Postscript: The War!!: Another Skirmish--seventy Men Killed ...

Nkw Oki.kans, May 9, 1846. Wc have onc day loier news, nnd learn thnt 70 men were cut to pieces by a large ir ree. The information ia brought by the Mexicnn schooner Mary Ciare, just arrived irom Bnizos Santiago, whorc ahe left on the 29th uit. Cnpt. GriÃin nnd passengere reponed tliat CapÃ. Walker and 70 rangers were nearly nll killed nnd taken prisoners on the 23th, about 20 miles abovc Isiibel. Capt. Walker succcedcd in making the point, alioul 4 o'clock. P. M. on tho 2Ãth. with only 3 men. - lic npplied to Mnj L. Holmes for 4 men, nnd nnnouneert his determinaron to proceed to Gen. Toylor's CaVip or die in the dticmpt. His objoct was to communicB.'e full partieuiara of the nttack to 'he commandirjg officcr. The re had been no communication for 3 days with Point I ibel. Capt. Walker wlio was formerly in the Texan revcnue 8ervice,being8taiioncd between the Poir.t nnd Camp with his rangers, lound sevcrnl of the teiin which starled from the Point for ihe Camp. were on the rond. Ho starled from his Camp, on the 28th, with his whole force, to reconnoiire, and, if possible, to open communication with Gon. Taylnr. lic had procceded about midway batween Pjint abel and lbo Camp, when nn overwhetming force of Mexicana approached very sud lenly. A portion of his troops were raw rccruiis. He ordered them to keep on his right, and gnvo orders for the whole to retiro under cover of n chnpporal near by. Il is raw troops, lanic stricken, fled in contusión, the Mexicans advaneing in ovcrwhclming numbers. lic was followcd witliina mile of Point ïsnbel, where hc arrived with only two of his mon. Six otliers subsequently canne in. Cnpt. W. cstiniatcd the numher of Mexicans he encountered at 1500. Uc supposcd that at least 30 of them feil dnrirrg the 15 minutes in which he engaged them. This force is supposed to be a iportion of that whicli we heard, nt last accOK-iïts, crossed the Rio Grande; ome "20 or 25 miles above Matamoros, nnd whioh is estimated at 2,000 men. It is believed thnt thoy had taken a circuiious route on the pnstern side of Gen. Taylor's caiuj. The post is very strongly defended. - lio thinks with 300 men to defend the posi, it can be made good ogainst 3,000. There are now about 8,003 Mexicans on the American side of the Rio Grande onc-Iialf mil-e Lelow Gen. Taylor's Camp. The greaiest apjirchension is, I13' actual storming of the works.