Ladies Benevolent And Antislavery Association: For The Signa...

In niiBwer to nn carnest npncal of the Ladies niislavery Society of ibe Towri of Jackeon, to lie friemls of liuinnn riglits througliout ihecduny, a moe(ing was convenod at Jnckson on ihe I7ih insi. for the purpose of forming n' Cóurny Assoi-iaiioii. In accordancc wilh the last rcsolution of the meeting, 1 heretiy ranamit 10 you, for publicatlon nn obndgefl artöunt of üe proceédings. Mrs. F. Jolnés, ol Grass Lnkewns" ca1!d tó the chair', and Mrs E. M. Shéldori ciiosèri Secretnry pro tem. The meeting vns ópencd with pm)-cr. Aficr whicli it wasunanimously Resolved. That a Counly' AWoÃiatioti1 b? organized. A Constitmion waa adoptéd and tbe followin ofikers were chosen. For President; VIrs. F. Jonèa, of Grass Laké: For Vicb President8r Mrs. Treadwell, of Lóoni,' : CJould, of Sandstone,⦠Hnwkins, of Spring Arbor," Lnthrop, ofConcordr " Cole? of Rjves, 11 Se?sions, of Lconi,' " Holland, of Napoleon, i; IVf. 'trip?, o'l Ftanovor. For Ilecording Sccretary; Mts. M. E. Ecklec. For Corrcsponding Sccretary, Miss Hamvül!. For Executive CommiHeo; Mra. Gould, Mrs. R', Voodé,41 Sumerö, " J. Bèebc?. Tor Treapurer, Ã.Ãrs. Cook. Tlic first G anieles of tlie Conatiiuiion oro in' nll c?scniial roinis. tliesame as thoso adopted hy ilic Tówh Society (and published in the Signal of June the C5;h) except. tliót the 4nb article doclarea ihat meetings shall bo Field acmi-annually. Ai:t. 7. AÃcmhiïrs from otacr town Societtes auxüiáry to tliis. shall bc eousidered members ot" the Association; aml zny poreon may becomo a niember'. ly onin iis Constitmion, and conuibuiing to is funds. Art. 8. TiiisConstitution may be amendedjut any regutar nicosin by a vote of two-thirdsof the nienibcrs present. It was ResolvcJ, That Town SocÃetics r.nxiliary tof lilis; be inviicd to make such individual, or unitcd cflorts, to raisc aiul dispuso of funda oÃr they' mny thmk bc&t caku'.aicd to aid the caure. Resolved, That the next mcoting of the Asociniioii Ãt icl.i at Jackaon.on the second Wcdtresd.iy oà Oct. next. Kosolvod, That tho proceeJings of the mectjng bc sein to the Signal of Liberty for publication.11. E. Ecsr.EE, Recording Pocretarjr. This cfibrl to aiil the antislavcry movemen'u of Uie diiy, mny appeár 10 many ui Uttfe consequcncc, scircely merittng a passing regard from' oveu :hr frifiulsof humanity: and wlien we read; md ihink oà t!ic niighïy e.'Lrts that nrc being made hy tïic gréoi and goo'd óT our land - of tfi'o lirüliant orray ot laleni eris'I j'n thu holy caii&,' wc do imiecd Teel our Tncfliciency. Bui when v.c tliink l Ãic viróngè of the poor crils-licil t-'.-ivi ; umi of that haloful sys'.em which clahns nol only the body, but tlio soul, thoentire b'-inc, as U vioiini. :ind know tliat the noblost spirits ol' hum'atmy are now etniggling with this demon p,vor ; tUnt soine liaVc sirivcn, even im,,, ,'. ..tli- ycs when we reircmber a murdtted Linfèjoy, n mariyrcd Torrcy. and the poreoculiontà of a V. Mi Ctdy, and many oilicrir, how cju ve fótbèm io express our deup .ynipnthies T h.jw enti wc wilhhuld oir atd, though' sinaU it !.c' Wo fel contpeüfd [p act from 3 penso ol duty, :,., wil! .is uiuinatioi), and we carnesily desire ihe â coopurntton and aympáiby of all who feel at ,11 asv:ikonet: on this subject- and if we can be tlie nieuns of nrdöflïng even' a single soul to duty. :t we 'üti do ;inytbing lowards removing tbat darfe cloud ofTrejüdï,'whi6b obscures the mind# of many on thif snbjcct. which s&eme 08 it wero -.-. hu ikc ilK'in wiilï moral blindnep when they tieni-( to !u.m. ut h- if. i aay. w" can do any ihing ni tina wuy, we shull feel thai our labor are not vriiolly in vaui.
M. E. Ecklee
Ladies Benevolent & Antislavery Society
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Mrs. F. Jones
Mrs. E. M. Sheldon
Mrs. Treadwell
Mrs. Gould
Mrs. Hawkins
Mrs. Lathrop
Mrs. Cole
Mrs. Sessions
Mrs. Holland
Mrs. M. Tripp
Mrs. M. E. Ecklee
Mrs. R. Wood
Mrs. J. Beebee
Mrs. Sumers
Mrs. Cook
Charles T. Torrey
Cassius M. Clay