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The Next Congress

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Of the 139 members e!ecte!,61 are Whigs. Aniericnn Repnblicnn?, and 82 Demoerats. ""here nre yet to be elected 84, viz: 4 n New Jnmpfhire, 4 in Conwciicut, L in Rhoilo lsaud, 6 in M.irvland, 15 in Virginia, Í) in Nor.h ünrolinn, 7 in Alabma, 4 in Mississippi, 11 n Tennessee, lü in Ktntticky, 10 in Inditmi. (vncanc)") in Miiine, and 1 (vacancy) in Vlassnchusptts. Tolal 2L3. New Hampsbire clects her member in March next; Connecticut and Virginia in 'Vpril; Marylnnd in Ocioberj Mississippi in November: all the rest (except the vacancie) n August. CJ Every slaveh -Ider in the House vott.d Oiainst the Postoge bilí, expecj two - Causin of Maryland and Slidell or Louisinna, jefte 124, nays74. On the :itle of the bil!, Mr. Tborr.pson, of' Mississippi, moved that it be. An act to mnke the Post office a pub!ic nuisance.'' The Tribune says that after its pnsnge a comniittee of sou'hen) Locofbcos wait ed on Mr. Tyler to induce him to veto it!Qy We are indebted io the Secietary of the Señale for sundry Legislativo documents. fcf We intended to publish the new License law in this pnppr, but have not been able to g-et a copy. We have the promise of one for next week. (Lƒ" The Marshall Stalesman srepublishing its list of oíd Whig principies, witn alterations "to suit the times." The sixth wliig principie reads thus: " We are opposed to theannexationofTex ns and the dictation of" the slave power ot'U)e South." So the Statesman bas no opposition to the perpeiuity of ihe Slave Power, nor to the ordinary influence vvbich it exertB in the na - tional councils ojniust the caiue of political freedom, but only to its "dictation," in measure of Whig policy, wesuppose. Well, thui will do to begin with. Any kind of opposition, however diminutiye or feeble, is better ihan tame, fawning servihty.0553 Mr. Polk s Inaugural Mess3ge has been received, but we do not think t wonlri nucí) intereat our readers if we should pubisli it. He repeats his former positions on the TarifF nnd on Annexalion, and ociares that his adminititration sliall be guided by tliem. He is somewhat opprehensive on ihe wliole lest the Union be dissolved by ihe actions of "niisguided'" men in sorr.e States i interfering witli ihe kidomeLic instjtutíons" of otiier Stales, bul finaliy concludes ihatthere will be virtue enongh in the miiss of ihe peo p!e lo counteract their riachinalioni?.


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