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Backsliding Abolitionists: For The Signal Of Liberty

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.V.kssrs. Editoks: - The. re is much seirdonyliig, ardnoii8 labor neciied to keep ihe iVicn !s of llie Slave from becoming drowsy and rusty - t feconvert these whr hove the rmmeof Aholitmnibt-. but are dead - ns wel! os to "rain i.ccei-8 to ihöse vvho stuff their pars 'wit h catión, and dzzTe their eyes with rlaveholder'ti tinse!, and steel their hearts with neero hatrod." What have some of o. ir disimguished Dh'ines onc with tliir Antislavt.'ry liht, that it 6liines no lonorer? Snie ugho verc estepmed :le guidKig hnnmarios f the enlerpriie when the di.-cussion 6ratfbegan in earne?t. seem iu have bccume weary in %vell dnir.jr, h:ivn faintnd and turned hack. - "lie that rndureth unto the end hall be :-aved." To Uun that overcometh thnll be ffiven t!P fruit of lif's fair tree. Yet tli3.e men wil! uot od'.nit that any chance has come over ihoir spirit. They are the eame. But iIip aboliiiopiste have run mad, thus tnrówing ihem iuto ihe attitude of curiïervotives. Now nlierefri coniste the nrdness of Aboütionists? Qnestion tlicm on tliis póini, and you will find the red hoi politician and the ultra Gnrri-onin, ideática] in their nnswers. l'Jfurnl suaswH is the Irve weapun; bul you have ap peahd lo tfie ballot box.1 BiU this is uot the lieifl nnd front of our oifendingr i the rnind oí tl.p Ecciesiaritic. He has c craver chire. -'■Yuu tplit Ihc ehurchfs. ' Now Iiere is o po ser. How lo sieer betwern tliis Scylin anc Charybdis wonld puzzle ene determined t ji!rn.-eall. The politician faye n is a grea rnnrnl quf6tion, toke it to llie Cnnrch: - lii Cl-.nrch is the bulwark of Slavery. Tlie Re unionist ssvaresyoM t bal it isagrcat poüüca qneetion sud must be decided nl tlie polls. - Divido UjC politica? pnrties os mi)ch as yo pleaèe - only ktep it out of thftChnrcli. Nul the Abolitionist k n vs that both positions ar irue, ond he carries bis abohtion evervwhore ihrongh Cliurch and State - inio polilics hik rrlio'ioi'. And thid is Daadnoss ! - sir.intj inadnuss! therc is so mnch m'll)od in it. I lóuhti so ruLicl) Iike foiliwing the deduction? o r-.iM)n and Ihe diclales of common eense. - The abolitionist carries ont inlo efiective ac!ion the wouifi-bf abohfionitft liolds a o dormarit tlieory, and Urn is madriss. WVII let us tiave more qT it. Bul may bëéven eav is frnm ihut mdncis of ibe heart which the wickeii lü'.ve, wlio áiaífáoar God by oppressinp lus poor, - or by failing to deliver hitn ibat ih Iravvu unto denth, nnd is ready to be slwin rom the hand of the epoiler! ííiit whnt have bccotne of ihose Doctors who v-ere euch pood Aboli'ionisfs in Englam ind afti-rihey retumed fora short limr? - VVhat has bPCfime of ibeir anti hlavery? An the wrongs oftbeslave any less ihan vvhei iliey depjcied the ; in Englimd? Is Ihe sm of Slavery lesspned smee Ibejr denounced il there? When Dr. Cox in the last Tripnnia Astfiubly, by skilful mnr(Eiiverp,vvorlhy of llu real Canijtomiter - miccteJed ingiving tho o by to ihc nntihlavery resolutions - lm pxultpii and thankrd God Ibat ' ihe volrano ictts ciippid fut Ihi ee yeursT Was tliis ihr -pint he exlubited in his intercoiirse vvith the Abi!i!ionists o' Grat Diilain? Bul is it not pppcting too much of men who have Btlained Piirh celcbriiy when we loi.k fi. conwsient nn'.i-siavery actinn? Reformatión tiiai requírú great t-aenficee havo cointnnnly begnn wiih fhe nb'SCÜrvJ "Tlie poütary monk thut shook the wnrld.', (inknoun to faine, 'vfirn he entnmene - rd liis c.-irrer. So wi:h most of his comj pers, - lill Mie refornmiiün assumed an imposinp attitude. And a creotertban Lnthor ee!ecipH hÍ8BpcfttIe from those who bad not m:inv of eirth's dignities to f-ac ifice. ''Not inany rich, not imuy wise, or nblr? were calltd." - How of en was it askcd - "liave ony of thePhariitca believed on bim'M - how could they bclieved wlio eonght praise one of nnothor! So in this en'.erprije- requiriny greit eocnfires ns i! dor-, we oie not to l'ok fur dignitorics in clüirch or Mate to lead. Tliey wül ful I iri R-Íicii oompellcd to bj' tlie same power ilm! tvw keeps lliem out of onr raiiks - public opinión. Theu M the lunnble in numeond srti'ion eri'rr on lilis oik. God Jins cliosen the por of lilis ivorld, rich infuilh.tu ncconipüth tlie work. Let everv slumberinj abolitiooist be nroused. Gird on your nrnis anew for the conflict. Do soim-iliing - do itsoon - witli n!I thy niiglu. n nngel'e wing wou'd droop iflong at rest. Anr! Güd himeel', innciive,vere no longer bleet."


Signal of Liberty
Old News