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SOMETHiriG NEW. M USCO VETJJ'S PILLIS, tOK THK CRRTAI.N AND rfiRMAET CURK OF FEVER AND AGÜE. TilKSK pi(ld are pispare I !y tfv di&iiotiubcd F. KLING, !. L). i. f Jacks m M;cii In all of the maiiy c;ipes in whieti tlu-y hive been used. thcy liavu givcn the must cntue and perleci sntisfiic-iiin. The prop' ieior hazards hïuhing in snying. ilint they are the very besi medicine ii' tho world for the cure of ihe nbovo i:entineii disense. Any qmntiiy ofrecommeiidationa Dn'gltt bc publislied- as is thè custosn wirh many - tuit th;it 13 considereil unneeessary One trial wil! ptmsfy the most meredulouspf their greii vi.tue. The iuiij uity ot' Modicine now in uso alTrd bui a temporary relief, merely brcakmg and check1112 the disease for a short time and preveminn only ir. i-xternai appearance, while inwar.ily it id 8-ill ragmg, thus c msing mnny o;!ier maliidy.and cinseqneiitly proving highly injurious, to fu. ture henhli. Ii is the uhjuct n this nstnnop, to present ta the publica Medicinrentirely different froni that heretofore ofFered. and ono thnt will not mere'v chkckthk ctut.L.s. but tint wtll erndicnte the disenso entirclv from the system. Warrant" to a pzfct. cure if the directions are ■triqtly followed. Direciiona nccompnny cvery box and o Muscoetua Pi lis nrc genuine wiihnt the writtcu signature of tho inventor "F. Khnc;." Koch box ontaitu 100 pillsoud twelve powders pricc$I,00. For si!f: by Muymrds and Lund & Mc Collum.Ann Arbor: E ! S.inipson and Norrie& Fclch. Vpsilanti; Cnssius Swift Dexter; Hale. Snith & Dunhnm. Griss Lke: Stnith & Tyrol, Clinton; D. K. Undcrwood. Adrián, ThomnsP. M.i-, Plvmon'h} Peter Vnn Every, S. R. Sinlbnl, Grand Rnpids: F Gardner. Jonosviüe; SatTord Hupkins. Hiüsdale: Belcher & Ernest. K. Temple, J. McConnell Sc Co., Jackmïn, and ihrotizhout the State. P. S. All th-ise who are afflicted with a chronic Di3M-=e Wil hout regnrd to name and nature, even ifpronounccd incurable by others are respectfuüy invited to c.ill on me at my residence in Jackso, and I will cndeavor to restore them to perffct henltli. 'f not already beyond the power of all earthly aid. F. KLING, M. D. Jnckfon, July 'st. 184. 3m2l9 In Chancery-- Ist Circuii. Gcorge F. i'orter, adiuinistrau)r ofOliver Kane, decua8eJ, coiiiplninant. ts. Loren Mills. fcllijah W. Morgio nad Villinm S. Maynard, defendants. BY virtiie of a dec etnl order issued out of the court of chancery of the S'ate of Michigan, I sholl exposé to sale to the highest bidder, at the Court House in the Village of Aun Albor. Wanhtennw county, on the 23d day of September next, at I o'clock, P M., of that day, the foliowing desoribed premisos sitúate, to wit: ".iiuate, Iving and being in the town of Ann Arbor. in the county of Washtenaw nd State ot Michigin: Beginning at the centre of Whites Rod, so cnlled, on the west line of section 29. in town two sou:h of range 6x eaat; thence su!h on the line of the said section and on the line of section thirty-two, f'orty rods south of the eouth west corner ol the said section to a stnke: thence east nt right angles with said section' line thirty rods: thence north and parallel uiih satd iertion line to the centre of said Whites' rond. - Thence south seventy fivedegrees weet in the centro of the snid road to the place of beginninii. containtng thirty-three ocres and sixty-6ve bundredths of an acre of Innd more or lees. GEO. DANFORTH, Master ia Chancery. Jov & Pojiter. Sol's. Dated, August llih. IS-15. 224 The above eole ie pos'poned until the 20th day of Octobor A. D. 1845 at the eamc hour and place. GEO. DANFORTH. Ma8ter in Chancery. Daled, Sept. 23d, 1815. "TO THE VICTORS BELONG THE SPOILS." ALTHOUGH tnany preparaiions in the form oi POPULAR MEÜICINKS" have been beforn the public, claiming to give reüef. and even cure the most invetérate dioeases, yet nont have so well answered the purpose as Dr. Sherman's Medie :ted Lozenges They are agreeabli' di the taate, easilv administered, and trom the nnprecedented succfcss which ibey have met with, .nnd the romarkable cures which they liave performed, tnay justly I iv claim lo tlie tttle of Conquemr over the diseases for which they have been recümtnended. Dr. BfiermaVa 4iCOUGH LOZENGES" Cure the most obstinate casc3 of Cough in a few hours. They have cwred a large nuinber of perpons who have heen givcn up by ;heir pLysician.s and friends. and many who have been reduceel to the verge f the grave by spitting blood, Consumption and Hectic Fever, by thcir use have had the rose of healtli reatored to the haguard cheek and now live to speak forth the praiseso! bis in valuable medicine. Dr. Shernian's "WORM Í.OZENGES"Have heen preved in more tlian 40.000 cases to lie in!;illille. in fact ih only certuin Worm Des'ro)i:ig Medicine cver discuvered. Children willeat üicm when ihcv cnnnot be forced io lake any other medicitie, and the benefit derivcd froir. thc administrativo oí medicine to them in tiiuform is preat beynd concep'i')n. When tho breath oí the cliild becomes offensive, anl thert is picking of the no?e, grinding of the teeth during sleep, pn'eness abnut the lips with flushed cheeks. head iche, drowsinesa, starting durini: leep. flisittrbed dreams, awaking with frightnnt scremning, iroublesomecough,feverÍ8hne8S,thirst. voracinus appctite. sickness nt the etomnch am bloated stomach - these are amonu the mam prominent symptoms of worms. nnd can be re lieved by these incomparable Lozenges. They have never been known to fail. Dr. SheriiianS "CAMPHOfl LOZENGES" Relieve Headachc, Ncrvous Sick Headache. Pal pitation jf ihe heart, and Sickness in a vtry few Tiiinntes. They cure Lowress of Spirits, Despoodency, Faintiiesa, Colic, Spnsrns, Cranips o the Siomach. Summcr or Bowcl Complaints. ihey keep up the spirits, dispel all the distressinL symptomsol a nightof dissipotion, and enable ;. person to undergo great mental or bodiiy toil. - Dr. Shernian's "POOR MAN'S PLASTER Ia acknowledged by nll who havo ever us.d it to be the best strengthenine Piaster in the world. and a sovertign rcmeily lor pains nnd veaknest in the back, loins, side, brcis(, neck, hnibs. joints, rheurnatism, lumbago, &c. One miflion a year will not supply the demnnd. Caution iinecessar . as there are many unprincipled persons who would lorce n spurious urtielo upon tht community. Be cartful to get Shernian's Pooi Man's Plnster, with a "fac simile" of nis written name on the back - none others are genuine. and will do more hurt than good. When such men as the Rev. Darius Anilmny. of the Oncida Conference Rev. Sebastian Stteet er, of Boston, Rev. Mr. Dunbar, Mr. Hancock. Rev. Mr. De Forest. Ilon. Aaron Clark, J. Hoxie, Eso,. Hon B. B. Beardeley, Daniel Fan eiiaw, Esq. and a bost of narnes of the like reputation can be broughlforward t prove thc eiricacyofDr. Shcrman's prepanitions - when ihey are 80 warmly recominended by the medical pío fession, and prpscribed in the practice, and whei such universal approbation follows thcir usnmon all classes, we may juetly Bay that the Dr. is not only etititled to the appellution of "VÍCTOR,1' but can fairly lay claim to the patronage of the public, and will receive it. Agents for Ann Arbor, H. M. Thompson & Co.. W. S. & J. W. Maynard; E. Snnipson. Vpsilanti; D. C. Whitwood. Dexter: Pickfoni Si Craig, Saiine; Smiih & Tyrol. Clinton, II Bower, Manchester: P. Farlick &, Co.. Plymouth: D. Grcgory and A. Grant, Northvilie. 2l8-6m fXlHE Annual Meeling of the Board ofSuperX visors of this county will be held at the Court House in Ann Arbor, on Monday the 13th day of October next. And the Superintendant of the poor will meet at the County House on Monday, the 29ih day of September inst, 10 audit accounts. B. K1NG, Clerk. Sept. 8. 1345. 223 marlborcThotél" TEMPERANCIA HOUSE, NATUAN1EL ROGERS. No. 2'9, Washington Street, Boston. 'PHIS house has undergone a thorough repair, and it is intended that norum house shall be superior to it. it will he under the tmmediate charge of Brown & Colburn, es Mr. Rogers keeps the Delevan ilousc ie Albaoy. ilay 19, 18-15. 3.8-6oíThe Wonticriüi kuccess WHICH Dr. Folgers Olnsionnn, or A11Hciiüni.' Daleniii" hns met with not only ti itdsaie, but iilöo in the :iucs wliich it hns efi-cted. in persons who we e in n hopeleps conlition, has convmeed ihc most skcpiicul of its jxtraordinary curutivc proporties. and cstablished ts claims to the name of the GKEAT KEMËüY. The oncstion is no longer asked. liCn Asihma he wed?" It has heen sniis'nctonly seitled withm (he bist two motiihs tliat Folger's Olcwiojiian will produce a cure quickcr thnn auy otlier remedy n the world. tlriü rcfürcnees cn be given to persons in and out oltho city who have expe riencen iis wonderful virtucs. who had tricd for yenrs all others remedies in vüin. Mr. WILSON.a brick biyer. residual Hobo ken.N. J.. hnd trte'd every remcdy whicli he coutd lienr of for 'he rrlief o! ai-tlima. and had spcni more thnn one hundred dollars in endeavoring to procure he!p, lun in vnin. He comtnenced uing the 'Oiosnoninn. Jnnunry 2lst. The firat doee he took gave him relief, nnd iwo dnys afterwnrd h's wife cnlled to shv tint Uie smnll qnantityol this retnedy wliiih ho hnd taken had done him inore good tlian atiy nd uil the medicines he liad ever usfd in Iiis lifb. Mrs. Dell. the wife ofRobert P. Bell. of Morristown. N. J.. who w;is svereiy afllicted with -isthina. tvit givcn up hy lier physicians. Shc was removed to the seaboard in the hope of pal üatini? her distrcfsing eympioms. bnt with no benefit. One bolile'of the Oinsanian so far relicved hor that elie was ahle to get u;j from hor bed nnd drese hersdf. fi (hinii Fhe had nol done befare in mornhs. and she hns now rettirned to her restdence in Morristown. N. J., wiih every prospect of being speed I y restored. IN'CIPIEN'f CONSÜMPTION yield8 to ts effecis. It sooilics the troublesomo Cough and gives refresliing slnnibers to the weary: it allays the pain in the side nnd in the cliesf, nnd enablcs the person to ex pectora'e ensily, while it entirely restores the se cretions of the system and expedites rcturning heahh. JAMES B. DEVOE. 101 Readc streef, hnd long been cornpïainïgg of a soreness in the chest. accompariied with a short backing cou?h; he rnisfd matter fre?ly. had lost his appetite ind fel alarmed at hif situation. He hnd tried varioim remedies Avithont any beneficial eflect. Ilisehormefs of brentlt and pain in the sidecontinnec lo increase. Ho used one botilc of the Olo6aont an. and is restored ro heahh. Geurde W. Burnett. of Newark, N. J., Geo VV. llays. of New York: David Honderson. 60 Laightst: Mrs McGann. 20 Walker st; F. La ban. 5-2 Pikc st.. Mis. Aichi!;dd. .T5 Walker et with I1UNDREDS OF NAMES ofpersons re siding in New York, could be given, who are ready to bear lestimony to the stipcriority of the Olosaonian over every other remcdy known for the cure of coughe. colds. asthma. consuniption, rnittinp of Mood. djspepsio, consnmptlon. bronchitis, difficulty ofbreathing. boarsencss, nfluenzr., paine in the bronst and side. nnd the vari oub aflections of the siom-ch and liver. Forsileat 106 Nassau st. one door above Ann, and at Mre Hays. 139 Ful'on st., Brooklyn. Agenta for Ann Arbor. W. S. & J. W. Maynard: E Pampson. Ypsilanti: D. C Whitwood. Dexter; Piekford & Craig. Saline: Smith & Tyrol. Clinton; H. Bower, Manchester; P. Farlick it Co.. Plymouth; D. Grcgory and A. Gram, iorthville. 2L8-Gmo To Cloíhicrs, I?flan'ictwrers nnd MerchaEits. TIJK bubsciii'er is nuw receivmg ai his stores. 1-8, and 191) Jerlerson Avenue, Detroit, the following, carefuily and well selecied stock ofDvK Woujis DyeStihfí. & WoollesMis UraCTOKKP.'s M.VCH1NP.RY. 15 tons Fustic. Cuba, Tobasco, Tampic and Carihagjuo, 10 tons Logwood, Campeach, St. Domin go nnd Honduras, 6 tons Nicaragua. Bonair,Caro, Ilacheanc Limn, 3 Kins Camwood; very choice. 180 barrels Logwood, cut and ground, 130 4i Fus-.ic. " " 'O " Red Woods, " " J'20 " Camwood, " " 10 " Querecitron Bark, 45 ' Alltim, 42 " Coppome, 3) Blue Vitriol. 8 " Madder, Ombro and Dutch Crop: 3 " Cream Tartar, 2 " Nutgil'p, 2 cases Indigo. Bengnl, Manilla and Guatimala. 2 cases Lnc-Dyo, 20 4 ext. Logwoodi 2 ' GrainTin. 300 pounds Verdiuris, 15 Carboys Oil of Viiriol, Spirits Sea-Sahs and Nitric Acid,ALSO, Copper Kettlcs and Cloihcrs' Screws, Tcntcr Hooke. Jacks nnd Bruh9. Press Papers. Card Clc.mer.s Wen ver 6 Sheers. Nippersnnd Rurhn. frons. Comb Plates, Pirkcrs nnd Robbins, Wire. Worsicd nnd Coiton Hnrneps. Steel nnd Cant Reeds, Broad Power, f land Loom and Fly SliutteiB. Steel nnd Copper Mails Emery. &c. Pürson's Shearing Machines, 4. G.and 9 bladcs Allcn's doublé aii'! single Carding Machines. Machine Cardar, Leiceater. Tho aliove goode have been recently fmrchr.sed, directly from llie importers oud manu(aciurers., f.xci.i;-ivki.t kok cash. and will be o!d ai the New York Jobbers' prices. addine transportation only: and in consequence of ihe cleciine on many of the American mnnufnct.ned irticlfls. will iñ many cuses, be sold nt jtflecn per ccvt less thnn former Tlie subecrii.ers experience n the Dyc VVood trnde eniblcs liiin to 8oy to bis customers that he is preprefl nt all times to his goods of superior ilUalUy THEO. H KATON, Dyc Wood nnd Dve StuiT Warelinusc, 183 aud 190 JeiTerson Aenue Detroit. Au?, fe, I8Ï5. 225-4m EXCIMÊJVG2 HOTEL. TEMPERANCE HOUSE, (D'trectly oppositc the Cala ract Hotel,) E Y CYRUS F. SMITH, NÍA G All A FALLS,N. Y. {tCHARGES MODERATE. L$ THIö Hotel is situated in the pleajiantcst part of the villnst. on Maiñ-atfect. nríd lut a few minutes walk frorn the Cataract, Goat Island, or tbc Ferry. The location is one of the plensintest in the viilage. The Hpnse is not of the larijest cla, but hns !een liiorouyhly rcpiired. aml riewly furni.hed eince last sf.'ison. und the pro lirietor plcdfres hmiaclf to tho public, that no liousc sliall bebetter kept, or tireatcr attentio naid to the comfort of guests ilian at the Exchange Hotel. „, This Hotel is kept upon riet Tempernncf orinciples, whirh will ensure the sirnngcr a qrie lome. during his Boj.)urn at the Falls. Every ncility in the power of the proprietor, will bc renderod. (o make the visit of his patrons ngreeUe nnd inleresting. Niágara FiIU, I45. 27-6m ÜOBERT v7wARVER7 Carpcntcr and Joiner, COnNER Ol" uUOíiAS ASI) BKDSU STHKKTS, or.OSITE T:iK MC IICAK GARULN, DETROIT. Sept. 1. If45. 215-6 n Paper Mangmgs, BORDERING, Window l'apers. Fire Board l'apcrs, &c. will be aold at very low prices by W. A. RA Y MOND. Detroit, Hay 10, 184D. 213-CjdoPeople rom the Country ViSlTNG Detroit. !or the purchuse of" Dry Goods, Paper ilanginys. or Feather. wliile goitig ihe ronnds to ascenain the vanous siyltis or prices of Goods in ihe city, are reijut-sicd to cali ai W. A. Saymond's Store, No. J 48, Jellcrsun Avenue, being one duor nbovc Dates öt. and next door to the "Manhat'an Siore." The undersigned hns tnken a preai deal of pains in selectmg liis goods to eet ïashmnuhle siyles nnd deiruilu qualities and he ií confideni thiu liis assoriinem pauicalarly of such vjoods as are dèsirable tor the country u.ulc, isjis complete aa any in ihe city. He has on hand Ginghams, Bazarinea, Lnwns, Aluslm de Laines, Calicóes of cvery Mulls, Laces, [siylc, Edgings, Ribbons, Parasols, Shawls, Drcss, Scarfs, Veile, Gloves, Hosiery, Alapaws, Brown Lin01.8, 1 leaclied Linens. Tahle covers. Towelms. Slnrtinas, Shcetings. Carnbrics. Muslins, black', blue black ond fiiney drcs.í Silks, Bonnet Silks, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs. ALSO, BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMKRES, SATINETTS, VESTINGS, FULL CLOTHS, MOLESKINS, DRILLINGS, BLACK AND FANCY CRAVATS, And indeed, aluiost cvery órnele helonging to the Dry Goods husinoss. Allcfwhich willbe sold at the vcry hncest raUs. for Cash. Cali nnd see for yourselves - none nrc expecied to bny if they do not find prices full aa lov, if not a littlc luwcr than elsewhere. W. A. RAYMOVD. Dotroit, May 23, 15. 213-Cmo Important to Farmers, KNAPP & HAVJLAND, ouid respectfully inlorni the fannórs of Washtcnaw and the tarrounding Counties that they continue to manufacture at their shop near the river bridge. Lowpr 'I'own, Ann Arbor, Tlfii'eshiug: Machines of different kinds compiising the Burrnll, Cadiz an! Easttnan's Planutnry Power, and Machines diffjrent from nny made in this Conn:ry nnc preferred to any other. which they intend to sel at such pricea and on .- 1 1 c i i terms as c'innot fail to sive sntisfaction. Tlicy are detennined not to bc ouidoue by any establishment, eilher in price or qunlity of work. Having been for many years engnged in the b.'siness they think ihey carwith confidence recomiTicnd their work. and farmers and others wi.-liini.' to l'iiy will 1 well to cali and examine tbeir work previotis to purchasing elsewhore. - They ore prepared to do all kinds of tlireshinp machine repairs, on theshortest notice and more reasonnble terms than eny similar esiabliehment ïn the Country. Also, Burrnll's celebraied CLOVER jTïACHIIVJE'S, which separate the chitifrom the seed at a si ígle oprration and are universnlly opproved of and used wherever introduced and warranted to thresh clenn nnd not break the seed. For rererence npply to Robert or John MeCormick of Sa lem VVathtenaw Co., who have used one the past season. W. W. KNAPP, T. A. HAV1LAND. Ann Arbor, May Isf, 1815. 6m2BIARTFORD Fire Insurance Company HjiHK Su!scriïer, agent for the Hartord lire J_ Insiirance Comptmif, takes picasure in laying before tl public thefollowing circular: Haktfojíd Fire Iksük ance Office, .uly 22d 1845. L The recent disnstrous fire in New York wil of course excite solicitude in regard tn ns effcc on ibe solvency of Insurance Coinp.inies in t ha citv, miei the neighborinu plnces. The Directore tf the Hartford Fire Insurance Company are happy to assure their custnmers and the public, thnt they are prepared to adjust and pay at tnaiuritv. all losses sustained by their office, surplus and current receipts. without delay, and withou1 withdrawing their permanent investments. Their capita! remnins omple for the security of all who insure with tliem; and thry invite owners of de sirablc property to obtain I'oliciea n fnvjiable lerms. bot li at the Ilotne OfTlce and at their several Agonries. Their mode of tr.'insacting business, which lor 35 years past hns secured the public conti'Jonce. will remain unohingcd. By order of the Boord of Din-ctors, JAM ES G. BOLLES, Sec'y. F. J. B. Crane, Ann Arbor. By (his ït will be sc-en. that the Company pay their losjes, durinc the last six tnotiths of fires. OUT OF TH KIK SURPLUS FUTVDS. Since tlie pa-rrron.l of onethuusand dollars, to R. I). Powers. of Brighion, lorihc Io6s eustain ed by bini. the Compnny h.ive paid the subscriber nnother ihousand, for Flour Barrels, butnt at the recent fire in ihis villnge. For thislast-thonnnd the Bubecriber psid the Company four dol!nrs-a good investment ?is he thinks, durinp thefc hard linies. All who are not inaured art inviten to cali on bim, andhe will issue Policies withont delay. F. J. B. CRANE, Aeent. Ann Arbor, Jnly 20, 18-Í5. 2?4tf INTERËST1NG TO WOO1 GEOWSRS. 'jlfJh Subswjbera wou:d refeptctlully anJL nounce to ihe Wool Growers of Ann Arbor and its vicinity, that ihcy continue the business of Wool Carding and Cloth Dressing ;it the oíd siand oí J. Beckley fc Co., wheie (hey may bc found at all 6casonable hours to wait upon thosc who may favor them wiih their patronage. They giinrantee that their work will be done wiih ncaincss nnd despaich. To their old friendsnnd asmany new cuetomers as foei dtsposed lo give them a trial, they would say.come on wiili your Wooi. and Ci.otu and we will do yon ampie ju9ticc ia the execution ofyonrwork - the price and terms ot paydient. TxFenty thousand pouncls of Wool wanted in exchangc for Kuil Cloth. Flannel, &.c. N. FJ. - Give U8 a cali before pnrehasing elsewhere. SUMNF.R HICKS &. CO. Ann Arbor Lowcr Town.Mnr. 26,1845. 26-6m Are yoiii ïlariis Insurcd? Trt-E SubscTiber, Agent lor the Pkotkction I.sscjkanck Company.'' continúes to take nyks on rlouscs. Stokks. Mkuchandise, Mills, Factoriks and Bapss. Stocks, &c, ot as low raiesas any oiher good Company in the United States. As several Barns with their contenis have heen destróyer! ti this County the past year by LtGHTNrNG, the Farmers of Washtenaw have iiow an opportunity for a email aum, of savinf; themselves from losses, to whicb they are every dny exposed, by this element. M. HOVVARD, Agent. Ann Arbor. Jnly 31s, 1845. 224U DEIVTITRY. E. G. BURGER, Dentist, HAS removed his office to Crane & Jewett'e Block, fir8t room on the Second Floor, wherc being wcll propared to altend to evcry branch of his profeeion, would n-spectfully síiv o all who have no, liad tliuae necessary organs. THE TEETH. properlv aitended to. delay no onger, hut calí upn hirn and experience the oase and dnr.ihility of hi operaiions. Tkrmí accommodutiug and charges inno case unreusonable. Ann Arbor, March 6, 1845. 47-xfifiortgagc Sale DEFAUi.T hoving boen inaie in tbc paym'ent of a certa'm sum of money secured to ie p''iil by n certain indenlurc of monga e benrng date tho tinrteen'h diiy of Juno, A. D. onc liüiisinid eigbt hundred mui tlnny seven, :xjcuicd by Christopher Mulle nnd Thomas Muien of tho town ot' Northlield. in the county of V;is!itt:naw nnd Siric of Michigan, lo Thomne Gilluly ol s-iid tow.-. county nm! State, which nortgnge was iluly reoorded in ihe Rerietcr'e 'flioü of the county of Wnshtenaw. nforesnid, on ho ihiiteemh d;iy of .Tune. in ihn ycar of our Lord êighfëen hundred nnd thirty sevcn, at 4 o'clnck in tho iltornoitnol snid day. in -Li her numicr fivcnl montages at pege ouc hundred nnd scventy eight wfiích rrïortgnge h;is been duly tissigned to one John Riiey of the city, couuty and St.ito of New York. And dcfault hnving aleo been made in the cnditions of siiid mortgage, po suit or proceeding jt luw having been inaii'uted to recover tlic whnle or nny pnft of the inonoy nowdue or claimed to be duo on the mortgng, nnd by virtuc of the sevcrnl defnults. there ia now claimcd to be due on enid morton tre. ihe sum of two hundred nnd Pt-veniy lour dol'nrs nnd seventynine cente: Notice is therelórc hereby given. thnt in pu renonce ufn power ol sale in snid mondige coniainiid. will bc sold at the out;r ilnor of the Court House. in the vilinga of Ann Arbor, in the County of Wnshtcnnvv nforesnid. nt public nuction on the seeond dny of Jnnuary nextfA. D. 184ö)nt ten o'clock in the forenoon of snid day, in punniancc of snid power of pnle nll and BHieutni tho prpmiees describe'! in Bfii'l niortcnge ns follows: "Reinirall thnt certnin tract of land situntpd in the town of Northfield in the County nnd Stnre nforesaid bein tho north enst qunr er of the south wes. frnc.ionnl quarter of ?ection numbered thirty onc in townehip numhered one south of rnnze siv enst. contnininc fi'ty-one acres of land bo the same rnnre or less." or so much thereof as shnll be necesimiy to eatiefy the amount nctually due on said mortgagc together with costs ofpnle. JOHN RILF.Y, assijinee of inortjage. By Hawkin's fe Platt. bis nttornite. Ann Arbor. Rept. 26. 1815. 231 CAN'T BE BEATl THE aubecribers would inform tlie Public, thnt they continue to supply the State of Michigan with L. B. WALKER'S PATENT SJflUT fMECHl%mJES. Tl'e large numbers of these Machines thnt have been sold, nnd the steadily increasing deniand for theni, is the best evidence of their real v.alue, and of their estimation with those who liave become familinr with their nierits. Walker's Snuit Machine is superior to othere in the lollowinu pnrticulnrs: 1. As it cofhhirieB the Jieuthig. S-ouring, and Blotcing Principies, it cleans the emuttiest ol grain in the best nianner, retaining nll the fric tion of the wheat, and tiischarging the snuit nnd du6t as fast as separatcd lïotn the wheat. 2. It is simple in constrvclion, and ie tiiercfore lees linbie to bc-comc dcranged, and costa less for repairs. 3. It run very ligU, nnd is perfectly secure frotn fire. 4. It Í3 as durable as any other Machine in UBe. 5. It costs considerab'y less thin other kinds. These tmnoitant poinjs o' difTerence have given this Machine the pre-ference with those who have fairly tned it. Amonjï a large number of Gentlemen in the Milling Business who miyht be named, the follówïng have used the Machines, and ceriüled to their excellency and superiority: 11. N. IIowARi), Pontiac. Mich. 10. F. Cook. Uochester, do E. B. Danforth. Mason, do M. F. Fkink, Branch, do 11. H. Comstock. Comstock, do References mny nlso be had to John Bacon, Auburn, Mich. VV. Ryon. do do I). C Vreland. Rock do John Pmrs. Monroe, do H. Dousm.xn, do do A. Bkach. VVaterloo, do Geo. Ketcuüm, Marshall, do N. Hemf.nvvav, Oakland, do All orders for Machines will be promptly attended to. Address E. O. & A. CR1TTENTON, Ann Arbor, (fower Town) Vanh. Co. Mich. Aua. '4. 184522S-ly(lGOOD NEWS AND GLAD TIDINGS.,- ÍFKEL myself under the most lastmg oblig:iüon Ccf Dr. F. Kling, of Jackson. who ha l.ilely adverttaed his invaluable "Museovotu Pilis," inteiided expressly for Fever and Atjue For a long period my faniily have unfurtunate y been aftlicted whli Fevcr and Ague and have tried every ''Patent Meidicnii1" which I coul rind, even the most p ipular of the laiest as wel as the oldest remtdy nn1 nfter epending ove $15 I despaired ot ever bcing relieved, bu hearing of Dr. Klmg's ïttuscovctus Filis, and the greai ell'ect lliey produced upon the Aguc - as a list and almos hopcless resort, 1 immedi ately procurcd n box of them, look thetn accord ing todirections, and they gave mo instant relict and I havo been,Vee from that terrible disease while with other medicines I received but momcntnry assistiinco and rolief. The Pilis I have recoinmended having produced so snlutary an effect upon me and niy íamily, Í cannot refrait from acquainting the )ublicol theirereat worth SAMUEL UPD1KE. THEODORE UPDIKE. Witness. Grase Lake, July 14, 1845. 221-3m pollard" TEMPEMmCS HOUSE, BY L. D. & O. WEYBURN. Near the Steamboat nnd Packct Landing, Bi L 'do 'T'lliS establishment hns du ing the pust winter, been coneiderably enlarged. and imptov ed witli new furniture. etc, and is now ready te mïke the Travelier at home, at the moderan charges of 25 cents per meal, and fr7 Cents pei Day. Passengere and Baggage conveyed to and from the House free of charge. N. B. Passengere fiom the East wïll fir.d n Sign for tlie house, in the Depot, under which to place their Baggage. In connection wiih the above House there an EATING ESTABLISHMENT, on the European plati. We, the subscribers, take plpasure in recom menning the above House to the Iricnds of the cause, as being worthy oí their patronuge. C. W. IIARVEY. PreB't Erie Co. Temp. S. S.N. CALENDAR. Sec do H. MILLF.RD. Pres't Pollard Tem. Society. H.G. WHITE. Sec'y do E. D. ROBIRON. Pre't Y. AI. Temp. S. W. B. FOBES, Secrrtary do Buffalo, February, J845. Gtno212 SEES. WANTED.- 20 Iba. Red Onion Seeds. f)() ll)s. White do do 25 lbs. Yellow do do 100 lbs. Musk-n.elon do 5') lbs. VVnter tnclon do 50 lb. Scarlet Radish do 5 Ibe. Sage do 10 Ibe. Pepper Grns3. do lObush Early Mnrrow Peas ]0 " " Cluster U 5 f' Sugar Corn S. B. NOBLE. Ann Arbor, Sept. 9. 1845. 229-3w DELAVA1M HOUSE. ALBANY, NEW YORK. BY NATHANIEL ROGERS. THIS celebrated house is now open for thereception of trnvclers. lt ie the largeit dimensions. and is en'ireltj new in all its parts. Ii ia etrictly a Tevip:runct Ho'tse. and while no pnins will bespared to niakc it all that the traveling public can ask, it ie expected in return ihat it will receive the paironage of all thefriends of Temperance who may have occasion to visit Albany. May 19, 1845. 212-6m Qnit Claim Deecis JÜST Printed nnd forealo at this ofSce. S21845. J. HOLMES & CO., WHOLESALE AND ÜETAIL DEALEHS IN STAPliB AND PAStist DRY GOODS, Dry Gi'ocerics, Carpeting, and paper ÉÉaHgwgs, No. 63 TVoodtcard Avenue, harneiTs BLock, Detroit. j holmes, Nctr Yorli. s si Hor.MKs. Dr.truit. $ WE lake tliis method of informingoui friends nnd customers throughout the State, tha' we nro stil l pureuing the even tenor ofour wt.ys, endcavoring to do our bus-mess upon l_ir ' nnd honorable principies. We would üIho c der our acknowledgmcnts for the patronage ex tended to us by our cu6tomcrs, nnd wou UI beg leave to cali the ;ittention of the public to a veiy ' well selccted aesortment of ptnsonable Goods. ' which nre offered nt wholcsnle or retnil at very ! lo prices. Our lacilities for purcheeini Goods ' nre uiiBurpa68ed by any concern in State - ' Ono of the lirm, Mr. J. Holmes resides in the ' city of New YurU, nnd froin his long experience ' in the Jobbing trndo in thnt city. and froin hid ' thorough knowlcde of tho ïnurkct, ho is ' bied to avnil Iiimeelf of the nuctions nn.l any decline in prices. We aleo purchaso froin the Iniporters. Mnnufarturor's Accn's, and ftom the auctijona, by the ackngc, the snroe as N. Y. .loMiers purchnpe. tlnis savinc their prnfiis. - With these farilities we can salely sny that our Goodi are soid citr.Ar for the evidencc of which we invite the attention of the rublic toom stock. Wc liold tfr the grent cadinnl principio of ''the (rrctitcst (rond to the cholt number," so if ymi wantto buv Gooda and btiy a large qitaixtty lor á llt'e money give us a trint. Our stock is as extensive as any in the city, and we arconstantly receivmg new and fresh Gooda from New York. 5,OOO Ibs. Woo!. Wsntod. ilieabove quaniity ol good msrclinntahle Wool for which the highest niarket price will bc paid. J. HOLMES & CO. Detroit. 1845. 214-tf The TCEisscs Clark's School. ANN ARBOR, 3IICHIGAN. MARYH. CLARK, Principal. ClILOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal. RHOIiV K. CLARK, Associate Teacher. M.L. W ALTER, Teacher of Music on the Piano. F. MARSH, Teacher of Mathcmatics and Vocal Music. H. F. SHOFF, Teacher ofFrench, Germán and the Classics. THIS Institution has been in operation since November J 8, 18i!9. The Bcholaeiic yeai cmbraciiiff forty-eight wee.ks, two terme, coniprising two quartere each - twelve weeks in of quarter - n general examinntion at the close at each term - in Febrtnry and August. The last qunrter oí tbe present term oomniences May 19. Tkrms ok TuiftoN. - For the English branches, $2.50 to $5 per quarter. No reduction made for absence, excepr in case of sickness, and no pupil taken fot les thana qunrter. F,xirn charges are made lor musicon the Piano, with the use of the inatrutnent, 8,0.) French, 3.00 Latin, 3,00 Drawingand Painting, 5.00 J'ancy Work, 3.0(1 Board, including washing, lights. &c., $1.75 per week f paid in ndvnnce, or 2,00 per week if paid at the close of the quarter. Parcntsand gunrdians are invitcd to visit the school every Fridny. when the studies of ihe week are reviewed - also somi-nionthly on Wednesday afternoon, at readingof the weekly coniposiiions. Young Indies des:rous of entering the school and pursuingthe regular couree of study, would do well to commence at the begin ning of the term, or ns soon after as practicable. Bolonying to the school are a Library ofhetween five and six hundred volumes, ond PhiIo8ophical Apparatus,EIectrical Machine, Globes, &.C.The Misses Clark will endeavor, not only t prohïoté tho intellectnnl culture of their pnpil but will nttend stricily to their mornl dtportment. Witli no seciannn feeling. but wiih deepsense of religious responsibiliiy. they woul ive Biich n tone to charactcr. a9 shall render i urncticnlly fitted for every station - yielding tf duty but firm to principie Átnong the books used n the school nro. Ab ercroin'ic on the Intdlectual nnd Mornl Pwr - Kimn's Elementa of Critirism - Wnylnnd' Mornl Science - Newmnn's Rhetoric - Hedge' Logic - Palcy's Nniurnl Tlmoliigy and Evidrnce of Chrisii.initv - G.-ry's Chf:mistry- Purker' Nnturnl Philocaphy - Combe' s Pr-ysiology - Mrs Lincoln's Botnrty- Eaton's nnd Wrieht's Mnn nnl of Botnny - Burritt's Geosrnphy of tho Hcdvens - First. Second nnd Tliird Books o History - Mrs. Wülinrd's Republic of Americ - Phelps' Legal Clnssics- Ployfair's Euclid,nn( Day's Algebra and Davieö' Arithmetic. Inquirv with regara to the 6chool cnn be imd of the Principáis or nny of the foüowing pentle men to whoin reference is made by perntission and who have at different periods had cithe dauphters or wards under otir care. ïi. Is'ini S. Ketcham. Centrcville: Geo Ketchu'n. Mar shall; Hon. Wm. R. Deland. Jnckson; Pndl B Ring, Michigan Centre; F. tí, Wïnnne. Adrinn Daniel Hixson. Clinton: Gnrdner Whcplcr. M D., Howell: Rev. F. U. Cumin. Grand Hnpds; Jererniah Clark, Clarkfiion: Gen. C . C. E!ascall James Bird?all nnd Rcv. J. Bench. Flint: D. M. R(iWbnd,Northv!le: AmrsMcirf; Plymouth: Hon. F.lias QonVgtóck, Owdfso; P. Brigham, M. O.. Hon. Wm. R. Thompson. E. Mundy. Esq . John Allen. Esq.. Geo. W. Jewett, Esq.. Tho' 6 M Ladd, Professor Williams, of the University, and Rev. H. Colclazer, Arm Arbor. The followinir centiemen, Rcv. H. Colclazer, Rev. Wm. S. Curtís. Rcv. Charles C. Tayl ,r. Professors Whiting nnd Williims of the Univeruity ofMichicnn. have consented to net asa visitinp committee of the School, to bo present wlien the weekly studies are reviewed: but especinlly to altend during the semi-nionlhly examinations. April, 1845. 213 1845. WHOLESALE & RETAIL A. M'FARREN, 308KSELLEB AND S VATIOiER. SiMART'S BLOCK, 137 JRFFRRSON AVKNUE, DRTROIT. KEEPS constantly for salen complete assortment of Miecellnneous, Schooi nnd Clnssicul Hoo'ks, Letter and Cap Pnpcr, plnin and rul ed, Qtiille, Juk. Sealing Wax, Cutlcry. Wrajping Paper. Pririiing Paper, of nll eizes; and Book, Newsnnd Cnnnister Ink. of vnrions kinds. BLANK BOOKS, ful! and halt bonnd, of ev ery variety of Ruling, Memorandum Books, &c. To Merchunts, Tenchers, ond others. buying in q'iantities, n large discount mude. Sabbath School and Bible Society Depositor. 51-tf lotice to ülerchants. THE Subscribers encourayed by tho patronage they have hilherto received in tlie wholesnle depnrtment oftheir business, wjll the first day of May next, open the etore now occupicd by Geo. Grenville, fronting on Huron etreet. nnd connecting with tlieir present slorc in the renr, excluaivcly for a W1IOLE SALES ROOM, where they will keep at all times a full assortillflll of DRY GOODS, BOOTS di 8HOES CARrENTIN'G, HATS, CAP8, PAPEH HANGINGS, BONNETS, CROCKERY BY THE CRATÈ, HARDWARE, AND GROCERIE8, &C. &C. &C. all of which will be sold on as good terms ns at any point thisside of New York City. G. D. HILL, & CO. Ann Arbor, March 26, 1814. 48-tfC. BRINCKERHOFF'S rHlÖ medicine, when fust introduced, somp yenrs nincc, niet with oppositioM and deudy nitned hotfttUl) froin arrd vapicl dInimers. wlio tlirew their dans r venom at it, Insanic t unotig the nostrutna of the f.gc. - l'hose Truitlcpsaucmpts toinjure thit grent med cine hsve :iow in a grent mensure paesed nwny; he base irdmdualj who foetered them hoye hrunk oway conscious of their mistaken zcal. mil left the restoralive IQ proudly rnnk ilself s he first and greatest medicine of the ge. Con,iini)iiuii. that terrific destróyer of tiie beautifu! ind ltvely of our kind, Liver Compiaints Coughs ind Colas Pains in the Bronst Sirle, and tlieir :oiicomtiant evils ore rendered harmless, wheu net byn prompt and efficiënt U6e of the Restoraive. Most upporiunely. the efforis of the ProDrietor to place his invalunble compour.d before he public are now in the way of being crowned rt-iili succes; and in evcry place where the a ?cl Of desiruciion. under the donk of disease, can e found, t'ie IIealh Res orativc thall drive bim ifar. and raise up thesufiering mortals. and open 10 them thi joys pï a etatc of renewed henlth ind ênergleï. What a blessing to the nearly ereaved relatives, to witnese the opportune aid nstilling ncw life into the altnost dfeeased endimred one? Meed tiie voico of earnet and broiherly expostulat'on and entreaty. and resori ut once while ihero is vet time. to that bc6t of all parth's trea?ures to the almost hopeless sick ono. Mealth Rcsiorntvie. The followtng cortificite ig iroin Dr. Chilton, the well known New York chemist. ] hnve analyzed n boitlc of medicine ctlle 'C. BrinkcrliuiT's Mealth Rcstorative,' and fine that il does not contain Mercury. of any o'her metallic prepamtion; nor opium in ony of itp forms. It is composcd of veceiar!e matter cntirely." J.mks R. Cvti.rns. M. D. C. BR1NCKERÍIOFF, Proprietor, N. Y Horack Everett, Cencral .Aeent. Principal Office 96 Hudson stieet, N. Y. For sa!e by VV. S. & 3. W. Maynard. Agente Ann Arbor. 231 -4 w 1 ARLAND & LEFEVRF-, are now receivJ ir.g at No. 1, Hawhins' Black, r very general nssoriment of Fall and Winter Goóds, to vvhich they invite the aitontion of pur cha8er3, afcsuring them tht they will find goods and at ihat rannot Jai! to prove satisfactory Tlieir stock condists in pnrt of the lollowingi DRY GOODS. Broad-clnibs, Cassimeres, Sntinells. Shcrp's Grevs. Veatings. Alapncas, Calicóes, Gnhame raehmeres. Mousi Do Laines. Alpine Plaide Shawls, Cravats. Sfttfns, Velvets. Silhs, Laces Ribbons, Sheetini:. Shirtinsf, Canibrics. Bool Mufline, Bishop Lawns. Suspenders, Gloves Hosing Ttiscin and Straw Bonuets, Buttons nnd Trimniing8. of all kinds. GROCERIES. Old and YounL' Hys-m. Imperial. Gimpowde nnd PouchongTeas. Pucn ib, CoiTte.Piices. Mo lagses. Ilioe, Fish.C'indles, Soap, Fall and Win terüil, &c. &.C., Sal Soda, n very large assort ment. CRCCKERY ASÍ) Gï ASS tVARE. Ten and Dinner Peits to ma'ch. HARDWARE.- .Axes. Coopers Tonls. Shel Gtiods. Nails, .te, Window Saeh. Pnüs nn Tubs, Cordage, &c, end all ariiclos in that line BOOTS ANDSHOES. Ladies Gniters. Slips, WaüungShoes, Gent' Super CaJf Boots, Mens and Boyscotirse do. Dye Stuff8of evcry drscripiion. Cash paid forGrass Sed, White Beans, Bees wax. Pot and Pearl Ahes, niO8t kinds of Pro duce taken in pnyment fnr Goode Also - CASH VAlï) FOR WHEAT. GARLAND & LEFEVRE. Ann Arbor, Sept. 1645. 22l)tf.RIFFIN'S NATIONAL TRfoPERANCE HOTEL, Utica, Ncic York. CHARLES N. GRÍFFINj Proprid'tr, wouh respecilully inform bis friendo, and (he pub lic generalij-, ihat he hns tnken ilie above Ho ie!, locatcdiit 127. Gtnesec Steel, near the Cn nnl. wherc he is now preparad to accummorintt ilie pti!lic ot all times, in the best possible mnnner. and on ronsonnble lerms. Stages lenve. and arrive at this House daily, to and from n!I parts rf ilie Country. GOOD STABLING ATTACHÉ. Tlie proprieior fluiters himself from the expe rience he has liad in keepinao Public Hoti?c. anf the exertion he intenJs to pai fartb. that he wil he able to please all who may favor liim wiil their patronage. Utica. May 1, J 8 15. S26m WOOL! WOOLü CLOTH! CLOTHM TUI E sub8cribers wiil continue to munulacJL ture Fnllert Cloth, for 37 J ets. per yard, and white flannel for 21 cent? per yard; or tliey wiil manufacture the woul lor hall the rtloth il will.mnkc. Their Fac tory is 2J milos Wcsi of Ann Arbor, on the Pupón River. Wool willnlao be received nt Scio Vhen sent bv Rnilroad i t 'wiil be attended to in the same mnnner as u tne owner8 were to come wiili it. Wool wiil be manufactured in turn as it comee in as nearly aa it can be done with reference to the different qualitiesof wool. WOOL CARD1NG, wil, be done at JSCO. Scio. May 1, 1845. '0 JEROME M. TREADWELL, ATTOIINEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, And General Land Agent, WILL altend to the sale aad txch-mge oí Lands, payment of Taxes. and cdcmplion of Land sold for Taxes in Jackson and ad joining counties. exnminationof Tules, Convcyaneing and all business pertaining lo Real Estáte. Ufíke in the Court House. JaekBon. [yiichignn. 17-tf. Rcady Made Ciothing. AT REDUCED PR1CES. THE largest and best assonrneni of ready made clothing ever beiore oflered in thie Siaie. now on hand and for sae, Wholesale or Retail, at the Clothing Einpurium of the Sub scriber8, consisting in part of Fine broadcloih Frock oud Dress Coats. Tweed and union casainiere, salinetand jeon Frock and Business Coats. Slimmer Coats in great vnriely nnd very chcfip. Cawimere, cloih, tweed and summer Pants ol all atyles and pi ices. Satin, velvet, silk, valencia, cashmrre nnd M;ir8eilles Vests - a large stock ofrich and fasuionable styles. Also, an extenaive nssortment of Hosiery, SlOcka, Scarfei. Handkerchiefs. Collars, Shirts. Gloves. Cravats. Suspenderá, &c. &c, all of which wiil bc sold low for cash. They would respcctfully nvite all, ín want of ready made garments, to cali and examine their stock bcfore purchasing elsewhere, asit has been selccted with care in the Ensiern mnrket and manufactured in the lutest etyles and moet dura)lc Timniicr. HALLOCK A RAYMOND, Cornor of Jefferson & Woodward avenues. Detroit, April 4, 1845. 213-tfAIRWAYS ON HAIY7 yL nniiE Subscriber hna ra. WcSQ. -L moved hi shop to tlio JTN Street oppoeite II. Beckiffet "Rj&r crs IJrik Sorcr where ha illa ts -Jg&) Inny ie Unt rendy to with lÊwA. v2Üh u?0" dI1 'hnt mDy eive bim ♦WIJèèÖSS Hnvingjnst recoivod dV reet from New York an elegant stock of and Fancy Anieles, whlch he intends to se]I o6Lr thnn iias ever been sold west ofUtifTnlo ,r Ready Pay Onli. Among which muy be oiinil a ïood nssortmrnt of Gold and Commoft VVaich Ke?3. Gold Finger Rlpgs nnd Poeont Pins, Güard Chnins, Silver Tca'nnd Tnblo Spoons, Sttgar Tofigs. Biitfer KnivfrB. Sihcf Pcncil cnse. Silverñíid Common Thiinblea, Silver Spccinclcs. Germán, do.. Steel, do., Hair Jirushes. Cloihes d., Tooih do., Lniher do., Fine Rnzor8 nnd Tocket Knivep. Fine Shear nnd Scissors, Inther hoxes. Rnzor Strops. "Wollet(8. Purses. Violins nnd Fows, Flurep. Violin ;hk1 Bnss Violin Strin{'8. Clnrionet Reede, Perenssion Cöps, Pocket Pistóle, Brittnnía Coíidlr8ticks, Watcrics. Lener Slnrnps, Smal Pens snd Tweezers. SnuTnnd Tobacco boxee. Fine cornbs, Dressing do.. Sido do.. IWk lo.. Shell (j., NecdN'sand Casrs. WnterPnintg, Toy "VVitthcs, Kid Dollb. a great vnricty oí Toys too numvroutf to memion, Beads, Neckfaces, Fancy Iioxcs, &c. Ac. Ci.ocks nnd Watcïiks of etery defcription re- paired and warronted, also, Jewelry repatred ofi short noticc. CAIVIN BUSS. N. B. Cmü paid or Ol.D GOLD AND SILVER. C. B. Ann Arbor. Oct. 24. 1B44. 28-tf. WESLEYAN INSTITUTE. TH IS Institiition wil! commence its first ifrm on ihe lf)th of A building ha been fnted un which wijl accömniodate overoner hundred studenis. TEIIMS O TUITlOïf. $3.00 a per term, for Englieh branches. 4.00 for a malliernaticol Course. 5.00 inclndifi!: iho Innyúnes. Indigcm s:udcnts preparing for the ministry can hnve tuiiion free. If sturlen tH are not rendy fo commence wiih th term (hcir luition will óe gr'nduated in propor- tion to the time. Board nnd Lodgirtg rffn be had in the village lor $1.00 per weck. Rooms cm be ïiad fc-i any who chose to board themeelvos. The fnllnwing Text Books hnvo ben adopted in Iiipiittitioiii Dnvies' Serios of Mnthemniics, including hi Arithmeiic; nlso. Colurns' mental do.; Brown's Grammnr: Woodnridge'a Modern Geography, with Miirhell's series of ou'.fjne ninps: Andrews fr(i Studdnrd's Lnrin Grammar tid Render, Goodr'ch's Greck Less.ns nnd GrnmmDr;.Jncoli's Greek Render: Comstock's Philosophy nnd rhemisiry: Blnkep' Aplroftömy; Hnywnrds'g' Pn'ywologyj Hedge'n Loderic: Vhntfly's Rheto. ric; Barher'a Elocution: Hnrrip' Book Keeping;'s Gennrnl U story; Wilson's Histnry a( tliR T'm'ied Sfatéa nntler's Annlogy; Mahan' .Mcnt.-ii nnd Mornf Philosophy. The Ineiilution own n set of th nnove áescrihrd hooks which nre desipned for tho use of Students who wih not to pnrclinsc'for!themíclveí, The Ins'itution hns a Librnry of nbout ono thonpind volumen, also a Cabinet of iWinerafs and Mnrine shciia. Mnnunl íubor wiíl be eïïcourafged in this insituiion. A tíRf sysfem of tcncfiing Googrnphy by outline mnps tvill be ulopied, also a new system oí pi ninonship. A competent Fcmnle Teacher is expected in time to comnipnce wfih the terni.CHARLES GALPI.V, Principal. Leoni.Sept. ]5. I K4,r. 2.'tt)-tfALLEBASI'S MEDICINES. THESE MEDICINES ARE efïccting sucli asionism'ng cures in multitudes af'old cases Jong since abandoned ly Physiciansnnd S&rgcons s uttcrly hopeless. tlil no medicines, where tliese are known, stand so deservedfy high. They consist oí THE BLACK, OR ALLEBASI'S SALVE, Price 20 Cents, VVhich Ciros almos! universa!!)-, Yeer Sores, of t lie most mnlionnnt kind, Felons, Ulcers, Abscesses. Tumor. Fractures, Cuis, Punciurcs, Humo. Scnids. Rore Thront. Chilhhiins. Quin- aey. Drop y. Influmatory Rhcnmaiieui, Infl;immniione and Sel!inr8 ofevey (leicriptíon, Scnld Mead. Acce in ihc Face. Ne.rvnuR Tooth Ache, Agne in the Brensi. Diokcn Bieast, fcc. Ac. ALLEBASI'S HEALTH PILJ.S. 2ñ Cent. Thcsp Pilis have nequtred n populnrirv withiri the lust vear o two, whieh no othèr f'iïs por sess. The rcjpojipnre ohvions lo ni! who use ihem. Thej Cfíre nií IJifione. Scarlet nnd othor Kevers. Frver and Apue. Dyv]}ifiÍH, DropíV, Acid Stornach. Disorder A Bowels. or Stonw.óh, .ínunoicc, Head Ache. Di'zinest in the Híttt1 Worms, Liver Complaint. Ifcnrt Borns, Tliolic, Howel eompiainf, (Joneral Dehilify. Cosiivciiees, &c. &c. Therr purify the ehtire vsteni. lenve ihc bowels in a vijjorous and liealthy cuudniun, &c. Seepamphlet. ALLEBASI'S TOOTM ACHE DROl'S. I' rice 25 Cevts. Will core an ordiuary cnse of Tooth Aclic, in frnm three lo icn minnit-s. For Nervnus afid other kinds of Tooth Ache. pee Prtrnph'Iet ALLEBASJ'S POOR MAN'S PLASTER, Prire, 23 Cents, Are wnrrnntpfl to be superior to nny other Plaasters in '.hia or nnv other country, for haih of we.ikncss in the Back. Sidc, Chen, Bowels, Loins. Aíuscles, and for Jlheumauem. Lung and Liver Complnints, Coughs. Colds, Asthmn, &c. See pnmphlut. N. B.--PIeasc to ask the npent for nparnphlel which givee all the informntion necessary res pecting the usfs of the Medicines, rhe virtuea ihey possess. etc. Please to ollow direcfions in the ue; of ihe medicinr-s, nnd you niay rely op on '!! iliat i [iromised. A libera' discount mude to merchanlsnnd oth ers, who bny topcll njrnin. LYMAN W. OU BERT, Proprietor, Wholesale Drncgist. 2J4, Fulton f, N. Y, HTFor cnle hy the btiltscriber. who haic been Bppointed general agent for the City of Detroit nnd its vicinity. Country dealer eupplied on liberal terina, C. MORSE, Michigan Book Store. The above medicines are for eale at the Book Sloreof WM, R. PERRY, Tn Ann Arbor, Lower Village. ppcemher 9, 1844. 34 ly IN KW ENGLAND HOUSE" No. 111 BRÜAPWAY, NEW YORK. (Bettceen the City Hotel and Trtnity Church.) THE Proprietor, grateful for the patronage alrendy bestowed upon him by the public genenilly, would give no;ice that his house is now in coinpleie order for the reception of Lndies and Gentlemen who niay wnnt permanent board or iran.eii'nt accommodaiions. The New England House being strictly H temperancc house, and plensantly loented in the inimedinte viciuity of businpsi, mnkes it very desirfihle (or men of business, as well os all other who likc quiet accommodations and agrceablc compan?. P. WIGH T. Moy 1, 1845. rm2l2 Crccsc Feathers. THE Subscriber has alivnys on hand n good btipply ol'Gct'oe Fenthere wliich he will sell in qunntiticB lo tuit purchatera nnd at the lowcet mnrket rato. %V. A. RAYM0ND. Detroit, May 23, 1845. 213-6rn. Stfayed. ON the 12tuinct.. a smolt, dark red, three ycura old, milch cow. Any information respecting her. will be gratefully received and liberally rewarded. M. H. COWLES. Ann Arhnr. (Lo-wcr Tnwn.1 Prf 9". 145. Blank Uecds and ïUortgagres WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, for eale by BECKLEY, FOSTER & C. Maroh 20, 1845.


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