Late News From Torrey

The Rev. E. VV. Jackson, of the M. E. Chtirch, falé óf Miilbury, now a lecturing ngentof the American Peace Society, writee fiom Bultimore to Ziori's Herald, March 20: I visiif! the perritenliary lo sce my old friend Rev. C. T. ToYrey; At first I saw him Lhroiigh a littlé operluró in thé partition; hc hèJ fi'nished hls lask fur the day at vteavingby 3 o'ciotk, nnd was rcntiirtg hh lÃ:b'j and praycr-book, Mie o'uly books he i nllowod. These books he roads n!l tiie thñé w'hcn he is notatvvork. I rcquested of Mr. Jolnifon, Uie gemlcirtfiDlv wnrditv t!;e privilege of nn interview, whiqlr he sniii was contntry lo theÃr rules; but na I had been introduce;! hy nne of the dircütors as a clerLryinni), hc woidd grnn ' me lbo pVrvüegc. So l.-c caücd Torrey into! !hc and nliowod me to CbiK'o&e wilh itn na lonns I p!ea?cd. Hc re hl zaad 'â jca!t!i- appftifrpuodj takc-5 wntcr for JTast and supper in preierence to the cofTee, whicb s mniie of rye. WhenT askcd him how Ije prospered spiritif. ally, he replied, Ã! Jackson, I have for thtf Inat three months been imspeakably happy; lilis forenoon,at work, I-thonght, if it vvero allowed, 1 vvould shout as you Metliodists dia He lold me that he meant (o ask for booka and paper, and thinksit wil] be granted. Hé' says he still toves his frionds, and wishrd me to express it to them. lÃe told rae he had great satisfaction n proying for his wife and chil'drén; Mony of the people herc tliink henever meant Wrong, although tliey thlnk he did wrong'. Hls situalion is much more com furtuble thtfn could be expected. lïis friends who are in Baltimore may Fee him, if they take the proper course;-and, if they are der-' gymen, they 'vilJ nol need a' permis- si on.
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