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Captain Kidd. - The cofter-dam which has been built around the huik at the foot of the Dunderberg mountains, is nearly completed, and it is expected the water will be pumped out about the lst of February. A steam engine will be einployed for the purpose, throwing out 36 barrels per minute. We shall then know what the vessel contains, if nothing more. From the structure of a gun recovered from her, it is certain that she is very old. About 45 men are now employed in the work. - Cleveland Herald. Queen Victoria was ta disfribtite 180 pair of blankets annoiig the poor of Windsor, on Cliristmasj together with a liberal supply of meat, bread and plumb pudding, th.e gift of Prince Ai-bert. Louis Phillippe had ordered the distribution to 620 poor families of Windsor, of a sack of coal each, and the bestowment of one iiundred pounda upon' the Windsor and Eton Dispcnsary, -The Frost in hondón. - During the past week, in consequence of the severe frost, the parks have been crowded with skaters, sliders, and pedestrians. On the Long Water and Round Pond, in Kensington Gardens, there have been in one day 6,000 persons: and the Lake in St. James's Park has attracted still more. - The Serpentine and the Regent's Park have been attended in a prcportionate degree, The Weather. - During the last ten or twelve days the weather has been more severe than at any corresponding period for many years. In this climate it rarely freezes with any intensity before Christmas; but December had hardly set in when a frost commenced, which continúes, at the time we write, without the least prospect of abatement. The frost seems general in the North of Europe. - It has alrectdy stopped all communication by steam with Holland, Belgium, and Germany. The ice is so thick in the Thames, that the numberless packets which ply on its busy waters th reaten to be brought to a stand still. - Englisfi Paper. Expendí tv ree. - The expenditurea of tbe government for the year ending1 June SO, 1844 were as follows:- Civil- Legistetnre, 8850,874 Executive, 340,752 Judiciary, 550,477 Territories, 101,756 Sundry officers, 102,051 Foreign intercourse, 295,288 Liglithouses, 302,437 Survey of fonds, 122,388 Miscellaneous, 3,059,699 $5,231,747 Military - Army proper, S,0a3,294 Defences, fcc2,I4S,451 Pensions, 2,013,072 India nf, 1,021,500 $3,231,8 il Nnvai, 6,496,990 Public debí, 12,993,773 Total, 32,958,827 The military academy costs S123, 195; ttie furtificati'jns, $705,980; inunitions of war, S6 10,827; the puy and subsistence of tlievy, is $4, 145,087; constructie) and equipiiiem of ships, $1,325,327. Surely, it wquld uot be difficult, out of all these ex pend tures, to make a reduction to meet tlie expense of uf establibhing the TWO CENTS POSTAGE.- Emancipator. According to the modern Jews, the ycar of the world is now 5604; theChurch of Eigiaiul coníiders it to be 5848; the Church of Rome makes the world Lo be 7040 )'ears old, but tl.e Sej'u-igint 7Í52S years. The Doctors Retort vpon the Warrior. - Zimmerman, so distinguiahed both as? a physician and author, was ordered toattend Frederick the Great in his last üIiicöb. "I presume," says the King to him, "you have helped many a man into nnother world." "Not si many,'' prompt ly replied the physician, "as yoitr mr.jesty, nor with so much honor to myselV' Oulragc.-- On the lst of Dec. a party of nine men, armed disguiaed as negroes, killed an old man, his son, and daughter of 18 years residing at Norwood Landing, Pullas counly, Ala. Two of' tht; murderers were killed in the attack. All the p;irlies, it is sniri, belonged to the 'chivalry' of Alabamn - no cause nssigned. Purgntory would be too good for such incanmle iiends. - Jack. Dem. "All the Dccaicy.'' - We clip the sn''j)infd parugraph froni ihe Nevvbutyport I'eml.i, ns showing the ex;iked state of mum's in a slaveholdiny cowimonity. "McConnell, the notonous membrr of Con gress fiosn Alabama, had a íight at Coleman's Ilo:el in Washington. It appears that McConnell, who was somewhat mure than half seas over, was abusing the Whig9, which caused Banks, who was not in n better condition to strike hun. Bowie k ni ves and pistols were drawn." The reasons for Annexalion!--Tlie Charles ton S. C. Mercury says: "The very reasons so intempcrately urged by the North against annexation, that H will "increctse the polilical toeight of the Southtm States, and perpetúate and rxlaid the curse of slavery" are ouh bbst rkasoks roa IT." Rwn and Nosegays. - The folio w ing extract is the conclusión of an 'Order of the Day,' ibsued by General Wnshingfon, in May, 1778, commanding a general parade, salute, Jeu de jote, on occasion of France having espoused the cause of the American Revolution: The line is to bc formed with an interval of a foot between the files. Each man is to have a gilí of rum. The Quarler Mas ers of the several Brigaden will apply to the Adjutant General for an order on the Commissary of Military Stores, for the number of blank cartridges that may be wanted. Eich officer and soldier is to have a nosegay in his lint. - A'. Y. American. The Minutes of the Methodist General Conference shows the number of colored mernbers of the Methodist church to be 137,000 in the slaveholdiñg States, and 8,S45 ifl the nonslaveholding States. The Èarl of Shrewsbury is building a Eplen did Roman Catholic Clmrcb at Cheadle, ir Stafibrdshire on which, it is said, hè iiücndi to spend L25,000 chiefly in ornamentinor the edificeí The present is the twenty-fnurlh yenr thai Col. Benton has oceupied the same cljair in the Senate chamber; and should he hold his office until the end of the rïew ternt for which he has just been cliosen, hc will, of cutirse, have been senator for thirty years- ncarly the third of a century.Rev, C. T. Torrey.- The friends of VI r. Torrey will be gratifiod to learn, iiat Iris situation is not so "bad as it might be." A friend in Baltimore writes ne, he visitedihe Prison a few days since, nd that Mr. T. was in the 'warping delartment,' which he thinks is the'Mightest usiness the prison discipline allows." - ?hey had not "shaved his head," but made a "clean sweep of his whiskers." ie says the Warden told him "he nover ïad a prisoner goto worksocheerfully;" and gave as a reason. "he (Torrey) had committed no crime." May we not hope, that he, like Joseph n Egypt, may vet find favor with his )ersecutors, and like him, yet be honored, o the confusión and shame of his enemies?- Ex. Paper. More TrouMe Bretoing. - From the one of an article in the N. O. Courier, ve are led to believe that the Honorable Henry Hubbard, who has been ap)ointed Agent of Massachusetts, to reside at New Orleans, will meet with no better eception there than our very worthy citizen, Mr. Hoar, met in Charleston. - The Courier warns hirn to keep away, and concludes by saying - "Should the ïon. Henry Hubbard happen to broach lis abolition doctrine here he will stand a jood chance of keeping company in the same building with his black fellow-citizens of Massachusetts." - Mercantile Journal. Tietcrong Tootk. - "Ii's the wrong tooth! t'a the wrong tooth! U's, the wrong tooth!" Bcreamed a lady to the dentist. 'Why, rnndam, there is not another tooth n yotir head! t must be right," said he. ifNo, no, it musl be left?' said the old lady; f it's the last, leave itu httle longer.' Si. Louis Rev die. Important Prodamaiion. - General Donnel has issueda proclamation declaiing that, after the first of January next, all vessels arriving in Cuba with sla ves on board will be confiscated. - Ex. -pa.The Cincinnati Gnzette had a correspondent who wroie a bad hand, and for 6ome reason or other he had quoted the o!d Latin sentence : "Time) Dañaos et dona ferentes:"' which the compositor took 1o begood English if he could only get at ït, and ao worked h out thus; "Tom done it and theu fornenced." JYat. Inteltigencer, The Maumee River Times rays; 'Tickets Tor the Inauguration Ba 11, Washington, are put at $14;" nnd adds: Th is is democratie, very." Yes, truly it is. Tex luxuries and extravaganties, heavily. Fat office holders and eight dollars per day men can wellafford to buy Buch tickets. If you have a horse that refuses to draw, just get a cat and tie it on the horse's back; then get in the carriage and begin to whip the cat; this will set the cat to scratching and biting the horse, and rel y on it, that if you arenot very careful the horse wil] run away with you and the cat boih together. Primitive Worship. - We find in one of our exchanges the following desenption of a church in Delaware: At Cantwell's Bridge, a pretty little village on the main peninsular road, about ten miles on theside of Smyrna, isa Friend's meeting house built of brick, only about twelve feet square. Small as it is, it has all the appliances, outside & in, that are usually found in those of larger dimensions. The congregation consists of but one man, a respectable Quaker farmer, living some fouror five miles distant, who attends twice a week, and sits out the usual time alone. Literatttre. - Alexander üumas,the celebrated French writer, has been engaged by the Paris journal, "La Presse," at a yearly salary of eigbty thousand francs, with the understending that frorn the first of Januury his fertile pen ia to be used exclusively for its columns.- Bah. Pal. Alexander Dumas ia a black. What will South Carolina say? - Bost. Chron. The Russian government, in the kingdom of Poland, has issued an order, by which all males, without disttnetion, are henceforth prohibited irom contracting marriages till they have completed the thirtieth year of their age. A Working Man. - Mr. ïïm. Emerson of Malden, has made during the past year, eight hundred and ninety-one pair ofshoes. Mr. E is in his 85th year. - Zion's He raid. The principies of the abolitionists are summed up perfectly, in the languageby which thé angels ahnöoticed the object of the Redeemer's mission - "Glory to God in fiíE hííjhest, o'x kartu peace, GOOD WILL T0WARD8 MLX.?'--jE: P. Lovejoy. The Texüs Dchaie..- The House of Representatives of on '21st inst., adopted a resolution to close the debate upon the Texas question on Saturdáy last. We shall thërefore soon learn the fate of the various plans of annexation that have been bcfore Congress. - Pree Press, Jan. #1. The heiglit of femalè excellente mny be supposcd to be a young lady of Kcutuckyj now residing in Cincinnati, who stands 6 feet 1 1 inches in her Etockings, 'anti is stout in proportion.'One of the Native Mcmbers from New York named De Puy, has given iiotice of bill to disband all Volunteer Coinpanies wben more than onethird of their numberareJldop led Cilizais. This is the mallest polatoe which has yet been dug in the Legislative iidd for many a year. - Roeit. Jïdv. Mr. Webster has been elected lo the U. S. Senate ín both branches of the JVIassachusetts Legislatuie. 'StumpecTtlte Ptophet.-A would be proph e, down South, snid lately, in one of his sermons, ihat "he was sent to redeem the woild and all things therein." Whrreupon a native pulled out two five dollar bilis of a broken bank, and asked him to fork over the specie for thcin. The Brooklyn Advertiser stntes, thata gentleman in Henry street, whose bell had been mischievously rang, affixed the wire of a small gulvanic battery to the knob. A boy whohtd been n the habit of perpetrating this piece of mischief, came again at night, as usual, and was prostrated by the shock. The lady of Mr. P. A. Trudeau, carpenter, No. 49 Canal street, had a fine boy on the 6th instant. This is the twenty-second child. Fifteen were bom in Montreal, Canada, and seven in the U. States. - Albanxj Argus. Water should alvvays be kopt on a Iieated stove. Without it, the stove deprives the air of too much of the electriciiy contained in the surrounding air, which is so essential to health, and the consequence of breathing air wanting this qnality, is the silent oppruach of chronic complaints. - Exchange Pa. An Albany borber, while exercising his ari upon a drani-drinker last Sunday, chanccd to open his customer's inouth,whereupon he was very properly threatened by a bystander with a complajnt for opening a rum hole on tne Sab bath. The use of Gi og ín the JVapy .- A navat writer in the Ma ry land Herald, gives an ac count of a cruise on board one of our nationnfessels, in whieh lie sa)'s: "We had a crew of about 290 officers anti men all told, or apout 20ö men - we were out from tho 5th of June, 1843, to December 10 1844, or about 18 months - during which time, 4085 luslies with the cat, and 85u with the colt were eerved out in a friendly way; and os to grog, 1 know I can cary a good deal under my jacket - bnt they beat m all hollow. Some of the officers could drink 14 glasses before breakfast- and if the wardroom etevvard's nuthority is worth any thing, lthere was liquor aiovgh servcd out daily io scald a hog: " Beat ias.-Mr Tultlo, of Hard'vick, slnughterd a Cow last week, whose tallow weighed 190 pcunds. TheMagnetic Telegraph - lis Extensión thró'oul the. Union. - Prof. Morse has transniitted to Congress a very inleresting leport on the extensión of his Telegraph throughout the Union, so as to embrace Boston, New York, Washington, Pittsburgh, Cincinnatti, St. Louis, New Orleans, Mobile, Savannah, Charleston and Richmond, in the chain oí' coirmunication. This would interlace the Union. The expense would be Í4G1 a mile, that is cbout $1,400,000 for the whole system. He calculates that the income would be tit least $600,000 per annum as a Post office department. He thinks that the sys tem should and wil! support iiself. Jn trnnsmitting inteïligence. the great advantage of the magnetic telegraph over steambactsand locomotives, or in fact of any kind of telegraph ever before used, is that "it is at all times available, at evry hour of the day or night, irrespeclive of wcalher." Colion Factory al the Souík. - Quite a tac tory village is growing up near the upper landing of Natchez, Miss. M'Alister, the proprietor, manufactures jeans, negro cloths, twine, bagging, lindseyf, wicking, kc. He niakes a strong specimen of cotton bagging, from refuse cotton, and which is highly f poken of. The email pox is prevailin1 at Scuthport and Rncine, Wïsconsin. tlLoudcr!''--A colored man lately went to tle post-office, and putting his nose close up to the delivcry box, cried out "Louder!'' The clerk supposing the negro to be deaf, and that he was making a rrquest of him to speak louder, so tiet he could hear, asked him in a very loud tone, the name of the person for whom he wanied the letter. "Louder!" cried the negro. ♦'What name?" yelled the clerk. "Louder!'' again bawled the negro, who now supposed the clerk to be deaf. The clerk took a long breath, and wtth all his inight, ngain bellowed out jn the negro's face the 6ame question - "Wkal name?'"-' This was done in so loud a tone, that the echo seemed to rctitrn from the far off hills. The negto started back, in alarm, shouting to tho top of his big lungs, "Loud&r, I told you Louder! My ríame is nothing eleeP "Oh, ah! oh, ho!" said the clerk, ''your name is Loudt'fi eli? Didn't think of thöi - here's yo'ir letter, Mr. Louder, here's your let ter!' ít JZquiüocal Compliment. - A lady, b few days sïnce, was apológizing to a male friend for the appearance of her hand?, she said her help being" unable to altend, she had herself to do a hïrge washing. The gentleman very coolly observed, o one would ever discover by the looks of her digits that shc had tver ivashcd! A tender 'hcarted Damsel. - 'Poor tbingt, how coldthey must be to have their coatstuken ofT this weat her!' satd ti. tender héarted damsel to a man skinning eels. 'Don't il hurl them'?' 'Not a wbit of it mam- they are used to t; and then you see we warms 'em, directly, ín fiit, and that heals Up their hurts. Fat art gaod fuf' sores. Pas 't'tn alcr.)g, Bi!!.'Mr. Mafit. - A correspondent of tiie New Orieans Grescent City, wriiing frotn New York, thusspeaks of the lnbors and nppear unce of ihe obove culebra led clergvman: Biother Muffit is in town lecturing and olectrifyiufi the laidies, ns usual. Tlie man has certainly discovred the waters of perpetua) youth tliat Punce de Leon lost his lite in searchingafter. Hu face hasn't an additionul wrinkle, not a curl of his Adouiá liead is uwry. If posdible, lie hus a more seductivo voice than ever.' Justice slutp and suft'. - The House of Rep. of ühio, havf passed a preainble and resolution rescindí ng the vote of censure on John Quincy Adams passed eome years since, tor presenting cerlaing petiiiouá in favor of a dis suluüoii of the Union. A poor and worthy ehoemaker, of the nome of Hoover, who lives at Port Caibon, Pa., liae received a bequeat froin Gernmn}-, of me million and a half of dollars. Triumphal honor s werc decreed to Lafayette for aiding a nation fighting for political freedom; while Charles T. Torrey is doomed to ihe pen'tentiary for six years, for aiding a human being, jlechig for personal freedom.


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