W. S. & J. W. Maynard

WHEN I MKT YOU TUE OTIIER DAY YOU appcared to be choking willi thcnsihmn. - à tlmuyhiyoti could not live long, your difiicul ty of brcuthing appeareu so grcnt. And now you appcar lo be nearly wcll. What line prodiiced tliia grcat chango ? Ah, roplied the jterson, 1 have found a leinody. I have suflercd for yema Ueyond concepción, uiid never yct met with relief like thul wliich is produccd by Dr. Folgcr'b Olonaonian, or all-hcnlmg Baleani. h relieves the breathing imiiicdiatoly- checks the deep and trying cough, and enables me to fall into a quiet sleep, from whieh I .iwakc rcfreshcd. The renicdy is wortl its weight in gold to any person who suffjra ns I Iiave sufTered. Such is the bc counta givcn of the wondorful ellects of this remedy, ihat it not only neis well in nsthmn. bui in cases of dyspetic consumption, cough, colds, bronchitis, pnins in the chest and de, and all atrections of the lungs or windpipe, it is grcai beyond comparion. One trial will convinct the most eceptical of its virtues.Agent forAnn Arbor.
W. S. & J. W. Maynard
Dr Folgers
All Healing Balsam
Old News
Signal of Liberty