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Will bopublished every Mpnday moraing,, in Ana Arbor, Michigan, by efIj lo$ECKLEY & FOSTER, For the Michigan State Anti-Slaveky SoTïSMw ioi O.vr. Dollar a year, in aclvance: ïf not poid,. inadvance, Two Dollars will bc invakiault re'quired.'iahííO esvotr;; CF Oíd subscriber8 can have their papers at One Dollar a ycar, by iorwarding ihot aiiioum, and paying arrearagcs. ' Áll subsci ibers will bc cxpectcd to pay within tig W? tsdtff&ERMS OF ADVERT1SING. ï"or encli line of brevier, (the sinallest (ype.) for the fust insertiüt), 3, cents. For each subseiuenf. insurlion, 1 cent. For threc m oh t lier, 7 cenis. For eix rnonths,' 10 cents. -UJör one year, 8 tiöi ]5 centts 0 Orders by mail will be promptly attended to. Legal Advertiaing by the toio. O Manufacturera, Bookscliers, Machinists. Wholesale Mcichants. and all oiheis doing an extensive business, who wish to advertise, vill find the Signal the best posiible medium oi eoniiuunicatión in the State. OUT A!l Remiitance8 and Cominunications ehould be addressed, Post paid, ' UlfSicsAL ok LVtÍkrty; Ann Arbor, Mich. jr$


Signal of Liberty
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