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Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: Scraps Of Useful ...

Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: Scraps Of Useful ... image
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The lung of ËugUnd look from the pocketa of lus suKj ets 81,000,000,000 10 replace tlie Bourbons on the throne of Frauce. The interest of thirt snm. ui 5 per cent, would Ie L'200,000,000 nnmially; whicli woukl go so tar to place Jcsos Clirist on t!ie throno of lliis ulienatcd worlit, ns to Euppurt a standing ur.tny of 400,000 ihissíónáriei of the Gospel in pagan lunch?, and chiis.tian lands p'ngariizèd by fvstemsof griuding' oppression and .moral (ie grndation. The iniere&l of the mnney tlitia wrenched from the httrd, lean hands of the toilmg people of Great Báitaín, ivnnid biïïld 10,000 miles of mlro-d evciy yenr; until the .habitable globe werc intersected by tiie 'non hijjh.rays for the na! ons. Thn nnnuint or principa!, if dividod ninong the 214.000,000 ihh.-.bitants of E'iropo, would pui 18,60 iut' the hands oi' every individual! The debt of the Netlierlandí, c'oñtrácfcÜT. asall nalional debts nrc, to meel the rxppnses of war, past or prospeclive, umownts toé'BG000,000. To hrjuidato thia debt v.ould re quirca tnx of thrce dollars and twelve and a half cents on every inhabitanl of Enroñe, and 75 cents on every individual on the gUibe. - Divided among the population of Holland, the fiharcofeacli inhabitant would be í-2tíi. The w.agps of laborin men throughout the ivorld probably do not avarnge 20 cents a dny. - Then, at that rate, three thovsand thrce hundrtdandfüity inillions of hard-loihnj son of labor would have to vvork one day in order to foot thid war-bill of little Holland! Let every Englishmnn read this fuct, and look pon the hungry mil liona of lus CiMintntnen, and ponder, fee! and speak: Duriuor the year 1835, one of great commercinl prospeiity, ihe value of all the British and Insh Pioduce and Manufactures exporied from the United Kinjidom, was $203,437,930. Theapproprialions for the paymeul of the interest of the Brltisfi debt and for the support ot' the Army, Navy and Ordnance, during the current year, amount to $225,403,500!!! - Think of that, ui! who love humamfy! The war expenses, in lim of peace, exceeding, by nearly 820,000,000, all that the human and ron machinery of that great kingdom can produce beyond ite home consumption!!!! But let U8 end, if we do not begin, at home. Let us aaeume the average price of cotton, ai all placci of its exportation in the Union, to bo 7 cents per pound. Tho erop for 184,' is estimated at 872,000,000 pounda; worth, ot the ibove rate, $05,400,000. In 18S4, ihe capital invested in the production of cotton, was $800,000,000, and the value of the whole erop, $76,000,000, at iixteen cents per pound. It may Uien be fair to suppose that $1,000,000.000 have beenthus invested in 1845. The interest of this 6um, at 6 per cent., amounts to 60,500,000; which, being deducted from the home value of the entire erop, lea ves but $5,400,000, clear profil of the business ïtself. Now the appropriation to the U. S. JYavy, for tht current year, uxts 86,350,789!!! Let . cotton growers ponder on this fact, and on another of vital interest to themseKeu: A war, to prepare for wbicb, we re absorbingthreefourths of the revenno of Itio nation, wonld annihilalR at least half of their capita) now invented in the produciion of cotton; for they would find that 8500,000,000 of thcir money were invesled in stocks which would not br'mg one cent on the dollar, in time of war. "In case of a war willi England,"' the fmiction of our glorious linie navy, and of the glonous great navy of Greai Britain, would be a mutual effortto destroy the conimerco of both nutions, nn interest which they own in partnership, Bmoiiiiting io $100,000,000, per nnnnm, of which raw cotton mnkes an item oí SOO, 000.000 ! So all tltat our navy would do for the colton grnwers in such a war, .would be to destroy a marlcet for Fifty MiÜons of Dallara' wortli of cotton a year.


Signal of Liberty
Old News