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Prrf.1 of Hens. - Thb Woonancjie: Patriot, a pnper nlways trying to find something usel ful as well ns entertaining, has a lelter from ' a broilicr typo, now tnmed fo:mer, Mr. Todd. f Smiili field, who I a: taken pnins to nscertain ' lidíly'ü expendes ond profits, and lie tliinks llie ' profit. on 25 hrns n cqual to tbat of a good 1 cow. lic sa ys, i I u&ed to cmitend lliat n lien wmild consume ' inore Valué in crn, llian her eggs would feljdi at l!e coinmon nin-kef price. But in order to fiiuiefy mypelf wl ether llipre wnf, or , va not, any profit in keeunp hen?, I have kept a p'etty arcnrntt jicromt of what 1 h:u'e ff'd on!, and the cgrg's .cold in market.- KxHiuino tti is re nl : - Fum the first day of April, 1844, to Apnl, I81d. my honp - I Éve in mm:l)erl8e consfiíií-fl SÖ busfiels of ' rn. valued nt,?5 cent? per bnsliel, which ' $f8,55; durinfr whicb timelhsve .-old in mnikpi, 2-1L 1 zcnsof egs, averaging IS cents por dozrn. fcl.ioh nMgoDts to $S6,3o - no account bcin mw!p of thosp uppH in ihe fumily. 1 have also ?old $4 wortli f chick ' en , nmoiintmf? in ail to 840,50. fiere, then, I have Icfi ï20,70. Imporlaut lo Porfc íttiisers.--t conversa tion with Mr. Hnffield, nt his celübratcd Pork nnd B:icoii faclory ir) Ciiicinhati, a ehort time since, lie informcd us thnl on important chance wn takimr place amonj the farmers of Ihat región in their mode of raisin g hogs. Tlat tl)ere was ncreasing demand in the Eastern market for Pork of a thinner quality than formerly; and that farmers were beginning to learü that by selecting a good thnfty breed, and mnnnging tliem properly, they can raise hog8 of L00 to 250 Ibg. weight at 9 or ten months old at a saving of one third to one iialf the expense over the oid sys!em of wintering store hogs, and slnuphtering thein 18 or 20 months old. To practise thia systpm the pigs should come in winter or early in the ppring; and special caro should be taken to have them kept thiiving diiring their whole üves; for if they become stonted when yonHg, it is impossibie to recover them in time for slaughter the next ye&r.-Midtigan Farmer. What carejul Cullivation willdo.-Mr. Elijah Morgan, of Yorktown, Westchesler Co., N. Y. gives in a latenumber of thePoughkeepsie Journal, the following as the producto of oneqitnrter of an acre ofground, cuhivated by him in the senson of 1844, viz:Mr. Morgan says "the above wcro all from a quarter of arv acre, tended enlirely with a hoe, by my own liande, and I aro nearly soventy five years oíd." Steam . The New York market is now supplied with steam hutehed chickens, at seven shillings a pair.- They are rickety affairs about as large as robins. in the free States, there are 504,835 Sabbath Scholars- n the slave States, only 82,582. The State of New York has twice as many Sabbath Scholars as the entire thirteen slave States.h on Safes - We took occasion to inquire of the Pituburgh editora respecting the kind of safes which beet atood the severe test of theirgreat fire. The American commends tliem all Biiceringly oe follows -.-Detroit Adver tiser"Out of more than one liundred exposed to the fire in this city, not ono taved even tilver jronx mellhg, much more a single book or paper. Several were conveyed intothe streets, where every ihing in them was burnt up and destroyed, even to the falsely called safe itsclf. We mention tliis fact to put peoplo eleewhere on their guard. Our merchants had them from all quarters and at all pricce, and not onc exposed to tkejire, Baved a single book, or Ihat is itsclf again fit for ase, excepingtwoor three which were flrmly built in he wull, or protected by heavy stone or brick vaults. So much for Salamanders.' The Asbestos' .f all of them will be fotind neither moreor less than oafc plank or common dirl. -Let no man, theiefore, trust eucIj in case of fire. The only protection in the fire was buiid in strongly built vaults." The JYamr-what skall it ?_Since the New York Historical Society has fo.tnd that he United States had no name, there is grea zeal moniffsted to help out the baptist. We lave now a dozen or two nnmes proposed. They siand about thus: Coiumbia, - by Joel Bnrlow. Frruonia,- by Samuel L. Mitehell. ALUSGANiA,by the New York Uistorical Society. Colonia. - by n Friend. Or egonia,- by ourselvcs. United States,- -by the people.- Cm. Cnron. We would respectfully Buggest the name of ■uagaüocia, os the most nppropriate for the resent, and for Saxon brevity, and tergenen ve can cali oureelves simply Braggs - Bos on Chronicle. Provine: nn Alibi. - A clergyman at Cambridge preached a sermón which one of his uditors commendcd. 'Yes,' said a gentleman to whom it was mentioned, it was a good sermón but he Btole t.' This was told to the preacher. He resened it. nnd called on the gentleman to retract what he hnd snid. 'I am not,' replied the nggressor, 'very apt to reíract my worda.but in this instanco I will. [ aaicl you had stolen the sermón; I find I was wrong, for on returning home, and referring to the book whence I thcugbt it wqs taken, I found ittbere.' Abovt Righl.- The Bangor Whtjg Advertiser tells a good story of a Yankee, who was refiised a dinner at one of the taverns "down east,' until he hnd showed the landlord his "pewter." Boniface then did his beet, and at the sound of the bol!, in walked the Yankee taking a general furvey of the table, turned tohis host and sBid, "Mister, you've seed my money, and I've seed your dinner! good-bye!' Jack Downing on the Advamages óf Jidvertising. - Thêre's nothirg tiiat greases the wheels of business like nevvspaper adyertising. Bear's ile ain't a lonchólo it.' flenry'Elay, as announced in the Keniucfcy Yeoman, has recently received rich present from his friends, among which is the payrnen of his $20,000 debí to John Jacob Astor, and #5,000 to the bank of Kenlucky, at Lexington.Coahjor Chna.-Tho Pbilndélphfa JYortk Americtin states that there are orders for a considerable amnunl of anthracite cool for the Celestial umpire, waiting for vesseU at that port. Pennsylvania coal can be deiivered al Hong fvong for $8 per ton, and it is nol doubted but that this article will be regulurly wnnted for llie Kiicson sieamcrs oii the coast of China. Zeplion,a colored rnan,wasbungin Phihade! phia, last week, for the murder of another col ored mnn, named Tod. - A correspondent o the New "Vork Herald, savs that ibe feclin agninst Capital Punishment is eo great in tha city. that a pardon vvould have been procurec for Zephon, ifhe had nút been a colored man Experience.-The Bostotf Post has the fol lowing recipe, which looks extremely experi mental. How elsc could the marr know e much, if he had nH feit the aches? - How to deler.t mineral m Take them freely, aïid when the wind is east for three o four daye, you vill feel tbe minerale in you bones, The city councü of VVasiiington have appro priated one thoasnnd dollars out of the gener al fund for the relief of the Pittsburgh auff erer8. Itwould Imro looked much becter they had taken it oiltof their own pockets. Missouri Compromire. - When the Mis souri compromise with slovery was adopte( the norlhern men who votod witfj the Soul were ever after held in conieinpt and abhor rence at home. So let it be with the Texa dough-face8. - Detroit Advertiser. Amen, say we. But what barefaced hy pocrisy Js it in tl:ose who are daily üsing lan gunge üke the nbove, after moving heave end enrih to elévate to the presidency the au thor of the Mïtsovri compromtse!! nnd wh are now nnalhetnatizing the Liberty party fb not having purêiied the 6amo consisten courBeü - Star of Frredom4 driven frbm their liiding places a lorge num ber of rtinaway 6lave8 who have, in miny case?, been secreted for monyyeors. An o black woman beinjj burnt out of her capneions hom e, pought out and claimed hef master; &i in nddition lo this return of property, she brousht with her eleven children, all her own, eerving as an indemnity or remunerution for her long absence. . PiUabxirgh.-TliQ Pittsburgh papers announce that the President hae subscribed $100; ex-President Adam% $50; and Mr. Blnir, (of the Globe,) $3P0. Mr. Buchanan gave $500.CC Tlie proportion of vegetable food to each inhabitant, raised in the United Slates is thii8 ostimated: Wbeat. five end a fourth bushcl?, com, twenly bíx and a foruth, rye, one and a fourth, buckwheat, one eightb, potatoee, five and a half, bariey, one eighth, sugnr, three-anda half pounds, rice, eix and three founhs do. Too Good.-h is said tlmtMr. Cushing on bcing asked to dine with Mandnrin Lin, discovered on the table, tomelhmg of which he ale cxlmrbitanlly, thinking it to be duck. iot spenkinjf Chinese, and wishing to know vhat it was, he pointed to it, after he had inishcd, eaymg lo his host inferrogalively, 'Quack, quack, qunck?" The mandarín, with qual breviiy, replied, "Bow, wow, wow.'" - Hr. Cuthingrafeehngscan be imagined. General Tom Thumb calcnlates that hc as kissed two millions of ladies wliile in En gland, which at one shilling e.ich the price snally charged, would amount to near upon five hundred ihrusand dollars. The Globe establishment has been valued at $35,000, and passes for that sum o its new proprietors. Punch indiacussing the game laws of Engand, asks the perlinent question, "ivhat ia the )lo id of a peasant compared with the blood of pheasant.'' Cause of Controverty - "I am more and more senpible," says Baxter, that most conroversiea have more need of right stating ïan of debating." - Mr. Ellsworth of the Patent office, stimates the value of egga" annually conumed in the United States, to be eight millons of dollars. Morocco vestp, pnrticularly red, have lately been introduced omong the fashionablea in 'aris, and are all the rage. Their appcarance s said to be uncommonly brilüunt. The Russian Empire has nineteen military schools, in which are 10,000 Btudents. In the army promotion is open to all, without diutinctioniof rank or clu.-s. A fellow who married a termagant who drove him todesperation, and finally to dealh, jnst before dying.requested afriendio have the following brief yet pnngent inscription upon hia tomb; :Slain by a jaw bone!"Liberty JVewspapers. - A friend has mnde out a Hst of Liberty newspapeis, amounting to thirty-nine, viz: three dajltes and thirty si weekliea. A newdaily, making forfy papers, will he started in a few daya at Cleveland. - Frvtt oj Slavery. - Mr. Ansel Torbert, sen., a highly respectable citizen of this district, was on the Sist of March most umnercifnlly beaten by one of his negro' boys, abotit 16 years of age. Mr. T. had been for some time previouslv, in a feeble state of health, and was confined in bed when the assault was made ópnn hitn. He died on the 9th of this month. The negro boy was tried for the murder on the 12th inst., and fonnd guilty. He is sentenced to be hung on Priday the 25tfo. - Edg. (S. C.) AAv Rev. Francis Mason, missionary of the Baptist board at Tavoy, has forwarded ten dollars to Lewis Tappan, New York, to assistin theescape cf runaway slaves. - Mich. C. Herald. It appears to us that this presents a test question to (he Baptist board. What will they do? Will the board sanction contributions to nssist slaves in running away as morally right? or will they degrade their missionary, as having committed a moral wrong? - True Wesleyan. Condensad Argument. - A very celebrated divine eays: "The world we inhnbit must have had an origin; tbat origin must have consistcd in a causu; that canse must have been intelligent; that intellicrpnce must have been efficiënt; that efficiency must have been ukimate; iliat ultimate power must have been snpreme: and that which alwnys was ond is euprerne, we know by the name of God."


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