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Female Duellists

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We fihd the following in the N. O. Picayune of the i2tli nst. Miss Mary Ann wh8 yesterdny nrroetfii! on tho nflï'lnvif. of Miss Mary Udgers, chnrged with 6eding the lattei a challenge. Jtappears the partie?,who live in Fratiklin street, have nad a dispute, whicli, in the opinión of Mhs Golden, coiild nnly hc se'.tled by an appeul tO larmi, nccordmgly ehe esiit Miss h challenge, of which the f oilowing is a Irne ropy: Frai'kiin Street, H'rdticgdny Mornmg. Madam:- I horeby nolify yo to tneet mo at one o'clock this cvening:, at the olher side of the French grave-yard, theh ntid there to settle our dispute, ngreeably to the 'Code of Honor.' - My friend Miss Sarah; - -, who wil'. Jiand you this, will meet any friend you may select to settle all preliminarics. MARY ANN GOLDEN. To Mary Rogere. The investigntion of this affair will take piare heforo hia Ilon. RecorJcr Gniuis this [iiorniiig. CoMsiiTTED. - A nogro man by the name of Charles, was yestercliy committed to jail by tho request of bis inaster, from wbom he had fun awny over two years ngo. According to the negro's statement lie hns livcd in Canada and Michigan nearly all the time he was absent, and says he was induced to cave bis master through the pursuasions, and l)y the assistance of white abölitionists; he himself being a pretly smart fellow, was employed on two occasions by them to return to this State and assist in running ofTslaves. The first trip was rather an unprofitable one, as bo was onlv successful in carryiog oiT twö; in t'ne socond, better fortune prevailed nnd several wero taken over the river. Ilaving his own freedom and fi nding negro stealing not a vnry lucrntive business, he declined a tbird trip, finallysettled in Michigan, and after being there fof twelve or eighteen months, concluded once more to visit tbis section, for wbat purpose he dbes not say. His master giting wind of it. laid a plan to cutch him, whiphproved successful Wc have no cloubl but what he could tel! an interesting storv, and one by which tlie holders of slaves in this vicinity would profit by if he slïould be so inclined. - Si. Louis Arew Era. Water Crnr. - A correspondent of the Hartford Courant, writing from Brattleboro', Vt., says, in relation to Water Cure- 1 ofcourse have been lierc too short n time to beahloto give you a very lucid account of ihe syalern. Dut whntever may bc itstheory,iics are not to becombnted. During the short timo I have been here, I have witnessed soine most extraordinary cases of cure, It seems to bea inost infalliblö cure tbr all diseases but consumption; it will avert that if r.ommenced in time - but if it has once settled finnly on the lungs, I believe no benefit can be dorived from tlie WaterCure. One of the most celebrated Physicians in England visited (írrcfenburg, where Pricsnitz, the founder of the system, is established ; liere he fetfiained some ten or twelve months lo examine personaljy intothe truth of the apparent)y most extra ordinnry accounts of the miracujouá cures at that place, ile riotedevery caso, fullowed it through all is symptoms, and riinilly cnme awuy a finn helievf r in thcsyslcm, and has published a most valuable work on the subject. It is a work well worth your perüSal. - Dr. Johnson is the physician to whom i allude. Á lady vns brought hcre two months since from Lowe 11, Mass. on a feather bed. Sne was given up by her PhysiciaiiH, and so low thnt they were eight days bnnging Her on; her limbs were utterly useless, so much so thatshe had uot used Ihem for 12 months; She now walks over these mountains as nimbly as any girl, and you would hardly snppose that she had over been siek; Tho water appeurs to possess the proppevty of ejecting from the system evérything impure and not necesary to sustain lifc. Bloñ aro here whose systems aro perfectly saturated with murcury, nnd when they come out of. the sheets in the morning, after sweatingan hour orso they are stained wilh murcury--in fact, it brings out every imptirity. The course we have to go through is tliis, first - sweating in a wet sheet in the morning; froin a wet sheet we are plunged into a cold bath end rubbed down for aboutfifteen minutes,1 and then starled on to wolk some threeor four miles before break (ast - at 11 or 12 o'cloclc, a douche bath, orslrcam of water falling at a distance of from 15 tb 2-0 foet on all parts of the body - rubbed down and walk again - at 5 o'cloak a hip bath, and al night a foot bath. During the intervals wo walkanj drink water to the amount of 30 glasses per day. Simplicïlif. - The more I see of the world, the more lam ealidfictl that fcimplicity is inscpornbly thecompanion of true grcati:osa. - Í never vet knew a truly groat nion - a ma who ovértoppcd liis fcüuw men, who did not posócss a ccrtn'm plnyful alniost inTttillilesimplicity. Tme grentness never etruts on tlio stilte.or playB the king upon the stoge. Conecious of its elevatie."}, and kriowing in wliat thst elevation consiste, it is happy to act its part as olJjer the cominun oimmements and business of mankind. ït is uot afraid of bcing undervulued.Uiisold State Landt.- The followmg is given by the Land Cotntnissioner os a correct statement of the qiihmity and locntion of the uFok' ctate lnnds: "In Kalamnzoo, St. Josëph and Allegan, nboni 1L,000 acres. In ihc Enstrrn ranges, comprisitij the coun ties of Shiawassee, Sasrinaw, Tuscola, Gen esee, St. Clair and Sanilac, aböut 103,000 de re?. In the counties of Móninlrri, Iónia, Kent iind Ottawa hnown as the "Grand iliver conti Kry," "bout 200,000 acres. Total nn8tjJd and now subject to eniry 315,000." The tollowin? toiït wn3 givort at tt late dinner of the Hasty PütRüag Club öf I3oston : "Our corn fed hoy9 nhd corn fod girls - ihe right material to forin a corn-fed-atation." Naii. Bü8i?vBS8. - The nmount ofnails made in tlio United, is ostimated to be fifly tkousand ioiisf Forty thousand casks. or four rnilüon )ounds ofnails are annunlly made by the Bcston Corrí pahv, at the Mili Dam. Estimating the number oí nails nt 160 to the pound, the number here made daily, will be about two millions ; and estimating this number to be but the 25th pari of those made in the United StateS, fifty millions are made, sold and used cvery day. Mohk An-.vexatíon. - At a meeting of the citizens of St. Clair County, Illinois, the tollowing resolution Was ofiered by Ex-Governor IIeVnóujs and nndnimóusly adopted'; Resolred, iMiat tlie Chair nppoint five persons to malie a report toan adjournment session of this meeting, on the propriety of passing an act of Congress to authorizé the President to purekase the ïsland of Cuba with the consent of the white populatión thereof. CöNGUESSIONAL ExtñÁVÁfaÁNCK. - Ve fully ngree with tho Argus and Siglial Uiat the pay and perquishos df Congressmcn are outrngeous. and gught and must bc cut down. The cohslructive travelling, the 8 dollars for ovcry 20 miles travel, the stationary and the books - all these thing.s outrage propriety and coramon sense. We go for a thorougb, sweeping retrenchment in the general governmcnt, the State gdvernment, cpuntics, cities, and townships. - tètalc oournal. GóOD ADVICETO BrOTHF.R JONATIIA.V ox nis Pursiits. - "Of their courage, 1 repcat ngain, I have no doubt. I wish I lad the same confidence in their wisdom. Bul 1 believethey will become intoxicated by the flattery of unprineipled orators ; nnd instead of entering with üs into a noble competition in making calicó (that g'reat object for which the AngloSaxon race appears to havo been creatcd) tiicy will waste theirpiness and their moncy (u they can get nny) in years ofsilly, bloody, foolish, ai.d accursed war, lo prove to the world that Perluns is a real ñne gentleman, and that the cnrronadcs of the Washington steamer will carry farther than those of the Britisher Victoria, er the Uobcrt Peel vessel of war." - Sydney Smilh. Tu-cnty-ninlli Congress.- The Journal of Comnwrce estímales that the next Congres will be divuk-d poiitica'ly as folio ws: Dfinncrnts 138 Whigs "3 Native3 C Twó vacancia perhapáj 2 Total, áLÓ Donincratic majority, over Whigf?, 60; do. over wliigr! and nal íves M. On j'int ballot, over (lie whigs, Gü; overall oppusition, G0. A correppon'dent of the London Times wyst thot ne;irlv one millioii and a ha f of dollars nre invested incolton, Si wo len manufacturee in Turxey. The Sultan hiis rstabli&Iied at his own expense, workjto mine col und mtike iron on the borders of the Black Sea. Will Saltpetre Extlode? - The special committee reported on Monday night in the New York city council that there werc thirteen explosions during the late fire, nll in the store of C.'ocker & Warren, 33 Broad strect ; that there was no gunpowderin the siore; and that no cause for t!e explósidu tían be kirown ej:cept sahpetcire. The wrètcii whomurdercd Mr. Tucker, a respectable religious fr'ee colore d citizen of lndianopolis, in tho public, streets, on the 4th of July, has been sentenced to only three years imprisónmeut! Isthisjustice? Can a country long expect to exist in prospenty wilh such clouds of fcarful forebóding, continually gathering round'about it?Rev. C. T. Torrey. - h. correspondent of tlie Hallowell (Me.) Standard whojately visited il) is individual in tho Maryland Penilentiary, statts l'hat hh conffnement is undeiTriiïïihg liis h.ealth his oyes are dun, liis voicc hoarse, atu liis spirits depressed; nnd it is feo red lie cannoi live out the period (five years) Tor which iie was sentenced. Joseph R. Ingersoll of PhilaJelphia was receijtly inade a Doctor of Iav al the CrunB' wiek Comnicnccmniit. Nouvitlistandinfj ihe n;rcüt jiicreaüc in the number of tuch Doctor, the La vk fctiJl continue veiy poorly.A Fust Locomotiva.- "The Boston," a new locomotive, built by Hinckley & Drurv, recently placed npon the hongr Island ïoed, perfbrma llie whole distanco - OC miles - with a ful I train in a Hule short of thrce honre; aiid if a little push would gain half nn hnr upon fhnt. If ilic otlier two roiJs whicu,wilh lliat, connoct New York and Boston wonld makc fqual cxcrliona vith the L. I. wcshouM imvo a regular daily line througli in losa ilian nine li o u ra. jShti-Jient Trhils.- E1 A-ard J. Connor Iiqs been found gnilty pf rhurder in Ddaware coiintv, havii beGn prcsrni, and laken part i:i .he procppfüngs, wh'eti Steele. the shcrifT, was t:il!ed. Vuil éteonbörgh wqb previously convicteil of the sp.nie offence. Botli v.ere bchtenccd by the court to bc lnin oh the L9 h Nuvcnib'er. The Satbalh 'Gun - The ro?t of hc pow der cxploded to n.-,her in the SablwÜi with o mirniiur 3" thróiijg tho wlmle line of forts that siirround thi.s countryi nniounts in the course of a year, to a sum fufticieii' to furnjel one huiidh-d Sübbaih c!ioolrt at the West Ailh anijile lilirariea-.- Advocate of Peáce. Tho present popnla'ion ol New York City, accoiding to tnblos of ihe Ccns'i j'ist taken, llie MorningNewp, is ö(JG,785- which makes it the fifth city, as to populntion, in the wnrld. The popïilatn.n tn 1340 was 12,710. The vxluntion óf properiy in New York ie 2Sü,727,143. We argue that a Nrpro, bond or free, Native to the Soil, attached to the eoil, trained in the country, aad of the country is netter qiialified to exercise with discretion the Right of Sbérágés thnn a Peasant, from the Scheldt ortheRhine, brfróin the hutp, !:ovels or bogs of lreland. - Vineyard.Tuf. Pianoforte taucht in mix ute. - When tho discovery of teaching music Ijy colors was first made known by its aiithor, E. D. Jameáon, through the medium of a book entitled "Color Music" it seemed most incredible, by reason of the short spncc of time ihorcin stated 11? nocessary to acquire Ihoty of playing from sight, and aa such it was trèated as a mere theory, or at the host, an arnusing notion of the moment. - It is ndw nearly R year ngo sinco the work appenred; and át the present nioment this startling fact is every day receiving corroboration at tho , Adeluide Gallery. This may smack of the marvellous, but when the simple natur'e of the means used are understood, the matter becomes one nf adiriiration, no longer one of doubt. Spveral hund'rcd people have already testod the principie, and amongst these many childreu who nover before touched the keys óf a pianoforte, and it is to a degree startling to hear the correctness and harmony elicited by a first nttempt. it unders'ood that the keys of the pianoforte are colored, to various lengths, to córrespond with similar colors in the book; color being note, height being octave, and length being time.


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