Liberty Vote In New York

Tlie Now York correspondent of the National Intelligoncer oannot find words toexpress his loatliÃng of the Liberty party. - Howcvfir, he tnkes comfort ó Ihfi thongrlit ihat "ilio po]iti.-;il imporianue of thnt pnrty has been ntforlv dfietroj-ed b'y tlipir conree a t the late Pmsideniial elecÃion. Thp.y are now spnken of on!y wiÃh oxeerntion and contempt, aixl present árvelopinrrits show thttt llicir forcé hacheen reduced tul it Ãk no ionger formidable." Thiià may be so, lint the few returns of tlic town elections Ãn Me%v York tcll rather a different story. In Salisbiirv, Tïerkimer rotm'v, (he Libertycnndklute for Supervisor came wlthin ninc votos of he'ing elec:rd. In WiniïcJr], snme ommly. the Liberty ticket was elecled, by a handsome majoricy. Corïlar.d cniinly did ivèU'. I.i Homer, ll.-c vote for Supervisor wns J. rii C!npp, (Lib.) 200, O. Bowen, (Whigj 194, N. Hitchcock, (Dem.) 117. Ãn Cortlandville, the Whig ticket prcvailed, by only a majority of 51 votes over the Liberly ticket. Litchfiold gave 65 Liberty votes - a elight jewport gave 55 - a g-ain of' 1G from November. Last Sprinir thé Democratie vote was L5 over bo:h Whig and Liberty- now it is 27 less. D3nnbe elected a Whig, Manlicim, a Dem oerntic Supervisor - bot ir the reverse of lasi year - tiicresult in such case was prodneed, it is slaled, by the Liberty men. In Piainfieid, the Dcmoerats elected 1 Supervisor, 1 Assessor, 2 Constable?, 1 Seuier, nnd 1 Overseer or tlie Poor: the Whtgs, 1 Jusiice, 2 Commissioners of Ãligiiwoys, I Inspector of Election, 1 Collector, and 2 Constables: the Lberty men, Town Clerk, Superintendent of Common Schools, 1 Assessor of the Poor. The Liberty candidate for visor lost the election by going aguinst grantmg censes. Smitltfk-ld, in which is the little town of Petcrboro, has rendered a good account oà herself. Two yenrs ngo, the Liberty ticket beat each of the olher tickets. Lnst yenr the othcr pariies combined, and succeeded by n mfijority of 20 votes ovoÃ1 the Liberty party. Tliis year, they ognin combined, but tlie Liberty men beat them both, by a majority of 48! Tliis ceriainly does not look hice being ' 'ntterly des!royed.'T - dn. He;ald. {L= The Albany Daily Advertiser, ( Wlng) :akes ground witli the N. Y. Courier and Enquirer ogainst the projtjci of the Tribune, ïouronl, &cc. to ''raisc the Standard of Emnn cijwtio". A correspondent of tbe Advertiser had the following fiing at Gov. Seward and the Evening Journal: {A paper which hn& been the leading Whig jonrnal of the Slato, nnw scarcely dipplaysau editorial, in which Aboïrtion canl and slang are not conspicuous, and unfriendly s;irit towarJs tho South is not evidetït. To be sure, it gives an occasional slap at the Birney party, but its tone Umard thtm is rather envioub rivalry liian siern oppositio.n;, and ils hope evidently is, to bre;ik up the present AbulHion orcanization OHÃy to lead in the forniation of Dew one. An Governor, twice clected by the Wliigs, has iibuëoii iheir mvitaüons to address róass moelings by deüvering; barangoe ra:ik wilh 8elfihness,, and abolilionism, to the almost entire exclusión, or omñ-sion, o ilientention of Whig candidatee, oradvocacy of' sound Whig principios. The editor of ihat paper, and this Ex-Governor, Btill belong lo and !ead in the Wliig party Both are known to have been in treaty witli cine uf the Birney Jeodere, and nre claimod by bim as ulhes. A charge óf coi:fedèracy brouglit ngainst tbeni, Ãs replied to by tho publication of a lelier from the ExGovsrnnr to the Birneyifa, in vvliich he professed to con&ider the Whig party as an aboli tioii party, â &. tlierefoetliinksit rigbt to rcrnaii n ir. à similar shadow of rcjua ld an ndmission of the chnrgc, is made 01 behnif of the editor by his lemporary sub?titute, and with this we are to uesatisSed!'
Signal of Liberty
Old News