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Testimonials In Favor Of Dr. Wm. M. Smith's University Pills

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TESTIMONIAL OF DR. LAN DON. Monkok, Michigan, June 12, 1844. Dr. Smtth Dear Sir, - T tnke mnch pleasure in ffiving niy testimouy in favor oí" you yf valuable ÜNIVERSÍTY PILLS. I most cheerïully recommend tjieni to the pub'ic ns i 'a's safe, easy, and efficiënt cathariic for most of the diseases incident to this región cf country B.r' I have made extensivo use of them for four year3 in niy practice, and I believe lliPin to b 10; the BEST Anti-biüous Culhartic or Aperient' medicine ever combinerl and oiiered for gen Te eral use. Yours, &c. GEORGE LANDON, M. D. tju TESTIMONIAL OF DR. TELLKR. nd Masillon, Ohio, May lst, 1841. tes Dr. Smith - Sir, - I tcke mucli pleasure in bearing testimony to the efficacy of yom oí Pilis iri removing bilc from the èlettiatiU) deterging the Liver, and In all complnints emanahe Img from that source. V. C. TELLEK, M. D. ty TESTIMONIAL OF. F. L. WELLS. n(i Watkiikoo, Mich., March 10, 1014. uy To Dr. Smith- Sir, - For upards of si.xmanths I was crueüy affiicted with Fever and q Ague, and during that time could fino" nothing ihat gave me permanent relief; at length how ever your Universitv Pilis were recommended to me by one of the beet Physicians in these parts; and J am happy in being able to say, that from the use of one box I was permanently cured of my arue; since then a numher of my family have been as signalij' benefitted. Your?, Respect fuMy, F. L. WELLS, it. TESTIMONIAL OF DANIEL GOODNOAV. - Monrok, Mich., June 1, 1844. I hereby certify that Dr. Wm. M. Smith lias been my Family Physician for four years last past; that he has used bis Universïty Pilla in bis praclice in my family with unparaln leled Éuccess; and I think them preferible to any pil! for bilioua afiection in the world. 'e PA NIEL GOQDNüW. Iunkecper, Macomb-St. House. e( TESTIMONIAL OF D. S. PARSHALL. " Flit, Mich., June 5, 1344. g Du. Smith - I am happy to give you my cordial approval of your University Pilis. I am able to keep ofT Fever and Agne, and Fevers tu whicli all of us are subjecf in this Western Country, by the timely use o! your University illa. Send an A pent this way ns soon .. as p')6?ib]e,"for we are all on:. Yonrs, &.C. D. S. PARSHALL. TESTIMONIAL OF MESSRS. NOBLE AND FYF1ELD. s We certify that we are and have been personal ly acquainted yvith Wm. M. Smith, M. i D., and Unow that he is a man of etninence h-ïs profession- and that for four years he i filled the chair of Materia Medica and Pharmacy in the Willoughhy University of Lake E Erie, witíi honor to himselfand satiffactiou to the Trustees and Facuitv. as well as to the Studente of ihe above University. As for nis Pilis, they are 'par excellence." CHARLES NOBLE. Monroe, Mich., June 19, 1844. B. F. FYFIELD. TESTIMONIAL OF RIAL B. CHASE. This I certify, that in the month of September last, I was attacked with Billious Fever 3 (vhile aay fróm home at Owa&so to bnild a water wheel) and with one dose of Smirh'oU, niversity Pilis, I broke it up; and as many others were sick at the timr, I administered these , Pilis to them, and in all cases it bioke up their fevers. I have used them many times since, and with great euccess. They aro the best pills I ever used. i RIAL B. CÍIASE, Milhvnglt. 5 Shiawassee Town, Mich. June lst, 1844. TESTIMONIAL OF MRS. ABIGAÏL C. WRIGHT. This may certify, that three years ao I was attacked vvjih Liver Complaint so severely that I could scarcely turn myself in bed; I used many specifics and remedies, such as ' Brandreth's, Resurrectin, Onental, and other pil!?, but with liltle or no effect. One year ago, my friend r. Smith called on me on bis wav to Boston, when he gave me a box of his Universitv Pilis, which perfectly restored roe, and iny lieakli has not agaiu suffered from ike canse. ABIGAIL C. WRIGHT. Rcchester, N. Y., No. 13, Franklin Slreet, June S5. 1844. ? TESTIMONIAL OF JOHN V. MILLER. _ ; Dear Doctor - Justice requires me to state, tbat I bave sold your University Pilis for one r and a hnlf years last past, and that I can seil no ottiers while I have them on hand. The} have superseded the sale of all oihers - their effect is cruly wonderful. JOHN W. MILLER, Drogist. Monroe, Mich., June 12, 1844. For Saleby J. H. LUND, Lower Town, and WM. S. & J. W. MAYNARD, Uppei Town, Ann Arbor. 13-ly.


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