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NEW GQOBS - AT THE CASH STORE OF mlnn mlrbor.y Luwer Yillage. JUST ' rcccived at the above cstabli-hmcnf, a complete assortment of - _ ___ 3roceries, Crockcry, Shdf Hardware, Boots and Sboes, Tuscán and Sliaw Bonnets, FJovver.-, &c. &c, all of wliicii will be so!d as clieap as ihey cun e boi.ght at any oiliersiore in Michigan. The abovcGcoüs wcic select-d iili gient Ciire, and we icet assured that wi; cao convincc puih;iscrs of he truih uf what we say. The highest pnce will be paid for Wool. Wc will a!so receive; all kinds of produce in exchangc for Goods at the liighe.'-t narkot price. Purchaseis are rcspectfüll}1 invited to cali and examino for homselvcs. Aon Arbor, May , 1844. 3-if „,..... ,,'.... .,...„„-..,. ' 'K} 'to '::'' " 5 mww;pbi -- -- -, - JAMES GIBSON takes this metliod of nformiiig liis friends and oid ciistoiners tbat he has again entered ijie Mcrcaniile bu.-ir ess, and is now openinar a general and spléndid sortment of GROCERIES, CUOCKERY, SÍIELF HARDWARE NAILS, &C. ill of which will 8? ofierred lo the public as clicap as the chcapesf, for Jash or Barter. WooL and most kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE will be laken in eichfinge lor Good... $0 Take no man's word, bat cxamisic for yourselves at No. 5, Huron Block, Lower Ann Arbor, May 15, 1844. 4-0 m.IV o tice to Mere lia n ís. nnH'E Subscribers encouraged by the patronJ_ ,#ge they have hitherto: received u i lio ■vhuesule departmentof ilioir busine&ö, will lh ;rst day of May next. open the store now öccu)ied by Géo. ■ Grenville, fronting on Hurón i treei, and connecüng with tiieir present store n ilie rear. exclusively tor a WHOLS SAXdES.RQOl, vhere they will keep at all times u lull assortnént of Dry Goods. Boots, Shoes Carpelinsr Hals, Caps, Paper Han gin gs, Bonnets, Crockery by Ilie Crale, Hardware and Groceries, &. &c. &c. ill of tvhictÜ will be sold on ís good tenns asat my point this sitie of' New York Cuy. G. D. H1LL & CO. Ana Árbo'r. March 26, 1844. 48tf. THE followingindisperisáhle tnirtily remedies nía y be found at Mayxakd's Druggist Store, in Ann Albor, where none will be sold ínless k'ftoWn to be of the best kind nnd'no :ounterl'eit article ever ofïercd. patent medicine nvariubty . procured ot the origin.l inventor or liis regular successor: O' No famibj should be aiccek icithout lítese re7iedies.jT BALDNESS. Balín of Co'umbia, for the Unir, which wil slop H if falling. out, .or restore iton bald places; and on chittlren make it gröw rapidiy, or on those who have Tost thèhnir iroin any cause. ALL VERÍVIIN thatinfest tiie heads of children in schools, are prevemed or killed by i', at once. Find !-.'e name oT COMSTOCK on it or liever try it. Remember t'iis dticays. PILES, &c. are wholly prevented. or governed ifthe aMack has come on. iíyou use the mi I y true IJa vs' IjI.nmikxt, from Conistock &- Co All SOREïS, and every thiag relieved by it that admita oí un outwardapplication. It acts lik e a cliujm. Use 'rIIEUMATISM AND LAMENF.SS positively cnred: all shrivelled máseles and üinbsare rísiored; in the oíd or-young, by the'hxiim Vesrtible EUrir and Nerceund JJnne lAniniait - bul. never without the name oï Com.stock &. Co. on it. ' KOLMSTOCK'S VERMIFUGE Ml eradicate all WORMS in children or aduhs with a CTUiinty quile astonishing. TOOTH DROPS. Ki.inks- cures eflectualiy Anii Arbf r, Feb. 5, 1844. 41 Jtledicated tJPlaster, spread for immndi.ate.u8e, PRICE OX" V ONE SUII.LIXG, IN ORDEK TO PLACE THEM WITÍIIN THJG MEANS OF ALL, IN slight ailments, or v liere the patiënt prelers a lesg c.xpenaive article tlum ihc ;Atiti-iurlamátory and Ilheiiviatic Piaster," these wül be 'o ind 'highly Lwineiicial. Being ralready spread (■jr iinrnediate applicaj;on, they vill be .found very convenient f'or WEAK BACKS. Pain or Weakness in the Side. Brëast, Stoniach, 1-. - tween the Shoulders, or wherever there is Pain, or where a Piaster is needcd., .They may bo icnilered more serviceable by pasting a piece of cloth on the back of them before they are npplietl. a MtiltimdeB'hnvebeen relievedof pain and áuflerine by ihese Cheap Plas'.ers. For Sale atMobely's Booksiore. and'by J. T. Slocking, Travelling Agent for Michigan. ]G-ly WOOZ.! WOOli! CLOTH! CLOTHÜ THE Subscribers would inform the Public that they will continue to manufacture good nt iheir Manufactory, two and a half miles west of Ann Albor, on the Hurón, on the lollowing TERMS. Until the first day ol November. A. D. 1844, ;he price will be 37J cents per yard. or half the cloth the voo! will niake. í'rom the Ist ofÍNovember to the Jóth of May, 1845, the price will be 3.) cents per yard, or nine twontietlis of the pió tíl the wool will niakc, thatis, 45 yards out of 100 rnánufactured. The wool will b's nianulactured in turn iw il may come into the íactory, as near as may be with reference to the díllercnt qualities. Any person who will furnish one or more pareéis of wool frorh 80 to 1U0 pounds of one quality can have ir manufactured by itsnlf. Vool will be rece vd at Sci j. Wool sent by Railroad will be attended toin the same manñeras ifthe owner were to come with it - it should be carclully marked. We have inariiifactured' cloth during the past year ior a very arge nuwber of cuetomers, to whom we believe we hate givert very general satisfaction Wiih these faets andUHe advantages ofi'ered by the low price at which we oöer to manufacture cloth, we hopc for a largo share ot patronage. SAMUEL W. FOSTER & CO. Scio; Washtenaw Co.. July 25, ]844. li-iSïew Hat Store. TAM ES G. CR.ANE would ' respect fully inJf form ihe Public, that he has oponed a iine lurk of Hals, Cajis, Stocks, Cravats. Scarfs, Callara, Umbreïïus and Glovcs, it No. 105, JeiTerson Avenue, Detroit, nearly ipposite the U. S. Court Room and Post Office? vhcro he vvill be happy to sce his friends and upply thein with ns goud an article ip-, his line is ciiii be procured. eitlicc hoic or at theeasi. ind us clicuj). Gentlemen in tb. e interior, yishing a first rate ashionnble ariielo of lints or Caps, can be aup)lied by sending iheirsiz'e or have any stylé furvished to order in a few hours. and toarrwnied tó ruit. Cali and see-it ma y snve you ;i dollar. . .7 A MES G. CRANK. Detroit,. Julv 12 184-1, J3-6n ANN.ÁRBOR OIlTmILL. THE subscribers would give noticc that thev are engagèa in tmuiuliieturing L1NSEED OIL, iind are pfopnred lo iurnish oil of the besl quality to mershants nnd pain tere. chenp as ii an be obtnhied from the East. Oil exchanged För Flax seed at the rate of a gallon ot' oil for n siisfill of Flax sced. Cush nt all tiines paid for Flax seed. PÜLCIPHER & JUDSON. Ann Arbor, (Lower Vilhige,) Scpt. 6, 1841. SO-ly. L. 23. WALKEE'S PA TEMT SMÜT MACHINE. nriHE Subseribcrs take this method of inforinJL in'j; al! such as are enguged in ihe Müiini; business in the State of Michignn, tliat tbeyraré now manufacturing in Ann Arbor. Washtenaw County. Michigan, L. B. Walker's Patent Smut machine, which tbey would recommend to take ihe Smul off nt whewt as well or betler than any' öther machirie. Tlus nmehine is a horizsuial machine: ■- itretains all the fnciion of ihe wheai. and uuitiiiij aiinplicity wiih durnbility, it combines thebeatinj( scouring, nnd blowing principies, dis charging the dust and smut as fust as separate! from the wheat. This machine is perfectly securo ÍVom firc, and mus much Iighter ihan any other raachnie in use. For farther informaiiön. sec large bilis. Sliop in Lower Town. PHcèè to with the times. All orders for MacIiímcs wiil be (iroiriptly atleuded to. Address. E. O. & A. CRITTENDEN. Ánn Arbor, Washtenaw Co., TvTich July 8.1844. , 11(3,,, "EM'T BE BEAT: NSWBOOT, SUOEJIJYD LEATHER STORE, Ann Arbor, Lower Toym. c Q' FELCH haa removed W W] " establishment from , I tbo Upuer to the Lower'Vil lage, .No. 4, llujon 13!oek. ït-J J3teB& whcre ie holds himselt in 4 4tSP5êi réadiness to 'dress the uvn ft dcrstnulntirs'' of every Mam fc Woinan and ChiW who wili sfc give him a call.iu the ncatest. and best mannerthat can be done in Michigan. LEAT13ER and FINDINGS of all kinds constantly on hand. WANTF.D, Cash nnd Ilidcf. in any quantitiés. for which the liighest piiees will be given. DIFLet none purchase until they have called al Fclch's. No. 4. Huron Block. Ann Arbor. May 4. 18-14. 3-ly


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