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Constitution Of Texas

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We havo on hand a copy of the new üonstituiion of Texas, but havo not had ime to read it. An exchange paper has he following notice of it. It will be seen hat tlie debtors who have fled to Texas, Trom otlier countries, intend to enjoy the 'largcst liberty" in their new abode. - Texas, rather than Michigan, may hereifter be justly denominated the "Paradise ïfDeblors." "Duellists, either as principies or as econds, aftcr the adoption of this Constiuticn, are expressly excluded from all md every office. Lolteries are absolutely forbidden. No livorco can be granted by the'legislature. So Banking corporation, in any shape :an be created. Neiíher can individuáis ssue paper money. Bank notes are for)idden in anyand every form. A vote of wo-thirds is required to créate any prifate corporation, and the state is forbidlen to be joint owner of any stqck in such issociatioiïs. In relation to "the rights of the wife iver her property, the following benign, nd we may likewise say, just provisión vas adopted : : All property, both real itid personal, of the wifp, owned or claimd by her helbre niarringe, and that acI ui red afterwards by gift, devise, or des:ent, shall be her separate property." But in our opinión the most important irovision in the Texas constitution, and ne which must render it marked above ill other constilutions which have been idopted by the American states, is the inorporation of a clause largely limiting he power of the credilor oveKthe debtor's )roperty. Il ere, as in other states, the ïxemplioh law ex'iends only to personal property. But the Texas constitution ap)lies the same principie at onr-.e to real pstate as well as to personal property. - Tho nmount exempted is two hundred acres, including the homestead, or land in no case execeding two thousand dollars in value. This renders it an exemption law to that amouut. The debales show that this was incorpornted tosecuro a home 10 the family of the debtor, independent oí his recklessness or vicejas it isa prospeclive law, it is not unjust to creditors, because il depri ves theni of no right. When they credit, they will know that they enn iave no claim upon the farm of the debtr. lf under these circumstnncas they link proper to trust him, they do it with lieir eyes open. This provisión is evientl)rcalculated to check all kinds of creilj and on this ground too, it was strongy urged." OTho Detroit Advertiser discards the National Bank question frotn the issues of the Wliig party. In reference to the warfare against the old U. S. Bank, it eays: lït was naluial that the Whig party shoult have resisted sufch a ivanton and unjustifiablf procedure, whe'.her dirocted ajïainst a corporation or an individual. But we agree witl tlie Journal that the effint miht huve beei sooner abandoued wilh advantnge, and at mij rate that the Bnnk qnestion sliould now bt dismissed from our party cnntroversies. We doubt not t hal both of our naüonal bnnks hov rendered important services to ihecmuitry nor cvon that one now w.ould be uset'nl bo!t to the overninont nnd Uie people. Bul wlii'i sucli a niiiss of prejudice gainst it exists, i would be idle to attcrupt to cbarïer ons. TIn attempt wonld ouly serve to woaken its friend and advocates, williout accomplishing on; permanent pond."(CThe Slaveholder.-, through Cave Johnson, are trying to get llie oKI oppresive tyslem of postnge imposed on us. The report af the Postmaner General, recominends a :hnnge of the present ratea to Jive cenia ftir ill dislances under fifty miles, ten cents lor ill distancfifl over fifty imd under three hunJred, and Jifleen ccnis for all over ihrce hundi-fd for a single sheet or one-fourth of on onnce. These rates to be conliniied to the SOth of June, 1C48, after which the highes rate shull be ten cents. Prepavment to b required in all cases, on new spapers as well a on letters. Dnputy Postmasters to have th tranking privilege reslored. The deficiency in the revenue of thedepart ment, for the fiscul year, is estiinated at milliun und a quarter of dollars. ' flTiiE Gkrman Edict against America nevspnper8)is jlstly characterizcd by the Uu led Suites Secretary of State, "as a meaour which must be condenined by every libera und énlighteñed man on bolh aides of the At lanUc.1' - Fiee Presa. What does the Free Press thtnk of th edicts of certain American States, not onl against "Americnn newspapers." but agains teaching nctive bom Americans even to roac (ITThe Detroit Evening Express, daily and weekly, whig paper, has de ceased. Detroit is a great burial place o papers. Were a resurreclion to tak place, how numerous they would be! - This s the second daily that has diec there during the present year. (CThe receipts of Wheat and Flou at the tide-water, just before the closing o the Erie canal, amounted to 277,088 bar reis in eigU days f QA frightful collision took placo latei on the Boston and AlbaHy Railroad, by whic both locomotives were 6mashed into a ihou sand pieces, and four cars eniirely demoüshci Four persona were badly injured. Not a pas senger was hurt. OJGeo. 13rewster has left the edito rial department of the Oakland Gazette afier nearly six months service. Oy Mr. Calhoun wob clected without op position Senator in Congre3S from Sout Earolino, in place of Mr. Hugor, resigned.fl5The Chairaren of the Committecd in ihe U. S. Hou6e of Representaüves on Post Offices, on Military Aifairs, on Naval Affairs, and on the Disirict of Columbio, are all slaveholders. OMr. Packenliam, the British minister at Washington, has been recalled. Various surmisoa ore made in reference lo the cause. fijrHon. Mr. Chipman, of Michigan, had hut eleven Northern votes to countenanco him in his infatny of advocating the Gag Rule - and ihose were all 05a" Demócrata! QySeveral new advertisements are necessarliy deferred till noxt week.


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