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Oakland County: For The Signal Of Liberty

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A Convintion of the friendo of Liberty was held necording to notice in Póntiac, on l'Yulny the 4:1) Jmy. 'I he county was reprérentefl bVíome from ncnr'v cwry town. Mr. Elijuh S. Fish, Chairinu, and Dr. R. Gi;íSÜ;in, Secretary. Correspnnding CommiUee for the onsuing vcnr, J. Morrison, J. Voorheis, J. A. Poclc. A dele;aton ofUvelve w;is nppo:nted to lUend ttie Stato Cónvérilioh U ftlarebaíj', nn i he Olli Jii!v; J. A. Peck, J. Morrison, A. S. Armes, E. II. Fuircliih!, I.ij. Uigh, E. S.' Fíhm, VVmi. G. Síoiio, Dr. Roynold Me!villo Dfal{, H. Waldruii, J. Thomas, Alva A. Siiiiili, were appoinled. Jltsolcid, That n county meeting be held on 25li Sepiomber nc.M at Poniac. Heolvd, Thot a conimitlee of sx be nppointed by the chuir lo dral't an Qíldress lo be deüvered at that meetmr. The Ibllowing Rcsolulions were presentedi }scti8fèd nrid adopted: R-solvrd, Tliat tlie i le unpnrnllelled prpsuioniiil ciinvass bos consolidnted lüe Libertij Kirt; muí prnv'ed il to be a fixed lnc(. Rt'sult'id, Tli;it no luttire efibrt for the ab snr;)im) ot' lito Liberty party ju eillier ol'lht' other parties wiü by avaijubje, as our party is not n the rrmkot. Ri'solvfd, Tlijit Jemes G. Bi ney hos come out of the politica] of fulsehood jutí t'orgery rnade seven times hotter Ihan ; i.wont to to te heated, withoui the rrr?:] of fire upon Un g.-innents, ond thus the couociís of tlie Aljjiophclá ot tilia bypocriuca) age have been turned inío fuo!isl)nes. Jirtolved, That tlio principes ofthe l:cier tv piriy contain iwo element?, the politie! iiid the rnornl, and ll-nl in tho mirist oí j cal stril'r an! intrigut it is Injjhly important mt the moral elemort be kept predominnnt. The meethffr iwrensed ibe conviction in tlip minds ofnitendun's. that Liboriy men ore in earnest nrul nre determ;ned not to invnliilnip their ontli ofalleginnce for the sake ofgoln"è any ' Ir pnrty, or tó siop short it the total exierm'Du'.ion of Slavcry in Uiis our beloved land.


Signal of Liberty
Old News