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We find in the Cmcinnati Herald the foPowmg particulars of the new Pustage law, odüitional to iïidsé we have airea'}' published. The Assistnnt Post Masters General allowedto frank, but obligedlo endorse on tlieir paekngee, "official business." Postage paid by deputy Post Mouters on business letters { o be refijnded. Governor? of Sla tes rmhted f.o transmit hrongh mail, free of postáge, cerla'm bóoks and documente. Members of Congress cun frauïc nll public printed docnmeiit, ond nre emi led to the privilege of fraiiking on all letters and packages not exceediiig two ounces in weiht, during the session, umi thirty days before and after the faine. The Post Alasler to keep un account of qjl matter thut goos i'ree, wliich is ihen to be paid for out of the contingent fund or from tlie Troasary. New -pa oer?, pamplilets, books and periodicals can be sent over the maif routes, out of tiie mail, without hindrance. Private expresses, to perforrn regular trip? on mail route?, and transport mail matter, prohibited under a penalty of one hundred and fifty dollars for each oiFence. Kewspapers, defined to be any printrd publication, issued in numberi, consisting of not more tlian two sheets, an} published at short stated intervals, of not more than one month. convcying intelligence of passing cvcnts?. S7i)0,00t) appropriatéd from the Treasury to be applied in theevent of any deficiency in the income under the nw rates.0 Tlio U. S. Land Office ai Cincinnnti s to be removed to Detroit, and Lucias Lyon. iate represen tative in Congiess from the Secoml Dtstrct, is announced n the Free Press as the expected incumbent f the office of Survoyor General. Mr. Lyon's termas Representative expirsd on the 4th instant, nnd heis „ow succeded by Mr. Chipman. Mr. Lyon has alwnys been a sevvile of the worst kind. We néver heard him accused of the least inclination tooppose theincroachments of the Sla ve Power, or to purgue a manly and independent course as the Itepresentative of Northern Freeraen. When Hun; and McClelland first ypted ugainst tde Joint Resolutions for annexing Texas, Lyon voiod for them, ondalso he voled i.) the affirmative on the final trial a few days Biiicc. Is it at all wondorful that he sliould obtain office at the hands of the Slaveholders iri prcference to men wfio aie less sorvile and' compliant to their masters?Whelher the statement of the Free Press be correct or not, he has earned the siluaüon, and is ent il led to his reward.qj= Thk Evangelical Obskrvbr" is the apprJIation of a religious paper recently commenced in Detroit. It is iseued every other weck at $1,00 a year, in advance. Ii does rot appear, oslensibly, to be the organ.of any denominaron, but is published by an association of gentlemen. Q5= "The Michigan Conörk&ationalrsT" is the title of a new paper jost commenced nt Marshall, lo be published nionthly at 25 cents per anuum in advance. U is devoted to the expoeition and defence of Congregationilism, and the promotion of religión gencrally.


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