Peace Movements

The Hibernia brought froin LnÃjlnnd a circular which bas been sent to moat of the Merchante of Great Britain, iirting them to address their brolher Merchante in America, for the purpooe of preserving peace between the two countriea. The idea Ãb rat her a nove] one, but indicates g;od ecnse and homanity, as well as a close attent on to merco niile interest. Burritt describes it ns"a general appeal to Ihe Merchants of Great Britain, to address to the Merchanls of America brief and earnest Communications, demonstrating their dependence upon cach other, as citizens of the world; the dependence of Commerce on Pcncc; their mutual interest and duty to do uil in their power to avert the dire calamity of War, and lo induce. their respective frovernments to adjust all queslions of intcrnutional controvergy, by pacifie negotiations or arbitration; 60 that peace, prosperity and amity muy reign unbroken and forever between two nations, whom God has made ofone blood and broiherhood to till the whole earlh with the bless ings of iheir nnity."