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Engïisk I jadíes in Cantón. - The laes contrived by iheir disregard of Chiese prejudices and the advice of Engsh fo get up a mob, some ears agoy whieh cost some li-ves and roperty, andrhreatened much more disstrous results than were really realized. "he daring of the sex is noí yct subdued lough the riotous disposition of the Chiamen may be, as the following extract f. a letter just received fromHong Kong, vill prove. "Mrs. , a lady of fine ppearance and resohite cbraracter, who as been residing in Hong Kong, went o Cantón a few weeks ago, to see that city, before her return to England. She vent without her husband, and walked about the streets just when and where, and how she liked, without regard to crowds or cusíoms, or the remonstrances of merchants, but it all passed offquietly. She has secured the honor of being the írst English lady who ever appeared thus in Cantón. So great a ehange astonishes evefy oneV' Which are liarhárians? - Líent. Greenwood. iti his "Cumpaign in Áffghanistan,'' speaks with Iorror of "Aff; han ferocity," and relates ah illustrative anecdote. A Kyb eree boj, nged Six years, was ob6erved bya British soldier handhng a large knife, and en deavoring to hoek off the hcad of a dead col ored sergeant, for his private amusement. -"There is a ferocity about these Affghans," observes the tender hearted Hentenant, "tvhich tliey sorfft to1 irffbibe with thèir motherr milk.r" And thêa to eïiow our superiority over the barbarous tribes of Asia, he adds: - "The yonng' rchin was so completely absorbed in his savage task, that he hecded not the nenr apprnnch of the soldier, who coolhj toók kim on his bayonetand threw iiim over the cliff." Admirable' manifestation of E'iropean refinement! Uiidersuch instructor?, ihe Affofhans can hardly fail to become civilized! - Gateshead (Eng.) Obserttr. The Chimes of Triniiy Church. - It is not possiblc for any man of taste to admire the proportionfs of this immense andcoatly structure; but We o anticípate réáí píeasore from tbe mtisic of its solemn bells. Of these there are to be nine. Th ree of thpm are old ones belonging to the church. The remainder are to bd csst ti England for a full peal, tuned and turrabie for chiming. Forbs have been received from there, which are voiced, or pitched to these bells, and those to 6e sent are to be tunerl to the forke to accord with those here. Dr. Hodges, an English organist and music doctor is training 16 boys to sing, for the Trimty Clnircliec; etght for Tnnity, and four each for St. Paul's and St. John's - to FÍng soprnno and alto, men, of course, sWiging llie bass and tenor. Female smging isto Ie entirely dispensed with. This is in itnitntion of the Cathedruis, of the Church of England. The Rev. Dr. Srrriih, of the .í. E. church in Virginia, a íeading minister of the South, is writing in the Richmond Christian Advocate to prove that the Christián Advocate and Journal, the official organ of the Methodist Church, pubIished in N. Y., is an "incendiary' publication within the meaning of the statutes of the Old DominionBeware. - A yoirng girï was fined in New Orleans lately, forappearing iti the streel in boys' clothes. The justice admitted the right of married women to wear the breeches, but denied that single females had any business with such nn articlef Wisconsin. - Thé emigraiion must be very great to this territory. The Green Bay Republican saysi "The amount of money received at the Green Bay land office during the nionth ending June 3Öth, Tor private entries, was fleen tliousand ninc kuddrcd and one dollars, forty-five cents.' And the amoiint received for the same purpose durirrg the quarter just ended, is almost forty thousandddlars! Full nine-tenths is immediately occupied by eastiirn iir.migrants. Comments are unnecessary." Slave's Aitswer.-K fugitive from slavery was asked if he was well ted and clot lied? Yes. Was his master kind to him. Yes. Was he overworked? No. Tlien go back lo yotrr nraster, you are better off tban you wil! be in freedom. "Gentlemen," he replied, "the place I !eft,with all its advantages, is open toanyofycw thaf want io fiil it." The American Kepublicm? party of Massachuseffs have iwminated Henry Shaw for Governar, and Charles Moore , for Lieuíctmnf tíoveruor, IJYtw and Important Invention. - The uppliation of t-his biddenaml trtysierious power to lie purposes of the rapid trunsmisMon of inlÜgence is yet in ji9 infancy. - There i& nbw, in tHis city, n elegrauh, nioveiJ y tfie power of .'l"Ciro-rnfi]grTieiistr. whicb )frfnrrnirthat whï h, in our boyieh dayy, we vould nol hiivt believed, if we hid rend of it n ïhe Atnbiun Nip hts. We hare spen n peoimen if prnnngf, done wiilvti.e ngtml hI)h ibet, aud as leírL!e to : he cltild as ilie clenr6t type, which was rxpcu'ed al ne .-n.l of n monrn'lc wire, ibrotirjh n direclinn givon at he otier. ft is trne- as ncredib'e a-t the intenVenf may seeni to 5e--tiat a rtíhn inftntr F the wiree were laid, nw hit at New York, nd, Wi'.h more rapuiity tliuu otir best comositor can eet typo, print flt New Orlpiins a 'etter of despatch ir the ordimrv letteiB of ur languape. - JY. Y. Eve. Post. Windows Cleaned hj Stram. - A very simle but excellent method of cleaning Windows s now coming into genera I use, possessinjj fhany adveníales over the-oFd system of uslnp whiting, Sec. The window re ñrst diisted with a bunch of featbers, or dustingf brush. nd when all the dtist ie ihoroughly removed, place a bowl of boilin? hot water at the bnse of the window; the steam immrdiateiy covprsthegla6B. which if removed by a washeathpr, and finished off with another quite clean and dry. The method saves time. pievents that cloudy appearance ieft bv wliiting, nd produces a more bnlliant and durable polsh than any other. - English paper.The Cherokeenation is rapidly improvinjr i] n civilization and refinemont. They ore ïow tnlkinp of formina agricultural societies. meeting of all the Cherokee farmers ia to be ;alled on the 26th inst. at Taliequah, to brma National Agricuitural Society, a-nd the mportance of these avsociatiuns is well 6Ct "orth by the editor of the Advócale. The rame paper containa a list of premiums for nrlicles to be roanuf.ictured by Cherokee Jadíes, and to be exhibited at the meeting for the formation of an ogncuKurnl society. The premiums are f jr homo-spun cloth, coverlets, 6ocks, beaded belts, 8tc. - articles in wh'ch the skill and taste of the Cherokee Iadiea have been higbly commetided.- PtVo. CoJisistent. - To tak e thé negro fronri the slnve pen of Mr. Faber, orany other humane demon on the const of África, and bring tothe Southern States, ísPiracy, and punishable with death! But to fake him from that no less infamous Slave Pen, which, under the very walls of our National Capitol, displays iis "Polk and Dallas" flag, and carry him to the same place, consign him to the same fate, is - not Piracy - O, noí but a very laudable act; at least so laudable that the law will throw around it and its perpetrators its protecting aegis, in consideration of the payment of a license fee into the public coifers! Out upon such inconsistency! Let boih acts be branded with the same stamp of infamy, for there is not a particle of difierence between the two. - Alb. Jour. The Press of Florido, is urging upon ite new Senators to insist pon the retnoval of ( thelndians froin its boundaries


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