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The Election

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We lay before our renders what new we have received. We intern] hereafter to publish a statemen'. of the vote ineach county, na officinlly reported. In Waehtenaw, a portion of the "Young Democracy" votcd the straight Whig ticket, and the result is that the Whig candidates (o the Legielature are elected by Botne 3üo majority. Felch'8 majority is said to be ahoat 275. Ann Arbor gave 138 Whig majority. Th] reeult is quite nnexpected, as long experience has shown that however mtich the Democrats may quarrel among themselvea, they are almost sure to unitc ngoinst a comtnon enemy. But this case was nu exception to the general rule. Whether the "Yoting Democmts" who have given this victory to the Whige are to be hereafter reckoned among the Whigs or Domocrnts, or to be excomtnu nicated f rom botli, is a question for future decisión. A fricnd writes from Detroit,- "Liberty vote in Detroit in 1843 wasabout S9. do do 1844 " 99 Charter election, 1845 " 49 State election just held, about 60. "Dyinff away"!!! Total Detroit city vote in 1844 about 1900. do do in 1845 " 1S0O "JYot dying dway." Democratie majority in the city, bout 89. Several of our friendd were absent 'Vom the city. A FRIEND. The Liberty vote of Ann Arbor was 90, Inst jear 98. The apgregate vote of the town feil off more than 100. In Salem the Liberty vote was 60, Whig 64, Dem. 64. The Native American vote of this Countyis reporteu at 81. The following are reported mijoritiw for Felch. Oakland County, 450 Calhoun L00 Jackson ♦ 100 Lena wee " 2L5 Monroe 600 Woyne '♦ 200 Inghatn f 106 Pi.ncknkt, Nov. 8, Í845. ' Onr election is ovpr and the Liberty party ure not yet cxtinct. Tliere were 23 votes for Governor, 22 for Representativos, nnd I believe 23 for Sennte. Tliis you will see is respectable gnin, considering the very general want of interest tfcat porvaded all the par:ies. The vote wus very smal] al! round. - Our vote last fa IJ for Prebident waa 13: last Spring, 17." Vote of Soutlifield, in Oakland Coun'y. 1845. í44. Democratie, 0 about 95 VVfiifr, 78 nbout 1S7 Liberïy, S7 20 Totol 195 TotaÏTote 242 Vote oí' Milrbrc1, Oakland Counry, (offltiai.) Deniocralir, zí Liberty, 56 Wiiig-, 5 VOTE OF ANN ARBOR ron OOVER.tOR AND UEVT. GOVBRNOK. Gov. Vickery, 377 Lt. Gov. Lamb, ñ?,3 FVIch. 2'JO Greenlr, tSÜ Biiuey, 90 Tlionvia, 89 FJR SENATORS. Jennings, SG9, Bush, 227, Gay, %i. KKPRKSJ'.NTATIVKS. Wliigr, S61 to SCO Lib. 4 u 95 Dem. J93 to 217, S6 Fur Jtiítice of tlifi Penco, Edwin Thompson leceivcd 412 votes votos; S. Ilicks, 240.


Signal of Liberty
Old News