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GRAND RIVER INSTITUTION. THIS Instituí i on for colored people and all others is now open lo receive all classes of students, irrespeciive of color or caste. A first rate teacher is engaged. Board one dollar per week. Studente can pay by their labor. The situation is very heahhy. and the school house warm and pleasant. Colored friends are invited to.send. A petition with aboüt two huncred signers from this Coumy for a charter is before the Legislnture. Houscs on the spot can be rented by families who wish to settle and send to school. Tuition 2 per quarter, unless those eenciing are very indigent, when it will be without eharge. Those willing to contribuía lor the support of thislnstituiion can eend thcir dona'ïons to P. FOSTER Agent. Grand iliver Institution, 1 An o Woodstock, Lenawee Co., Jan. 1845, l w-w L.O5T. FOX'S Book of Martyrs belonging to E.Prcy was taken from the stúre of Beckïey & Hicks, Ann Arbor, Lower Town, some year ago. Any person having knowledge of the same will confer a favor by communicaiiiig it to the subscriben G. BECKLEY. Jan. 8, 1845. 3tf HARTFORD Fire Insurance Eompany. Incorporated in 1810 - Charter perpetual - Capital, $150,000, with poteer to increase il lo #250,000. TIHIS well known and long esiablished Insti_ tution. wiih nmple cash capital, have established an ngency in Ann Arbor, and offer to usure Dwellings, Furniture, Stores, Merchaniiise, Mi!l3, Wheat. Flour, .Vc, on very favorable terms. The hiirh characier of this company is well known, and its extensive business is condocied on the most just aud honorable princi pies. Owners of property in Ann Arbor and vicinjty' who wish to insure it against loss and damage by ñre, are invited lo cali direedy on the snbsenber, at his Store in Ann Arbor, who is outhorized to issue policies without rleliiy. F. J. B. CRANE, Ajrent. Ann Arbor. Jan. 1. 1845. 39-Gm. BROWNSYILLE JTVrVIATA IRO] STORE. TíiE SUBSCRIBER, agent for the Manufacturcr, Pitisburgh, Pa. h-is now on hand a largo and well assorted stock of 1RON, NAILS. GLASS, &c, which is offered to the public at thelowest cash prices, comprising the following: Com'n bariron, allsizes I Plo%v slabs, Dandy ure " ' Plow wings. Horseölioe, li " Sheet i ron, Nos. 13 Saddie tree, " ' to L6. Round and Square " Nails, 3d to 20d, Banu and hoop, " ; Spikes, all sizos, Boiler non ' Railroad car axles, Nail rods " Carriage " Deck and spike rodp, Carriage, Spring, Spades, shovels, &,c. &c. , Together with evcry other article usually manfactured at an Iron Establishment. The above anieles are manufaciured at the BrowneviHe Juuiata Iron Worka, Piitsburgii. Pa. by E. Hughes, and are of the best quality. WINDOW GLASS, of all 8izea, and of the best -brands, constantly on hand. or furnished to order. Merchant8 nnd others will finditto their aii vantnge to cali and examine the subseribci' stock, us well a the j,iccs bcíore going elscwhere. JNO. ROBINSON, Jr. Agent. No. 1, WartleH'e Block, corner of Woodwaul Avenue and Woudbridge Slrect, Detroit. Dec. 31, 1844. 38 The folio ing paper will piense publisli the above to üvo amount ot two. dollars, and send thcir bilis (O this ofiïcr: Pontee, Gpzt tte iind Jftcksonian., Ann Arho State Journal, Argus nnd Signal of Libertyr Jackson, dizcttc u,nA Pomocrat; (rlarshalL States-.íian and ExpoundcrAULEBASl'S MEDICINES '1HESE MEDICINES ARE effecting such nstoni.=hing curca in mul litudes oí' oíd cases Ioní síncc barxionftd ly Physicians íind Surgconsas utterly hopeless, tliai no medicines, whcre tliese are knovvn, stand so descrvedly hierh. They consist uf THE BLACK. OR ALLEBASI'S SALVE. PRICE 5 CENTS. Which cures nlinost univeisully. Fever Sores, oí tlie most mal gnant kind, Felons. Ulcers, Abscesaes, Tumors, F racimes, Cuts. Pune mi rea. urna, Scald. Scirc Thront, Chilbluins, Qumsey.Dropsey, J íiflnirimal-uy Khetnnatisni, [i fl unmniions and fewelliin's of eycry description. Sr lo Herifi, Águe in the F.tcc, JS'r::voiis Tooih Ache. Agüe ín the Broken B casis, &c. &c. ALLEBA81S HEALTH P1LLS, í.5 Cents. These I'i la have ncquircd a pftptilnrfty wiihin ihc lust year or tvvo. whiuh no othcr I'iüs pussesfi. Tlie rc-iHons are í(jv?oUa to ail wlio usiihcm. niui mny he iearned frorn ihf pnrnphlet ihnr qccompanics them. Thcy cure Bi lio tía, Scnrleí and other Fcveis. Fever and Aguo. Dypopsy. Dropsy, Acid Stornacli. Disordored BúWellj r Siomnch. Jnundice. Head Achc, Dizzinessin the Head. WftntiS. Liver Complním, Menrt P.urns. Cholic. Bowel coinplnini. General Üebiliiy. Cos livenoss. óc. &c. Tliey purify the eniire systenn, leive t lie bowcis in n vigoroua and healthy coiuiiiiou. &c. See pntnplilet. ALLEBASrS TOOTH ACHE DROPS. PRICE 20 CENTS, Will cure an ordmary caso of Tooth Ache in frr ni three to ten niinuics. For Nervous and oihei kinds of Tooth Ache. see paniphle;. ALLEBASrS POOR MAN S PLASTER, PRICE -2h CENTS, Arewarranted to be superior to any other Plns Iers n this or any other country, for pain or weakness in the Back. Side. Chest. Bowele, Loins. Muleles, nnd for Rheurnniism, Long and Liver Complaints, Coughs,. Cülds,. Asthma, &cSee pamphlet. N. B. Picase lo ask the agent for a pamphlet which gtvesall the infonnation necessary respecting the ue8 of the medicines, the virtues they possess, etc. Pleape to ful lo w directions in the use [( the medicines, and you may rely upon al! thíit is promised. A liberal discount mide to merchants and others, who buy to .el I aira i n. LYMAN W. GILRERT, Proprietor. Wholesale Druggist, 214 Fultonst. N. Y. ILr For sale hy the subscrüxir. who hns been appointed general agent for the City of Detroi' nnd lis vicinity. Country dealers supplied on liberal tenue. C. MORSE. Michigan Book Store. The above medicines are for sale at the Book Store of WM. R. PERRY, ín Ann Arbor, Lower Village. December 9, 1844. 3-1-1 y.GOOD NEWS FROM NEW ENGLAND. Dr. Smüh's Sugar Coated Improved Indian Vegetatole Pïlls, TRIUMPHANT POR COXST.'MPTIONS, COLDS, RHEUMATISM, DYSPEPSIA A.ND FEVERS. ITOOKa sèvere c1q. ihis rail. which settled in my linibs. ancl brought on ihe Rhc-umatisni. accompnnied witli severe pains and a bad cough. which obliged me to give up niy business. I tried many remedies without nny rtlief, uniil 1 yrocuved a box if Dr. Smith's Sur Coated VeaetubWï Pilis, wliich. I am hnppy to sny. immediaiely relieved me, and enabfed me, in three paya, to return to my business. I am now entirely well. E. F. HILL, Washington st. Boston. Nov. 4. 1844. I hnve been considcred in the Consumption for nbout nine years. wfrh a severe cough every fal!, vvhicb lid not lesye me til! the nest sprinr. wilh an almost consinrn líeadat-he; not being able to sleep many nights during ihe winters. in consequence of the severe fits ofcoughing. 1 have tried most of the eough remedies, vvith onlyteniporury relief. My usual cough comiuenced about four weska since. wiih an increasingsoreness lo my langs; and wás ured to try Dr. Smith's Sugar Coated Pilis - which [ did, but without any faith in iheir otlicacy. I look four Pilis before retiring; amh withtn forty-eigh1 hours, my cough wnsentirely brokcn up, which hns not retnrned, omt the severe turns of headache haveleft me. I never have found a rememdy before that brought so sudden relief. 1 do ncr. believe theieisany cure for the Consumpüon: but arn satiefied, ihere ís no temporary relief equal to these Pilis. I have since administereif thcm lo nienibers of my family, for Colds and Coughs, vvith the most happy rcsnli. ff; E. WELLS. Boston. Havinsf been afïlicted for severa] years wiih a Weukness in thestomach and Lungs, with Cos tiveness, Keadache, and Depressión of Spi ïts, rhought by many 10 be in a Cunsumption, and was obliged to ive up itiy Iwsines?. Aftertrying a niunber of the various Sarsapárillns and Dnlsains. without any pertnenent rehef, I Wfis prevailed upon to try Dr. Smith's Sugnr Cuaiec! Improved Indian Vegetable Pilis; and. to mv nstonishmeni, they inunediately relieved me. and. after t.'ik.ins a few dosis, am euitrely recovered, ann abic to return 10 my business. JUSTüvS CLARK. The direerions aneï treatment of tbc diseases.aucompany every box. WIICK f 5 CKNTS PKK FOX. ' No "SUGAR COATED PiLL'an begenuine without the pinnture of the sole inventer. í;G. BEN.IA.VNX SMITH. M. D„ President ufthe N. Y. College of Health," upon every box. Offices devoted exclusively to the sole of th't inebicinp. V,9 GREENWICK STREET, New York. No. 2 WATER.-STREE l Boston. For sale in nll the villages and towns in the New Engfand States. N. B. - No travelling pedlars are allowed to sell fhrse Pilis. CTFor sale by W. S. &, J. W. Maynard. Ann Arbor. Ï844 WHOLESALE & RETA1L. A. JH'FJltiRA.'Y, BOOKSELLER AN í STÁTÍONEB, tíMAUTS BL0CK, 137 JE FF KUS ON A V KW UK, DETROIT Kccps consiarnly for sale a ooinpieie .issoi tnien uf Misccllaneous, School and.' Clasical Books; Lettcrand Cap Paper, plain and ruled. Quills. lók, Seaün $Vax, Cutlery. Wrappiug l'upt.r. Phuting Paper, f ail and Book, News and Cansier hik; ol various kincis. BLA2JZ BOOES, Fullaud half liound. ot every vjuietyol Uuliiüj MEMORANDUM BÓOKS. &c. To Merchants. Teachers, aud others, buying in qunntities. Inrjre dipoo.uit itriilf. SABBATH S6H00L& B1BLE SOCIETY DEPOSITOR f! 1-1 f. GRAND rJvER WÍLIj probably be naviiinhle willijn flvp yeais. asfarsouih as. T. PJlATT-S'S STOtE. wiere (he inhabitants ofMichigan 'eau now be supplied wilh Dry-Goods, Groceries Medicines, Boots.Shoes, Jlats, Cabine! Ware, MiHSloncs, BoUing-Clotk, Palent Snuit Machines, BristüPs Sarsaparilla. 20,000 boxee ofPrail'a Pilla, single box 2 ehil lings, Lifo Bilters, 50 ets er Botilc, ' a choice Int o1" OH IC ES E, made in Western Now York. The proprictor pledgea hiinself to stil as l-igh as any Mercham in town. N. B - A!l kinds of Country Produre. lumber, brick. lime, wood, bought or sold justas will suit customers best. A yood farm ad forty acres of wild land fr salo. Admittnnce Ni. 1, Blam's block, near the Rivor, .lackson, Mich. Nov. 21, 1944. 32-tfIfteCT Goods ! Kcw Gooá&H TUE undersigficíl has just received his supply ofFallCoods fro,;. N. y. Cuy. Ecsidee t riisi r;it'; nsayrtnient u! Sht&tfiJgs, Cotton Ymn, Fullcd Cloiha, Bruml ('1-!js. und oiher Siaple Goods. he is just opeitinu a spíciitlid lot óf Rich, YVoosfed Darhu&k Shavvlts. lst quahly, Brocho,1 do do Knbyl, do do Coshm'erp, do Fashionable Clávala. Kich Bonnet Ribbona. Fushionable hcad triinmings, Yclvet AL&O. BEAUTIFUr. AS50nT.MKNÏ 0" DIUÏSS STÜFKS 'jUCU A Cushmere D'Ecsse, Muefín DeLaiue Piirisseniu'8. Robroy Plaid, Piints af eveiy descripliorv. Pl.-iin. bl;ick Alnpacn, figurec', black Alnpaca, Plain. cotored Alapaco, figured, col'd Alapaca, Plaid, snd Clianfreoble Aiapaca, The undensigned has i.n nddiiion to a firee rate asoriment oí Siap'.e and Fancy Dry Goods, a choice lot of ana Coffce. for íamily uee. Also, a lar ge, lol of . Greeze Feathers, Paper Hangings and Travelling Baskets, Mis Siock is well suitt.l iu buüi city aud cour try irade. Country people are invited to za antl look and eatisf'y tbeniselt'es that his stock wiil bear comparison either in quality or price wiih nny othcr in the western ei untry. W. A. RAYMOND. 148 Jefi'erson Avenue. Detroit. Ocr. 14, 1844. 24 lí AI.1ÍVAYS ON HAIVD. nriHE aubseriber Jiss reG3tL -- r"ovel liis Shop to Mailt t Street opposite H. BeckffLt Èk$X ers ric'1 Store, where f(lp O )pft 'ie míy ')e íound ready. to Bkx "■''l WÍ1U "P011 a' lat ni:i' Slve =Sff Hnvingjust reccivadxlirect from ÍSrew York au elegant stock of JSWEL11Y, and Fancy Anieles, which he iniends seV 'oictrr ihrm has ever been sold west of Buflufo lor Rcudy Pay Onlif. Among wb'ch rnny be found a good assortment of Gold and Cuminou VVaich Koys, Gold Fineer Rinas and Bosotn Pins, Gunrd Chüins, Silver Tm and Table Spoons, Stipnr Tongs. Butter Knives. Silver Pepci! cases. Stlver and Conimon ThimWes SiN ver Spectat-les. Germán, do. SteeJ, do. Hair Brushes, Clothes. do. Tooth. do. Lather, do. Fine Razors :md Pocket Knivcs, Fine Shears ;ifid Scissors, Liher Boxes. Rnzor Strops, Walletts. Pur?e?. Violins and Bows. Flutes.. Violir mÖ Bss Viol Stiings. Claronet Reeds, Percussion Caps, Pocket Pistols. BTÍt;íirmia Candle sticks. Watebes, Leut r ytrimjis. Steel Pens Pntl Tweezcrs. Snuflf and Tobüeco Boxes, Fi-n.e Combs, Dressing, do. Side. do. Bnck. do, Shell, do. Needies and Cases, Vater Paintg, Toy Watches. Kid Dolls, u grent varietv of Toya too. nunieroii8 to mention, Btaá, ISÍecklaees, Fáncy Boxes. &.c. 6lc. Clocks and Watchks of every description repaired and vvarrauted; also. Jewelry repairedp.a süortnolice. CALVIN Bf.ISS. N. B. Cash patd kor OLD GQLD AND SILVER. G. B. Ann Arbor, Oct. 24.. ] 844. 28-tCC A]TT BE BEAT f YEWEOOT, SHOEJjYD LEATHER STORE:, Ann Arbor, Loxcer Town. tQ FELCH haa removed C3 his establishment, front the Upper to ihe Lower Vill:Le. No. A. Hurón Block, JLL% where he holds hiniseli in 33 rendincss 10 'drtsa the " derbtctndliigts" olevery Man, K Woinnn anti Child who wiH & give him a cali, ia the neatest, and he?t menner tiiat cr.n he riVme in Michigan. LEATHER and FINDÍNGS of alj kinds consfaniiy an hand. WANTOD, 'Úasfi'-'tmü Hides. in nny quantities. f'or which the higltet ruices will b givcn. BITLet none purcliiise uniil ihey have cailed at Feich'i. Eo. 4. fluron Hlouk. Ann Arbor. Mny 4. 1844. 3-ly Heady ESsde Clotkingü! nphlifè LARGotíT íind best assoi trneiit ofreaA. dy madeclothing 2 er Lefore ofFered in this Sinle now opening, and for rale, Wholesale vr Re;ni!, at ihe Glutbing Emporium ot ihe 6uhscribers, consisiing in part ot' plain and fancy Beaver, Pilot. Bioad Cloihs tuid. othcr styJes of Over Goals. Tweed Cassimere, Beaver, Pilot, Domestic Cloth, ünion Cassimere ond tíaiiueti Frock aod Business Coais. Fine, i'fain nnd Fnncy Cassfmere, Blue ant) Bhick Broad Cioili. Twceds and oiher styles of Pantnluons. Plain nnd fancy Silk nnd Silk Velvet, Woolen Velvet Merino, and Cassimere Vests, &c. Sec. tVe. tciíeificr with a very large sióck of eommon low pricedOver Coats. Business Coats, PantalooDs and Vcsis. sudi as blue and black. Flushing. Satinet, Kcniucky Jeans, Commoti Tweeds, &c. &c Also, an extensivo assortment ol Hosiery. Stocks, Scarfs, Hnndkerchiefs, Collars. Lnmb's Wool and Merino Drawersnnd Shirts, Conrííners, Gloves, &c. &c. all of which will bc sold very low TtSt Cash. They would rcspcctiully invite all in want of rcady made gnnnents to cali and e.xamine iheir stock hefora purchasingclsowhcie ■aeuhjsbeen sctcctcd vvii'i greai care in the Eastern markets, nnd mnnufac tured in the latest stvles ond most Hurnhle munner. WALLOCK & RAYMOND, Corner of JeiTerson aod Avenues Detroit. Oct. 10. 18-54. 3mS5 R. & J. li. OAVIDSOW, TTAVt now on hand a complete cssorinemof FALLAX-D fï'IJYTER DRY GOODS, GROCERJES, SHELF-HARB WARE, $C. f C. which thcy will sel 1 cheap for ready psy. The highest inarket price pnid at all limes for Pork and all other kinds nf produce. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Nüv. 20. 1844. 31 Ashes, Ashcs! TO any aniouui wunted by BF.CKLEY & UICKS. Ann Arbo, Lower Tou n. Ü6 Cipass Secd! WANTED bv ' BECKLEY&HICKS; Ann Atbor, Lower Town. 20 AÑN ARBOR O IL MILU FTlHrlsubsoríhera would give nouce that thev A are cngriged in mjinftfaciring LINSEED Ö1L. and are prep.trcd to furn:sh oil of the besl quality to nierchüiits ar.d pninters. cheap ns it eau !■(; 'ibiiiincd from fke East. Oil exchunged forfflax-áeed st-the rate of a gallon of oü for a hi?het o! Flux setd. , Cash at uil limes paid for Flax si .!. PULCIPFIER & JUOJ5ON Ann AtLiór, (Lowor Viü-.ic,) Sspt. 6, 1844. 0-1 y . SAWERATtJS5 WI!GLL':ö-LE AKD RETA1L by BF.CKLEY & II1CKS. Arm -rb--.r. Lower Tüwm. Dec 30, 1844. 36 Wcsleyan Books! TH E fc5ubs?cribü:s lüive jnst received n pood injii'iy o! Wibluyan Books froin the Di:pository nt Ñtíw Yoik. Tiios-e wishing to purcha will pléaee t.;i!l umi tsninine for iht-msoives. HECKLLY & HICKS. Ann Aibor,Lovfi Töwh, Dec. G. 1844. 336v


Signal of Liberty
Old News