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IV o tice lo ftlcrcliíiiits. T I iHE Subecribers encouraged by the patrón X .'ge thcy have hitheno received in tht. whv.eaale departmentoftliüir busine68j will thc r'rst day of May next. open the storo noiv occu pied by Geo. Gronville. fronting on Huror street, and eonnecting vvith their present slore in díe rear. exclusively fot, n 7fH0LE SALES ROOM, where tliey will keep at all tunes a íull assortment o f Dry Goods. Boots, fy SJioes Cdrpeting Hats, Caps, Paper Hangivgs, Èo?mcLs, Crockcryby the Crale, Hardware and G'ocerics, Sfc. Sfc. Ss'c. all of which will be soldon ns good terms as E anypoint thie sideofNew Yoik City. G. D. HILL-& CO. Ann Arbor. March.26, 1844. 48tf THE followingindispensable tnmily remedies may be lound at Maynakij's Druggis Store, in Ánu Atbor, wliere none will be sok unless known to be of the beet kind nmJ no counterfeit article ever ofiered, patent medicine invariably procurcd ot the originul inventor or his regular successor: ÏÏiF No family should be a iccec without these remedies.jBALDNESS. Balín of ' -Columbia, for the Hair. which wi slop it if fnlling out, or restore iton bold places nnd on children make it grow rapidly, or oi those who have lost the hair from any cause. ALL VERJVHN ihat infest the heads of children in schools, are prevented or killed by it a once. Find ike nnme of COMSTOCK on i or never try it. Heviember this alioays, PILES, &c. are wholly prevented. or governed ifthe aiiack has come on, if you use the only true Hays' Linimknt, from Comstock & Co. All SORES, and every thingrelieved by it that admits ofan outvv-ardapplication. It actslike a chajm. Use it. RHEURfATISM AND LAMENESS positivelycured; all shrivelled musetas and limbsare rcstored, in the oidor young, by the Iridian Vegetable Elirir and Ncrve and Bone Linimcnt - but never without the name of Comstock & Co. on it. KOLMSTOCK'S VERMIFUGE -.villeradicate all WORPIS in children or adults with a certointy quite astonishing. TOOTH DROPS. Ki.ixks- cures effectually AnnArbor, Feb. 5, 1844. 41 WRIGHT'S fledirated JPlaster, spread, for itnmediate use, PIUCE O.VLY ONE SHILLING, IN ORDER TO TLACE THEM WITIIIN THE MEANS OP ALL. IN . slight alimona, or where the patiënt prefers a less expensivc artiole llinn the ''Anti-intamatory and Rheumalïc Piaster," these will be "ound highly benedoial. Being already spread for immediate applicaron, they will be found very cenvenient for WEAK BACKS, Pain or Wèakness in the Side. Breast, Stomach, beween the Slioulders, or wherever there is Pain, or where a Piaster is needod. They may be renered more servicènble by pasting a piece of loth on the bnek of theni before they are aplied. riiiiltiiudfs'havebfien relievedofpain and ufTerina by these Cheap Piasters. For fca'e at Mo&ely's Bookstore, and by J. T. Stocking, Travelling Agent for Michigan. Í6-IyL. B. WALEEB'S ï ATEiST SMUT MACHINE. HHHE Subscribers take this method of informJL ing all such as are engaged in the Milling usincss in the State of Michigan, that they ari ow manufacturing in Ann Arbor,. Washtenaw County, Michigan, L. B. Walker's Patent Snmt Machine, which they would recommend to take the Smut ft' of wheat as wcll 9r better than any other machine. This machine is a horizsntal machine - Hretains all the fnction of the wheat, and uniing simplicity wilh durabiHiy, it combines the eating, scouring, and blowing principies, dis harging the dust nnd smut as fast as separated rom the wheat. This machine is perfectly seuro from flre, and rujas un c'i lighier ihan any ther machnie ín use. For fanher informatici ee large bilis. Shop in Lower Town. Prices o agree with the times. All orders for Mahines will be promptly attended to. Address, E. O. & A. CItlTTENDEN. Ann Arbor. Washtenaw Co., Mich. July.8,1844. ' lJ6m The Birncy Portraits. THE S'ubscribers have on hand a quantity of these large and splendid engravings,beautifully executedon steel an excellentartist. rom a painting by E. W. Goomvis Esq.. of Alany, N. Y. They are a striking likeness of thk Mak, and malie an elegant ornament for the narlor. For sale, wholesale and retail, at $8 per dozen, or $1,00 eachr by A. McFarren, Bookselier. Detroit, and by BECKLEY & FOSTER. Ann Arbor, Nov, 1, 1844. ' 28 tf WOOX.! WOOL! CJLOTH! CLOTH!! TnHE Subscribers would infonn the Public J_ that they will continue to manufacture good at their Manufactory, two and a half miles wePt of Ann Arbor, on the Huron, on the following TERMS. Until the first day oí November. A. D. 1844. he price will be 37J cents per yard, or half the clotluhe wool will moke. From the ist of November to the lóth of May, 1845, the price will e 30 cents per yard, or nine twentieths of the cloth the woul will makc, that is, 45 yards out of 100 rnanufnetured. The wool will be manul'actured in turn as it may comeinto the actory,a6 near as may be wiih reference io the.difibreni qualities. Any person who will furnish one or inore pareéis of wool froin 80 to J00 pounds of one quality can have it manufactured by itsolf. Vool will be reco:ved at Scio. Wool serjl by Railroad will be attended toin the samemunner as iftheowner were to come with it - il honld be carefully niarked. We have manu-, i'actured cloth during the past year for u very arge number of cuatomers, to whom we believe we have given very general satisfnetion Wiih these facts and the advantages oflered by the low priceat which we oíTer to manufacture cloüi, we liopefor a large ahar.e ot patronnce. SAMUEL W. FOStER &. CO. Scio. Washtenaw Co., July 25, 1844. 3- tf CAMBE BEAT! JVB W BOOT, 8 HO E JJVD LEA THER STORE, Ann Arlor, Lower Town. O FELCH haa removed 1O his establishment from the Upper to the Lower Villoge, No. 4, Huron Block, Jfos& whcre he holds himBcll in GSjWI readiness to 'dress the "ïb derstawiings" of evcry Man. ) Womun and Child who will 2 give him a cali, in the neatest. and bc6t mannerthat can be done in Michigan. LEAT1IER and FINDÍNGS of all kinds constanily on hnnd. WANTF-D, Cash nnd IliJc?, in sny qwnntities, for which the hiyhest prices will be given. ICFLet none purchnse uniil they have called at Felch's, No. 4, Uuron Block. Ann Arbor. May 4, 1844. 3-ly C'AME into theenclosure of the Snbscriber on or about the 20ih oí Scplcmber last. a dark red heifer, about ihree or lour yoare old. The öwncr. is rcqnestedt-O'prove property. paychnrges ad take her iway. IRa BÉCKLEY. i Ann Arbor, Octobcr .7, 1844. 6w24New Kat Store. TAMES G. CK.ANE woulcl respect fuHy in form the Public, ihnt he has oponed a fine sioclf ot Hats, Caps, Stocks Crnvats, Scarfs, Coltars, Umbrellátí and Gloves, at No. Ï 05. .Tefierson Avenue, Detroit, nearly opposite tire U. S. Court Room nnd Post Office, whero he will be happy io see hs friends ani supply thetu wiih as good an nrticlé inhislinc as can be procured, eilhor heie or at theeast and as cheap. Gentlemen in the interior, wishing a first ratc fashionable nriicle oí Hnts or Caps, can be sup plied by sending theirsize or have any stvlo furnished to order in a lew Laura, nnd icarrautcd to suit. Cali and see - it may save you a dollar JAMES G. CRANK. Detroit,, July 12 1841. J3-G:n ALWAITS OIV HAIVB. 5 . rinHE subscriber liaq re [JE -- moved his Shop to IMnin jrïf J Si reet opposite H. Beck flV$ 'Ê$L ''rs r'c't Store, wherc r=AV J5p wa" uPon n'l that muy give Havingjuat receivod direct from New York an elegant stock of JXSWZSZ.RV, and Fancy Articles, which ho intends to sel Loiocr than hns ever been 6old west of Buflalo for Ready Pay ünlij. Among wlrcli inny be íound a good assortment of Gold and CVmmon Watch Keys, Gold Finger Rings nnd Bosom Pilis, Guard Chaina, Silver Tea -and Tabk Spoons, Sugar Tongs, Bntter Knives, Silver Pencil cases. Silver and Common Thimbles, Silver Spectacles, Germán, do. Steel, do. Hair Bruslica, Clothes, do. Tooth, do. Lather, do. Fine Razors and Pocket Knivca, Fine Shears and Scissors, Iuher Boxcs, Razor Strops, Walletts, Purses. Violins and Bows, Flutes. Violin and Bass Viol Stringí, Claronet Reeds. Percussion Caps, Poclict Pislo!s. Brittannia CDiullesticks, Watches, Letter Stamps, Steel Pens and Twéezérs, SnufF and Tobacco Boxee. Fine Comhs. Dressing, do. Side, do. Back. do, Shell, do. Needies and Cases, Wnier i'aints, Toy Watches, Kid Dolls. a great variety of Toys too numerous to mention, Beada, Necklaces, Fancy Boxes, &c. &c. Ct.ocks and Watches of every descriptioji repaired and warranted; also, Jewelry repairedon short notice. CALVIN BLISS. N. B. Cash paid for OLÍ) GOLD AND SÏLVER. C. B. Ar.n Arbor, Oct. 24. 1844. tf.tOST, ON the 27th of Sept. last, between Ann Arbor and Whitmore Lake, a Lady's brown merino ci.oak. The finder will be compensated by giving information at this office. Nov. 4. 28 4v FJRST rate Tea, Sugar and Coffee, at the lowest marknt priees, at RAYMOND'S CASH STORE, 148 Jeff. Avenue, Detroit. Mfly 20. 4 Black Salts, WANTED by BECKLEY & HíCSS. - Ann Arbor, Lower Town. 26 liiberty Alnianacs for 1 815, FOR sale by BECKLEY & HICKS. Oct. 4, 18,44. 24-4w. Crrass Seedï WANTED by BECKLEY & JHICKS. Ann Arbor, Lowcr , Town. 26


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