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vVill oe publislied cvery Monday inorning, in Ana Arbor. Michigan, by BECKLEY, FOSTER, & Co. Fok the Michigan State Anti-Slavüky Sofcirry. TEHMS. Ose Doí.car a year, in advance: if not paid. in advunce, Two Dollars will be invakiahmt requircd. O Oíd subscribers can linve their papers at Önc Dollar n ycar, by forwarding that ainount, ünd pinying arrearages. All subscribors will be cxpectcd to poy within (lio yenr. TERMS OF ADVEIIT1SING. For cnch line of brevier, (ihe suiallest type.) the first inaertion, 4 cfints. for ench subseqiH'iit insertion, 1 cent. For three montha, 7 conts. For six montli8, 10 cents. For one year, 15 cent. t)rdor8 by mail will be piomptly attendcd to. Ledl Adveriising by the tolio. ,ÍD Manufacturera, Booksellers. Mnchinistp. Wholesale Mcrcliauts, and all oihcrs doing nn Iztonsioc business, who wifrh to advertise. wil Hnii the Signal the best possiblc medium of communicvition in the State. UIT All lleuiittancea and Communications phould bc addressed, Post paid, 1D3ig.vvi. ok Libkrty: Ann Arbor, Mich-XD


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