Letter From Mr. Birney

LowekSaoixaw, May 4, 184ü. To tuk EniToit. - 1 wñd yon nn exact copy of lei ut J luicly rcccived froni one whosigns himsclf. B. A. Parnell; Phreriólo'gist . It is to bc used ëniirety ai your diecreiion. I know ii)t. thal thercissuch a nvm. Ifihereis, he has funiished nnother ins ancü of the wrong Uut in.-iy be dne to men wl o re held up as Jüdgè a i now is. Judgo Mtl-c.iii ia nlso igtiuraui, I supposc, of Mr. Pan cll aid of IÃ6 anempts. Tney nre al k-ast wortiiy oà the exposure vvhich is now üivcn thcin, by Your ob't serv't, JAMES G. J3IRNKV. RÃa RMI.W. r., JMidi. April !hii. I84Cà To J. G. Birnoy, Eaq; Dkar Sik,- 1 (cnow you hnve stronij feejïng? of phil.inllirrpy - allhougl) you s;iy ibai y. u have no lor.nl feeliniis of pntriotism - thal yon like une cniniry as -.vtll as nnoilicr. You hnve been a canHidue of the "Liberty Parly" for Sonic yenr?. - in '48 thnt pnrty will Inve óO.OOO votes in N. Y., 23.000 in Ohio; Ifi.OüOin Pcnn. ];5 0 in Michigan. You Kavé inuch influeiice wi h ihat parly. ] think you cin perÃiiade ihcm to vote for Jndgc McLean. 1 you hnve any mnbiiion to ev;r becnm ,-chief mag stme of this Uuion. by using thit influence, yoi wi!l pot injure your prospecte. Tho&c who think fcel. that it will be for the the benefit of our country, and for ihe world. to hnve J. McLean Iót our next Presideni. By usiny your iniluünce, nnd linving the votes casi for hi-n; vv'hicl would be enst lor you, il you are o caódtduie, ht can be elected. Will you he po kind as to rlrop me a lino, mu to let me know wliat you think? and obligo B. A. PARNELL, Phrenologist. P. S. I bhall bc at Bunio Creek, by the time a letter can ieach tne.