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Detroit Affairs: Correspondence Of The Signal Of Liberty: Fo...

Detroit Affairs: Correspondence Of The Signal Of Liberty: Fo... image
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iktroit, ArniL 1, 1846; iuf.nd Fojrr.R : - Within the past vrcek our citizene havo been dificd by the labors of an intincrating ]ajy „ M's Rose) wha has beert holding forth nmonr b, upon the legión of ilTs which afilict human ocicty in ita presem organization. She comience Jby lechuHig ia tlic Jlnll of the House of tepresentatives on Tuesdny evemng last. íy er nttracüve manner or cloinence, shc mado ich an impresston upon tko heart of our sago ,egislatorsas te. tecure a seco ik] inviumon tolccuro nt the same ilacr; anti on FVlday evcniug ie olso held forth at the Motliodist Church ubjeet. "the formntion of charactcr." A spomlinvitiUion wrib e.Mcntïud to tlic Indres oh;-liis ccasion. Alihougli I did not understand rliat hc ayowed liersclf tjch. vet it was evident from eniiinonts nd vaneed in her lectuica that she vas in synipaihy wiili that modern Panncea for icills wliicli altlict human Grovernmentej "Fourcrism." or some simiLnr sect of Associa(ionir nd, (as aomo of lier !:iir hcarera reported) adanccd sentiments by r.- inenns consenial ton spirit of en!ihtencd pieiy or regard ior the word of ins(iir;itii)M. What a strange medley ia thehujnan mindl Truih mny take her stand ipou sonie lii;;li ennobiing principie, ond pfead witU btirñirig olo(ucncc, nnti yct the cars of men remalttiva the 4do(f adder" - [jcatiog nvot; but lot some wild vogary, or half forined schemuof fancy nppear. and the oyes and ears of gaping, natonished multitudes aro instantly opened to receivo it. From ilio many recent arrivnls 1 should judzfl thnt that "imdergroiiriil raiKvay" from tho land of Siripcs and bluod to her Müjcsty's dt.minions opposite our city. musl bc duing a largo and rapidlv increaaing business. You doubtlcsssaw tlio nbtico of a ecent (ff irl by one of tho ühio membera'in Congresstoámen]ltlie'Rivcrand Ilarhor Hill'" by adding nn a-jpropriation of ".ySXOOO for tlio pcrft.'ction of the Babb and Schenck sub(orrnncnn Rail ílü'ul oi which to convey thei'r odoriforous frienl.-i, (as the mover insnltingly cbosc to cnll ihem) from Kentiiclcy to Canada.' Although this was hut nn nttempt of a Democratie memoer of iliat ilon. body, to mak e hitnsclfwitiyat the expense of a Whig öcUloaguo (Mr. Schenck) and ihc present Whig candidato lor Governor tl that Siate, (Ohio,) yet )t pnmts to n cheenn l'aci, ihal the facililics adorded for the escape of poor fugiiivesare daily increasing, and ronder rirry ènbrts ior bis ree pturo ín thatState al most Iroptl ■e.-í'. Jrtiícíri? froni tli3 mauy who havo recomí}' p-)ss"d throurh herc and stepcl ovur to Qticcn Vi:'e dominions for greater sócurity. I shouhl think (Da thnt Mroncfi of tho "rnilway" leading through our own Stnte wae n no particular neod of thc assistance contem!;iicd !y iliat aineridmönt. nw t s cvidcntly dng n prosperous business in tlic tráñsjiortation of wistengtïsOne 'tliing by the un íe ccrtainly crcditnhle lo ilm )iu!)lic fpint and iiíiirianíty of iho colorad pcopleof onrriiy. Howéver tuninion mny lie tlieirlitilo petty brrezrs hmúiüg iliLitiseívea, thcy .Vways diupl iy a coid-tioii'I iblc z-3 il and linrmotiy i)f nction when thcir n(J i uceded to secure the ailc'y of 8-)ino poor fugitive brotlion-scaping from lie Inml of blood. 'J'lioy are dividcd into two rcepcctnlile relj.'ous denaminntions - n Methodist eind BopiÍHt, nnd il at all defíciunt in ny oiiit8 f rcligio'us knowledgo or duty, (which [ would ly no incans insinuatc) they llave cortniuly taken good heod t oue i mu nction of ihat l)lc6seH book, found in Ucutf ronotny 23d - 15]i( Tliou shalt ñpt dcüvcr untD his inrister the orvant which is cscanod from his rnastpl1 unto tlicc." A report was f?cn last Sabbat h in oacl f (heir churclios, that bohío of thcir cscapínc bretfarcn wero in ihe ci'y lioily pirs'icd by their hcartlfsa mastera, nnd intantly a committec of vigilance was on lliu ulelBCoucjug tiic lanca nníí aireéis, who did not rest unt.l tlicy vcro uatisfieí that the "prey had cscaprd froni ihc hands of c iio fowler." Suth steno an;l cxcilemonlb" nro common nmong u, ad il thc poor fugitive in liii? í for liherty can but rcacii ihia point of cijibaikation, tveti though his bluod-hound pursnorsmay lo éppiüiia tnick,lie 8 snfe; forecore oT Wir, own brcihrcn stand rcady to remlcr all necdiiil assUtancc to ens-urc liis t-afc depostt upon thasuil of Canudo. Froni enquiry of tluiee wholiave liad opporluniiy lo fonti n corrt-'ji opinioiv of the case. í ani strongly inelined ti) the belief that the narrativo givun in yotir lust oi' thc escape bf a slavo of Ucnry Clny Iaat Dec. ia eubstani'ially c riect. A number of our friends herc luid aii opportnnity tn scc and converse frecly wiih hirrí oficr hia arrival in Canada, and frpm thc niany minute circunistances to which he nlIudes he iscvidonily pcrfccily rnniliar wiih thelocahty of AshíHnd', nn.! bis cinmuntcntions OXQ all mudo witli iliat frankncBs of marnier which coinuiand respect. Yonr rcmarks respecting hia í ci iiLr fioygcd wiih atls instead of tho common whip upecl for that purpose ncoda somii correction, an tlio improlmbility of his heing oble to survivc' 150 strokca mlministercd with sucli in- struinen:? uiíght cast achadc of suspicioii over all thc iiccniíct. Am I run iní'onv.ed, hia statement of thc matter is thut oftf r tying him up ni thc barn, nlmosl eusjMindod hy his wriüín, thcy went out imd cut stnnll sticks, or what might [iroi)orly bc cnllcd switch $ , with whicl thcyIliciul the blows. Wo 09 yct know of nn rcason to qucstion liis vt:rncuy, and f his statements irc all truo, h ive litllc reason to rogret tliè deIbat of the great "embodiment of Whig principies," bclieving that the causo of humaiiity su3taincd i.o loss thcroby. Anoiher great sale of Copper stock camc off on Mondny last. Several of the Ieading stock maintaineu tlieir former prices, and in onc instance sliowed a ve'ry handsomc advanco. "Cjpper Faüs," which al tlio forinor s-ile bmught $27, now'sold for $51 and $""). This was dou'jtIc8S in conseqircncc of recent intclligcnce that it had advanccd rapidly n tlio cae:era market. Many of the funcy bMc!;h xhuwcd a downward tcndoncy, 6on c of thciu sinking os low as 87J to 90 centH, which ut the provioussalc brought froni s2 tp ,f 5 From this it is evident that sonie of thein are to beohort lived, which will bo much to the advantago of others designed to bo permanent mining companie3, Soine icar rumora havo reachcd our ciiy today, consequent upon a message which it ia snid Mr. Polk has sent in to the Senato asking an increaae in the Army and Nayy. No Steamboat arrival yet from Buffalo, but onc dniiy cxpcctcd. Spring business is opening gradually, and a good trade isanticipatod by our merchanta gcncrally, should no untoward ovent occur to blast present favorable prospect?. Yours truly.