Town Elections

Arm Arbor gave an aggregate of 7SG votes for Supervisor. For [I. Beckèrj Whig, 362- for Jas. Kingslcy, Dcm. 320 - for S. 1 licks, Liberty, 104. Lasl spring the Liberty vote was 83. The other towns ip the County are divided between the Wliigs and Democrats in nbout the usual proporïion. On the Lieense question, the vote Ãn Anu Arbor slood for Lieense 200 - for No Licsnse, 3'23 - majority 125. Ann Arbor, Pittsfield, Ypsilanti. Sharon, Webster, Northfield and Salem, are said to have given mrtjorilies for No Lieense. In Ypsil;inü, the Liberij' vote for Supervisor wns 45, being a lurge increuse on Jusl year. In Silem it averaged 79, lackinga fewvotes of a nvijoriiy. Jn Mundy, Ger.psee Co., the Liberty vote averaged 13 - lust f'all 11. For License: 7á - No Lieense, 34.
Signal of Liberty
Old News