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Tlic Oliio American conti adicSs the story in i lic Detroit A'iverü er thntthe Abolitioh 'CüftVfcntíím of Puringe Cirótny, Ohio, haf ciwcliiiteil iicfl to ma'ke any diáiiüct nomina inns. T'iie American 5avs the nomitintion of a fiiberty eandirjate was postpotied l'rom tlio l;ic thnt corinin Vrvigs hnd Iht alfoVrd o ad ilress the Coiivcntit.n in fnYor of' the Vh.utit il it was ton Inte to inavce nhininhUbns. - Ammiij tbese wes n Mr. 'rtli!en a Wliig M Calida cour ooV:s aml f -n' l rün nly "person He arquea tlint ifblavery qoovSoe cofined t its ptestMH lííiVitp, it 'rn'M't i'uevit;ib!y come down: tint the horiheni vin2 of' ilre-Wbig )..r y wnu'd mnko resiítonce to its tisuVpiUioi ns gient olijeci : iliQt ÜS ÑViií? pari were értmijprtl antisiavery in (!e5e.r've the co xperniion of' Liberty men: but upofi beiii (pifetioned ns to the support of tlaVeholdera fo uffice, be tt?3 ''iccurred d.toctly to tlie oh iiriMimont of the eligibilify of alaveholdera.ti office undertho constituí on, and thorefore cotild nol reconeile 'himscf to Iheidea of refv tin g support lo a sluveholdcrfrom the J 'act oj hts benig ü slaveholdcr .'' Ilcre is ihe Li"(Mt stickinor with the Wlugs. This queítion pms tdeir s'mcrrity to ilie f roof. We prrs'ime Mr Tilden is o Temperance me. Wonclnr wlial he vou! think uf theproprlety of the Te:np?rance So ciety of whicftlfe mny be a meniber fillinp three quorter of its offices witli dtéliilnëe nmisolters, or confirtned inebiiatet.? The inciuisistcncy of voting for plavei elders j? ejullv prent in nntitluvery Wh%8. As the Detrefl Adferiiw says it rrceivec dm r.ew8.of the coalitioii w'ah t-unitissmbled plra'svi'e,' we suppoèe a contrndxtion of the fnlsnliood will "cauee ívn3isííen"iblied'' puin We shiil] sen."Nothing1 can be more iuc-ffectnal lierb hiii altempt lo identiíy (fie whigs witi) t lie poli 1 1 cnl bülitioniMs. Ve hiive o cors'hOQMity of skitimknt. no community of fwling wiih poliucuí ubólitionUts. ' - JJ.stun Alias (Whig Tliut is tíot vory far frötn our opinión. - Why lliru do yóu try lo leaze and ' wdcedlt ubuliiionUts intó the Mippnrt uf slnveholdjing Whigs, like íl. CIy for nctoncc? {Lƒ The respect and oUaclinieni ni:inifeslod by tlib Ijiberty party towards Mr. Birnry, urne-í liis truducers into ail kitids üf fíis. Mr. deeley of the íí. Y. Tribune liáis a colmrin or two of editorial respccting "Birney and Birnoyisin.' Ilero is a 6ainp!e ol the whüle: 'Lct tliose bclievc Birney lionest. who cnn: we bclieved und slill believe hun a deceiver iStO A KfvAVB.'1 Fushionable people make much ado nboni human eufforifig. They scream, and evtn luint áway, about it. And, yet, lliey are loo lefined to ook upoh iï, or éve td givca pa lient ear to the descriptions of it 'Truc humanity," Saye Charlee Junios Fox, 'consista not io equentnish car, but in lislening to the 6tory of human eufftring, ond ejideavoring to relieve i."- Gerrit Smitk.


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