Postage In The Free And Slave States

The Post Mnster General lately lai before Congreïs a statement of the Let ters, &c, mailed in lhe monili of Octo ber last, in the sdveral States and Terri tories. Of this statement, the following is nu analysis. en -j hq W O s m 3 5 a -S S-S 51 % 3 sg F. States 1.533,921 439,103 3,604,511 119,418 S. States 57.542 305,565 I,2fi9,649 4G,640 Ohio 135,395 67,908 457,673 17,054 Kcntucky 48,069 26,064 134,549 7,621 - Emancipator An exchange paper says we wili never hnvepeacewUh Mexico until lhe United States gets o piece of Mexico. Whoever first said thia, it is an appropriate sentiment for a thief and a robber.
Postage Rates
Mexico-American War
Old News
Signal of Liberty