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Bookseller And Stationer

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JL844. WHOLE SA lIT & UETAIL. A. M' I 'AEREN,SMART'S I5LOCK, 1S7 JBFFKRSON AVKNUE, DETROIT. I7EHPS constnnily ('of salen complete assori$L_ niont of íMisc-cIlíiíieous. üch'io: and Clüsfci■.i liooks, Letter and Cap Vnpc.r. ,;u and rjul e), Qtiil's. I ii U . Scaüng Wax, Cutleïy, Wrnp pin'g Pópór, Prirtriiig I'nper. öf II sizes; and Uo.)!'., NftViirfl C.'inniafr Ink, of vnrions kinds BLANK BÖ.QKS, fu!l M.d iinïl ofev ory vaiit-ty of liuifng, Mérnórnriduni D.iokp. &c. To .Motxlian;.", riViici)e:s. nnd oihers. btiying in n'janiii es. aJawe (.liscoiint mnde. Suubaili Scliuol and Bible Society Dcpnsitor. ri-tf "JËROME M. TREADWELL, ATTORNKY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, And General Land Agent, WILL otlend to tho enlo nnd pxchangê ol Lunds, pnyment of Tnxcs, nnd ïcdoinpiion o{ Lands sold for 'l'axos in Jnckoon ind ndjóióing countics. cxaminniion of Tules, Convcymcing aml all íiiiíinesspcrtaiüing tü Real Estáte. uíücí! iïi ino ('ourt Iiousc. Juckscm, Mfchigaó. 17-tf. ]31nk Siceds and Ülovtgsiges, WH01.ESALE AND RICTAIL, tort-üloby BKCKLKY, FOSTKR & Co. March 20, J845. illapie Swgar! Wf Hs. just reccived. and for fcalo by 4)J I3ECKLEY, FOSTEH; & CO. Aun Arbor, Air26, 3845. 1


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