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Selections: Pro Slavery Ministers

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The Doston Chronicin hns nn aricle shownc: how great has been the antislavery progresK of Uie Chrlotian Citurcïi in thw conntry (luring the last ten yetxre, ond hestowinj: 50111e very ptain ad.ioe upon tliose who Üávéálways bem opposed to tlie antisiavery cause. The luüowinj is on extract : "And now we cn!l upon you to look at jou' wort, Mid see what you have gained, and hul are yuur prospecta f'or the fiilure. In the first plie, you have been püenced lt your defences tf slavery. Nne of you wonld dnrenotvto ttini6 the nssortions nr nse the uririimeniö Whích were ctirrent onionif ypu fglit or ten yéars aLjo in defence of sliivphulti ing1. Is lluil creditable l the chanic'er nnd Ktondntg of tlioso who ought io 00 muslers in lsrad? Tiien vo'it htne boen dnven frotn all yo:u posiiln8 of ncu'ruiiiy and do-nothing1 nnrJ siiyno'hingnepH ogoinst sl.ivf:ry. Tiie idvicf of professor Stuari, tlint ministers ültaiuld no' p-riy for tlie eni'incipaiion of tde slaves, the injuriciien iit' the Meiiiodist hihliops that their ministrrs slio-jld 'wholly refinin" from ngit.iling the Pübject, ihe pledge of Dr. Stiarpp i that tiie BpiiL Bnord was tntirely neutral - J ivhprc are they? A'tid whnt r. Story dó tHey teil fr your wisdom in the jical muiters of human duty? Ayain, jou see that all youf aitrmnts " preserve your chonshed ürlion wit'1 slnvelinld ers have proved illusory. The eJayefioWerf ihemselvea deepise the trickcry, and flout i, :nd withdnnv fom you. The B;ip'ists are di vid-id, the Mejliodisfs are divided, the Pre.-uytcriüiis nre divided - irrevotnb'y. N't ony il tiic tiiings you unuertok lo do ngninít abolilion, us iro?perel. Abolilion doctrine nnd tib'l iion fceWng have gone on wi'.h steady nd vantv, '.a!)ini ymi nside, or rolling over you, ui' draicing 'jou nto its cnrrent. Nuw we ïhould think all iheso tliings migh' make you think of tlie advice once j;ive by a very discreet man - Lbt tiiusi: men a lonk, " FOR ir THKIR P.NTKHHniSB BE OF (iOO, ï8 CA.N.N(iT OVERtllrtOTV IT. 'Rnilioad Travelling in England is travftlling, or rather íiving, now-a-dnys. - Express (raiiis havo been established which "put il through" at a rale actually stor:ling to thinfc of. The entertaining curïesporident of the Boston Atlas, "Cosmopoliion," now in England sajs, he travelled frorn Liverpool to London in one of those space-nnnihilaling Irains. - ! The fare, he snys, was high: fora sent in ! the first cldsscarriago he j.aid 'f.vo pounds Isévéü shillings, upwardsofiSlO! dislance 210 miles. Thai's paying a few! He lelt Liverpoui at 4 o'clock in the afiernoon, took ton minutes to tea at Birniinghatn, nnH was sougly ensconced at lijs hotc] in London, nt half past ten: thus making the whole trip of 210 miles in six hours and a quarter! Ou tho Grcat Western lino of K-ailway, which is con; structed on the broadgnuge principie, the average rate of travelling Í3 now sixty-two miles an hour !


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