Statistics Of Disease

The Stirgeon General of the ü. States reporta that the mean strength of the Army for the last 12 tnonths, was 8,590. The cases of 8icknee8 were 22,496, so that each man on an average, was 6ick enongh to be doctored a little more than 2L times m a year. - Number ofdea'.hs, 78. The ratio ofdeaths to the number of men was 1 to 110: and the proportion ofdeaths to the nnmber of cases of sickness, was 1 to 295. The most prominent c.Mjf-ps of BÃcknees are thus ïated:Not a (jinglo (Wth occorred from the 2DG4 casos of fevers above meiitioned.
Disease Statistics
Surgeon General
Old News
Signal of Liberty