, 1344. B p F ï FIELD TESTIMONIAL OF RIAL B. CHASE. ' ' This I cerl;fy, that in the month of September last, I was attucked with Billious Fever (while away from home at Cwaso to build a waier wheeh and with one dose óf Smiih's U - niyersity Pille, I bruke it up; and as many uthers were sick at ihe timó, I administered these lila to them, and in all cases u b:oke up their levers. I have used them many times since and with great puccess. They are the best pills I ever used. Ql „ ... u T RIAL B. CHASE, Millwnght. Shiawassee Town, Mich. June lsf, 1844. ö TESTIMONIAL OF MRS. ABIGAIL C. WRIGHT.niib maycemry, um tnrfe years njfo 1 was attacked wit Liver Complaint so severely Umi I could Pcarcely turn my.elf in bed; I used niany specifics and remedies, such as üranclrpih s, Rmirrecthn, Oriental, and othpr pills. but with little or no effect. One year afro, my friend nr. Srmth cnlled on me on his way to Boston, when he gave me a box of his Uiiiversuy Pilis, which perfectly restored me, and my heallh has not amin euffered tTom like cause. ABIUAIL C WRIGHT Rocliester, N. Y., No. 13, Franklin Street, June 25. 1844. TES TIMONIAL OF JOHN W. MILLER. Dear Doctor- Justice requires me to stnte, that I have sold your University Pillg for nne and a hnlt years last past, and thal I can sell no others while 1 have them on hand. Thev nave superseded the sale of all oihers- their effect is iruly woncïprful. „ ;,. T JOHN V. MILLER, Drvegitt. Monroe, Mich., Jane 12, 1844. ë For Saleby J. M. LüND, Lower Town, and Wil. S. & J. W. MAYNARD, Uppe. iown, Ann Arb'ir. l if í Kil r S O tsjjll i-A W s4 iSlty 2 ü fis )b l"8 g'p'fe'g- '; . :SLi ( S5 w8"1 F S: Bi2 f-fef leí? S íics lííiíi J" L IkE o. 5! a lLif g ! fe È& 03 I itfüM'J iKSO2 tpii:t :mS# g f lil-ïlf = ö i L u % t i-i í a.S-1 ?5' S 3 S9 8-J I 1 5 W3 ? L f I PB -o ll{ll i: NS 3 fMi 3 O i iílíl I í INEW CÍOODS AT THE CASH STORE OF H &, J. L. BAFÏBSOM, Jlrhor, Lower YUlage. JUST received at thé abovc estab]ihment, a complete assortment of Groceries, Cro.-k. rv, Mi. ï Hardware, Boots and Shoc-s, Tuscan and Bonnets, Flowers W &c, all of xVl.ich will he so d ia chcnp a .h.-y can be boí.ght at any oih-r store in Michigan. The above Goo s wee sVlecf d h g.e.t c,iv, and we ,eel assured that w, can cunvbce p,r h.sers of he ln,ih .f uc sav. The Lighest price will be p.,i,J f01f Woj. We will a so r,c-c,ve all kmds of orod.c, ir, .xcl.ange for Goods , t ihe lágh-t maiket pnce. Purchasrs a,e inv.ud to cali and examine foi inemselves. Ann Arbor, May , 1844. o_,I -I I II - JAMES GíBSON takes this mctliód of informinir hs fnends and oíd -customers that í Isas aain enrssonmI',tMorCiníÍlebUVÍíeSS'and ÍS now ' eili"{? g ral and .splendid GiiOCEiinjs, CÜOCKERY, SHEL HARDWARE NAILS, &0. &O. ISIiíSKímS asc"eap íSSáss ■ COÍNTRY PRODUCE will be taken in r-xch nge foc God Ö@Tke no m.u.'s yvujrd, bu' examine for vourselves at No. 5 Hurón - olock, Lower Vlllae.. ' i Ann Arbor, May 15, 1844. 4_6m JIVoticc lo ITIerciaiKs. rpHE Subscríbete encuiir;teii In the putronJ- .'.ge tbey linve hiilierto recéived n the di-pnriment of iheii business, will the rst dny of May next. open the si ore now nccu;)ied by Ger. Grenvilie. fioniing on Iluron sireet, nnd connecting wnh tlieir present store in iIip renr. pxclusivfly l"r a 7fH0LE SALÍS BOOM, where they will keep at ali times a tuil assortnent of Dry Gonds. Boots, Smes Carptling Hals, Cops, Paper tlanins, Bonnets, Cracker b Ihe ( rae, Hardware and G'oceries, tifc. S,-c. bc. of vvliich will be soldon n8 good terms as at y point this side of New York Cuy G. D HIJ.L& CO. Ann Arhor. Mnrch 2íí, 1P4J. 4ptff irw ? sJablishiïifiK. s THHESHÏMG MACHINES K.MAH'. HAV1LAND & Cü. would 19" pectfuhy inforni the farmers of Washtenaw I and the surrounding counties (hm ihey have established themselves in Lower Town. Ann Arbor. forthe purpose of manufacturing Threshing Machines. 6 , Having been for many years engaged in this business in Ohio, they Ceel that they can whh eonfidence recommend their vvork. Tlicy are making the Biirrall & Cadiz Macbines and Ho'se power; also Easiman's planatary power, lifFerent from any otlier made in this country nnd generally preferred tó any other Machines which they inrend to sell at sucb prices and on 1 stich terms as cannot fai] (o give saiisiaciion- they are determined not tö be ourdone ly any similar establishment eilher in price, sivle or qunlity of work. "Competition is the life ot tra'de" and all they nsk of the Farming communiiy is o patronize 'hem so far as to give them an opportunitj i supplping a part of the Machines that rnav wanted. They are prepaied 10 repair old vlnchines. Their shop is in the basement story of II. & 'l. Patridge & C's Machine shop, where they tiay be íoutiH to answeral! calis KMA PP, HAVILAÑD & CO. W. W. KNATP. T. A. HWJI.AND, J. K MC LA!N nn Arlv . Arx-fl-'Q 1S41. firni wmawrs ,J?ledi entert Finster, spread for immvdiate use. PRICE ONLY OXE SHILLING, IN ORDER TO PLACE THEM WITHIN THE MEANS Of" ALL. IX slighi .vii.ii, ut,, o. Uherethepl.'tití.rjt prelers a Iftss e.xpePfive artiole hnn ()e ( l.matory and Rhuim.alic P Laster," these will be oum{ hicliljf be-.eiicjMJ. JDcing alteady spread ' ■ ■r iPTimèdraté nppTicaroh. thny wil! be fonnd ' .ery conven, ent for WKAK BACKS. Pain or Venkiipss in the ShI.o. Brwst, Stoiüach [ ween the Shoulders. ,.r wherever thcre sPain ■r where a Piaster is needed. They mny be ren' red more serviceahle by pasting a pivee of IoïH on the back óf them before tliey nre oplied. Mnltiiii'les have Ijpen relieved of pain and 'ifipnnij by these Cheaji Plnsiers. For Sale nt Mose!y"s Booksiore. nnd liy J T itocking, Travelling Agent for Michigan. ' ' _ 16-Iywooi.: wooe.! CLOTH! CLOTHJ! "PHE Subscnbers would inrorm the PuWn -L thni ihtiy will continue to manufacm-e good 't 'heir Mmiufactory. two nnd o hall miles wer 'i Ann Arbor, on ibe Hu-on, 011 the fbllüwin TER MS. Until the first di.y Sol November. A. D. 1844 ChZ Wlll,be -P Cenl8 m r"1' o half che ■lo h the rooi will .„nke. From the Ist ot Nov one can have it manufncturedy ttlf ..ooi w.lJ be rece ved at Sci u Wool sent' y Ra.lroad will be a!lended to in the same nerns iftheowner wen to come with t-it actured c loth dunne the past vear íor a verv 'nrge number of custon.ers. to wbom e belleïï we have g.ven very cenerol sa.isfaetion Whh 'hese fncts and the nrlvamages oflered by the löw nope for a large share ol pairon e SAMUEL W. FOSTPR , m Scio, W„8hfe„Ilw Co.. JulySS. 1844. -if FfS tratC ÍY ?"-nr nnd Coiïbe the -I lowest mnrket prirpp, nt RAYMOND'S CASH STORE, ilaySö 148 Je' Avenue Detroit.New Hat Store. JAMES G. CRAKK would re„pecrfully info nn ihe Public, ihat ho hns oiened a fine Hafs, Caps, Stocks, Cravats, Scarfs, Collars, Unibr ellas and Gloves, at No. J(J5, Jeflerson Avenue, Detroit, nearly opposite the U. S. Court Room and Post Office whero he wiil be k.ppy l0 see his friends and snpply them wiih os good an nrticle in his line as èafi be procured, ei:her hete or at theeast, and us cieup. Gentlemen in the interior, wshinr a first rate fashionabfè article of Hats or Caps, can be suppliert !y sendiiig theirsize or have any stvle furnished j order in a lew hours. and icarrimtcd to suit. Cali and t may save you a dollar _, . T JAMES G. CRANE. Detroit,. July ]2 1844. 13-6 n Seeds. WANTOD -The following Sceds, to be c hvered before the Ist October next foi a fair price vvill be paid in Fruit Trees. Slimbbery or Goods: 51 Ibs. CucutTiber Seeds 20 do M.iok and Watcrmelon do ' 60 do Red and Blood Beet do 25 (o Reú and White Onion do 20 do Cabbage jo 5 bush. Èarly June peas 3 do En rly Marro wrát do' 2 do Large ,j0 . 4 u S. B. ÍÍOBLE. Ann Arhor. Aug. 19, 1844. I7-6w. JEROME M. TREÜDWELL, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, And General Land Agent, "II" ÍLL attend to the sale and exchange of ▼ T Lands, payment. of Taxes. and reciemn ion of Lhtidé sald for Taxes in . ackson and ad jolnmg counties. examinationof Titles, Convey anctng. and all busijiess p'ertaining lo Real Eb tate. Office in the Court House. Jackson. Michigan. 77-tf.i. B. IVALKER'S PATENT SMUT MACHINE. THK Subscribers ;.-ike this meihud 01 infurmínjj all sucli as ate èrigged in ihe JVJiUin business in rhe State oí Michigan, that they nn now manufaciuring ín Ann Arbor, Wnsluenav County. Michigan; L B. WSíltPg Patent Swiut T?Iachine, ; whicli tl.ey would Pécííftehd tü t.lce Hik Smn oít ol wlientns well or be t ter tlnn nny othe ninchine. This nrmcjiine s a hnz -nial m.-icliin- Hreíams al! tlíe Inciuii o: the, nnd uní tingsiiri.licity with (l.nal.ili-y. it comhincs thc hMtinpr, scoyúflg, ,lti:l blowinj: principas, dis chíirymL' i he diist ind símil ns (bsi ns sepnrnt. ■' fr..m ilif wheai. Tin. niaehinr; s perfrctly sí cun; f?önEi h're, and runs mnch lighter than notlier n achine m uso. F..r iriher nfonnation see iarpe billa. S!io) in Lmver Towri. Prieto acrcf, Vifli the times. All orders for Machinas will be proinptly artendfd to Address. E.O. & A. CRlTTRiNOKN. Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Co.. Mich Ju'y 8.1844. ,l6,ri WRIGHT'S ANTI-INPLAA1A1ATORV ND RHEU WATIC PL ASTER, A lN efficicni remedy íor Rhuu,," sm, Fev? -fX Sore, Whae Swellmsrs. Fcl-ms, Pain o f p L „TT"' ÍT,PS? Cllillj!'ins. Mvernm' Í íñflí! Ly co"-"ctingmu redar, Pnce 95 cen-8 per B„x. - For furiher particu-vi.-seleys Bookmore. Ann Arb,r, and J T btocking, travelling agent for Michigan 16-1 y 1 SINCLAIR & CHASE siTTORJYEYS JJYD COUJYXELLORü AT LAfVt (OFFICE LOWEJl TOWN, ANN ARBOR,) Par.cular auention wili be given to collecrROBKRTP. StNCI.Am, EDWARD R. CH VSS _March20, 1844. 48_, Wliigs! Whigs!! J- Wl)ig Songa, nnd Life of Henry Cliv bv Mgn7 1.44Für 8al al ?erry'8 BOk - _ 5t(. pers.c. W. A.RAYMOND, May 20. Avenuo, Detroit. 4THE MJSSES CLARKS' Voiiiis Ladics' Sc'iiiïnary, ANN AIÍBOR, MICHIGAN. MARYIL CLARK, Principal. CHLOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal. MISS VV1.ST. Teacher in Ahisic. H. F. SCHOFF, do of Clasaics. do do in Freneh. F. MARSH, Teacher of Mathematica. RHOBY E. CLARK, Teacher olJuvenile Dept. THIS Institution hns heen in operaiion eince November ld. IH39. Thescholastic yenr embracin fony-eihi. iveeks. two ternis. conipri8ing two qnarters 'ench - iwelvc wceeks in a quarter - a general exauiinnticn at the close of coch term - in Ftbiuaiy and August. he last quoner of the present term eoin menced Alsy20ih. Afier a mnnth's vacaiion. at the close of " ihisquarter, which ende the echolastic year, school will be agaih resumed the lirst week in September npM, Tei mí ór Tüition - For the ÈnIish bnincheö, 2,50 to 5 per qunrter No reduction maretor fitjsi-oce, except in enne of sickness and no pupil ti.ket) for less than a quarler. Extra chnr gos are made for niusic on the Piano, with the use o the instrument, jkHOU French, %% Laun, 3 00 Drawinennd Puinting, k'iii ■mev Work, Jj'qÏ} Board, includtno: wn.'h:n?, liglits. &c, $175 per week if finid in advahcè, or $2,00 per week ii p.'iid ut the close of ihe quafter. Pfirents and iimrdiiins are invited to visit the ichof.l everw Frhhiy. when the studies of the week are reviewed- a'sf semi monthly on Wedii'srliiy afterm.on. at readingof the weekly comP'isitions. ■Vounirladips de?iroii3 of entering the school nnd puisuinu 'he reaul-.r ccursv ot" siurly, vvould lo veil to connneiice at the begining of the ter n Hiiviüg purchigpda henhhy a rul commodious i'iilfinig m i plenpjyit atjd converii'eni part of the vilhige, nn p'.ms -r exr,fnsp shall he spnred to lacilnnt. the s:uclies .n-l i,nd.r the si-uation o: 'he v..untr luOi.s piufimhle iind Bgreeable. iJpldiiginu io ihe.-cDí.ul are a Lil.rary of berweeij th,cr.,!11(l n.urhund.-edvoitnMes, nnd Phi -3ophic..l Aj.parnin?. EIcctrical Machine, Globes &.c bcienuiïclecunesarc delivered before the school at proper inier;i:ö The MisscsObuk wül emfenvor. niif on!y to promete the imdlecupl culiure oftheir pupile bat wil attond stnctly to their nioial deportnicnt. VVith n. .Jeep ense of religious reeponsibili.y. hev would give snch a tone to charnct.-r, ns sh.-il! ■ender it practtc.lly iïiteJ fiVr every station- yield ng todutybui íirin lo principie. Anjong the books luéd in ihe school are. Abircromb! on the Inielleciual and Moral Power..- .., ,c? ..Hietiis oí MKicism- Wayland'f Mom! Science- Newmon's Hedge'i Logic- lnleys Natural Theolo:y and Evideñccí v ,Cll,r'l:in"i'-(-"'"'-fK18 Chemistry mui Natural,y_Con,be-3 Phyeioloayl-Mrs Lincoln s Boiany- lton1 MaVïiinï of ' brmsGeographyofthe Henvei13_Fiist. Sec ond and I lurd llooks of Hisiory-Mrs. ' Wil liard sJlepu!, ,(: ol Legal Class.cs-Ploylmr s Euclid, and DaviVs Algebra and Anthmenc-Parker's Natura) Ph.Iosophv. The Misses Clark have unujht a You'nrr L;,dies School lor several years in .he Ci;y oí New York amlnrefurnLshecl vvhh tes.imonials fron, tt. Rev. Benjunur i ÜndeHonk. D. 1) . and Joh,, M Gnscon, M ü., of New Yl rk, Rev. J L. Bloke. of Brooklyn, and Mrs. Kmma Willard, o' l roy. i. Y. ; also, ruference is nmde, bv permission to the loliowing gemleincn : Rt. Rev S. A McCoskry D. D.. ftbbtit Run.sej and L. B. JVLsner. J..8qrs.t Dotn.,t ; Rev. Isaac S Ketcham. CentreviHe; Rpv. J. JlK]Son. White Pigeon ; Rev. J. P. Clevelar.d. nnd Gèó. Ketch um .Marshall ; Hon. Wm. R. üeland. Jackson: aul B. Ring. Michigan Centre; E. IJ. Winan VVheelcr. M D. Ilowell; Rev. F. H. Cmmp Grand Rap.ds; Rev. H. Coldazer. Rev A JYl l'lS' Óf M. D., P. Bngham. M.' D . Hon. Wm. A. Fletchor, Mon. Wm. R Thompson, E. Mundy, Eeq., J-hn Allen. Esq., Geo. yp Jrett-sq-' CoL T"'s Moselv, Capt. J. Perkins, Thomas M. Lndd, F. Snwyér, Jr Uq.lateSupenntendentof Public Instruction." Professors Whitinp. Willinms and Houghton o the Univeraiiy oí Michigan. Ann Arbor : James Rirdsall and Rev. John Beach, Flint; Amos Mead. Lsq., Farmington. Tlie following gentlemen, Rev H. C.olclnzer Rev. O. C. Comstock, Rev. A. M. Fitoh. Rev. Mr. Ciirnss, Professors Whiting and Williams of the Lniversuy of Michigan, and F. Sawver Jr.. late Superintendent of Public Instniction' have ronspmed toact as a visiting committee oi the school to be present when theweekly S;U,es re rev.ewed; hut especially to attend during tin sfini-anrual examinations. September 4. Í843. gtfHELPMEAL0NG1NTHE WORLD. Help those who strive to help themselves i by Honest Industry. The o lumitüiiun ui ';HiV 'lunes" urges the subscnber to ciy out lor help. and to inform all those wno me diious to Economize, that he haapértéd üNew nr.d S conrl Hand Clothing Establishment, ii v,,„tW„1( .ivt.n..or ritfxt doo. lo liyde & j[S. CWry, beiween Atwaier anti .v,.,.()bmla(. Siree:sr where he wil] eell clothïne Itttle Citaipur tha.n ihe Cicapcst for Cos'i.- : wiü n's' n n-iime i.. cnttjtiin the TAILORING AMO CLOTHES CLEANING BUSINESS. All persons desiious of having j rease. paint. il pi di. tur. &c. removed (rom iheir cloihintj vöuid do well i, crill un hi;n: ns bis mode of is l.y n processoi stean.. he warronts te ■ompleteiy renova,. the ííaimeniíi, and give then he nppe nance .l NhlW, wiihoui doine injury - me cioih in tont. or durabiiuy. Collnrs and lireasisofcuais warramed tobe kept in periec ■;har;e Any kind o! clothingahered and repairec1 :n the nemes' style. nnd on terms to correspono wnh hu reduQpd prices n othei business. Ilerespectfuliy returns bje sincere thanks to hecittzêns.n Detroit, and the public in genern' 'or their vety liberal patronage ihat he has ht-re .lore.rereiv.-d, and hopes that hy a imsram ex■riio i and artict atuiuion to business, to tneri ni continue to reeeive a shnre of public patrónge to help hun aloug in ihe V ORLI). m t m ' , LAMBERT. IN. ü -New and second hand clothin bouht sOld, exchnnged. or taken in pnyment (or clean'g .r rcpainng. Ordeis aitei:ded to in an part of ihe city. All of which is respectlullysub" mitted. , Don't f rjrrt ,,at Lnn.beri's Tailoring and Uoihing establishment ison Woodward Avenu. next door to Hyde & Scale Factorv ' bei ween Atwaierand Woodbridcre Ftreois Como Lnroyers, Doctors, Farmers and Men hant to . Come brmz ymr old rarments and have t'en, v,ofh. ,..„. 3mJ3DR. OSGOOD'S INDIA CHOLAGOGUE. the idosi uiuihíi' C Uit ti tc-s 01 tlm medicine, s iis restoiing nflve.nce upm consiitunons in.pnired nel mjuied by previoui attacksoi billii us lever, or fever and agüe: oí y n lonii resirlence in tfitosé cümntes which pro Juce them. There are miny onsiitmion whlr beeonic grndu.-.lly undern,i,ud by n miusmal influence. wiihoui even u d.-.y'6actun]c.,nlinei,.e,i. ín such cases, the Clmlagogue acis like a charm - thesillow complexión, loss of ppetitc, lnn uor, weanness ond depression oí spirits, witli other unplensant sympton.s which render life e urden. all yield to this remedy when fuithfulh naed according to the directions of theaccompan ving pamphlet. It is ontirely a vegetable prep iratiiin, and mny bc taken whh perfect SLÍety un der all circumstnncos of the system. For sale by 36 W. S. .fc J. W. MAYNARD. eole Agent, for Ann Arbor and vicinity CHARLES H. STEWART ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAyí AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERV' JEFFERSOI AVEUDB DEÍROÍT."Jmprovement on the niarch !" DOCT G. BENJAMmH, l'tls," have been so externé , LSer .he Jfc Afaarf % thepí8T!y"8tíd n now their appearance aino.LT111 nr nating from the N York Collkg ! ü 'ema' iindbcing compoundedby perfect m lL" he finest qualhies, from the VrnT? of KINGÜOM. have gnined ihnt -onI5G'1'TABl'R lebrity among the l h siiians 0' aS!'" an ce. ■.lic ugarei; Indias Vkoktab . . pW rk, rhat are warranrcd to be tud-s, v eirZ,, tb%pillM siannaie thié. we rofer our ,. .L,; To ! o: iheNao York Fr ee Presi whTríV Je.Co!un" grntuhously by all the ngenis Cor, r dl8lril"ed may he seenoi" great importanee f . 1Cöte8' &c. rinjtiwns, among whom is Docr n brated second 10 none in the cty. "Foi PH pies involve the nction of these Pil! erMt u' Ui are ,, „„dp5!ar discliaige ol urine. 2d LW, "IC "L piiting cárry off.l.e phlegn.y Cü"n}nd langs. 3d. ƒ}& a„d oben tff' frm tho ol the natural food, añd coarse? p!r S;f, by the stomach and bowea Ti 'mthese properties nre not dosspk k lluieeof ftíft These 'Vugaredffi' wii)ynyOther the repugnonco feit at the sight of oïSlÖ cause they are coated wi.h ret.ncd enir ÍÍ' be' rate as a general cathariip bh . -,8 rV8ndoPeIn cases ïf IWigSi W .Isohy ,emM i„ n JHicnte S'Jftj ro, to cuieeouy diserte w,h Dí 'J . ??' , ;;'fcr C7 (,(7t fc;" but i "llB in .he compnss of hurnWn poss.bili.fes bv S " '5 ol any mediciné, we do bt-Iieve i .... y-n "ld in al.nott évery insmnce, r),e (ouLZ Ure VMm (They :,rt; ,,„, Jinvne Sgïtïï1 which a?eoipnny each Ux. ) For Ih lireclIon Cos„vene,s ,,::■ lire , .crinin, 'a .„d Fovers, Remit-ant', Jn.eriítant Fe Oi P.üs are „„le.iul. For Scroful 'm-! "' of Appe.ite: HeaLht , C M RheHmatis.n. bot), neu.e nnl' """""n.; 33$fito Pain, in hè ïC SiX"' B'IÍ0U8 inJ prevém tbc free ci,c„l„,i„„ „f ,& ij, „j'f;MO THERS-MO THERSU' To You this medicino isofGREAT VALUF .he.rgren.pou-ers ,,„ch, „ not ' TOTAL EXTHtMTNATiON ol WORiYJS, ,, „ ' ' 'f 'f crease. T!,ey are in ,l,eir káMM dendly enen.y io .hese ven, W cal! upo niutheisf.nnd0llwl,o hnve ihe'careof VY efftícts wijl 6(on be reaüzed. CERTIFICATES. We are nat in want of certific.-.tes of n hich charter, Cün)mg früm Jg [From a Nepiew of the late Judge Thompson.;} n c -T NtTr YoRK' M"y 1844. Ur. feMiTH s 'Improvetl Indian Vegetable Pilis' have proven vol natie to mvself a-?d fnmily in he cure oL violent hkavachz. pnin in the .de and stan.ach For child.en, no medie ne can be produced. In the cae of our liitJeSrl two years old. the most happy effect, have resale' ed froni their use: J have never knowp a medicine I could so confidentiv recominend as l II Ooti pi 1 [ S R. THOWPSUN, 56 Northmore St. The following lady is too well known in New doubted-r r inld!igence and Pkilanthropy to be [Fmm the Matron of the U. S Naval HosfiAccustomed ae I nm to administer to thesick J can nppreciate a valuabie medicine. If tberefaé a medicine ndopted ro ihe numerous ailments of mnnk.nd. it % Dr. Smith's Sugar Pilla. 1 hare used them and seen them used with the most n{ several inetancea within my knowledge restoring the pat.ent from'exirenie lowncra nnd auflering to sirengih and liealih- di.nng pregnancy. these piJJs nre a soverapi halm. I recommend them to all as a valuabJe family medicine.SAKAH A. GOULD, Mntron oflhe IJ. S. Naval Hospita!. Brooklyn. June lütb, ]8i4. [From the Deputy Sheriff of New York.] Dr. Smith'i "Sugared Indian Vegetable Pilis" have been ued in iho Eldrigde-St. Debtors' Priscn with unconimon saiisf'action. I have never heard a medicine spoken of with more interest by the stek who have taken these puls. JAS. J. I3EVINS. Deputy S hen ff. [AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE.] I have to record an insn neejof unparalleldd uffernig. which must tennin;ited my existtenco, had nut Dr. Smith's "Sugared Indisn YègfernOTë Filis" come 10 n.y rescue. In ihe'fall o 1843, I had n scrplidens afi"ectir. whïch nearly covert'd my body wi-h 9,„es, and rendered me ujiín for life. In ihe course of two rnbfttlw I was atlacked widi 'ever. which rnged wiih great vioi-nce. I t. ok ninny prescriptione, but wiihout eiief. M-' sufiering was great. Mrs. Gould vwhom I shail ever remember with esteem) advised me 10 use these Sugared pilla, which I took n l:rge doses a lew days. when the fever and [iain abmed. I continuëd thet-e pills in smal! do■es, nhout five weeks, when my lever and ecroüla were uuted, my Mood completety purified, !(id my general henlih improved. I '11111 cert.iin I owe my life, under Providcnre, to the uee of thesr. pills. E. M. PARK, 'New York. [Fron. Jas. M. Turner, Esq., Jate of the U. S. -Vavy. ] I l.ave been nfflicted several yenrs with a weakness in the brenei. costivenesa and a difiïculty of breathing I wos laiely more than ever tronbjed, thoiign 1 had tukrn ruany prbsciibed remedies- Throirgh the advice ot a Innnd, J procured Dr. mith's Patent Suared Pillg, which I used. and rhfy have not onl reüeved, but entirely enred my comploints. My wiie has aiso used thom wiih the most happy effects. I believe them tht liest medicine in the world. JAMPIS M. TURNER. 51 Greenwich St.. N. Y, Refers to Hon. Silas Wripht, U. S. Senato. PERFECT CURE OF VVORMS.Our ütrle r!, 6 yeais old. hos suflered all the worst stiigi-a of worms; and we have never found un r ffljcinal cure, un'il we administered Doet. Smiths Sugnr Pilis, which our little girl took without the kast r s'.-Umce, in doses of iwo at a me; and wc nev. r wiinessed such n chnnpe in ■o short n time. The pills biought away n mag of worrne, and she at once improved. She is now in joyou8 henlih. We have also found th ícreatest bnncfit from. tlieir use. JACOB CARLOCK, BStaple at., N. Y. Wc have mony certificates of cures in caae of WORMS. [From a lady well known in New York.] I have been troubled for years with dizzineit and pain in the head, nttended with depression, flinineseof sight, fee., which have been entirely nured by Dr. Smith's ;Sugnred Indian Vegottble Pilla." I prize this medicine nboveall otherSARAH DOUGLASS, [Coner oJ Ludlow and Walker-St. For sale by G. & J. G. Hill, Detroit; Thoi. May, Jr., Plymouth: Perrin & Hall, Northville; Lund & McCoIhjm. F. J. B. Grane, and W. 3& J. W. Maynard, Ann Arbor; also in Ypsilanti, Dexter, and throughout the United State.- Office devoiad cxclusively to tUeee Pili, 179 Greenwich-St., New York. CAUTiON - Beware of imititions.


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