Classified Ad

! .7t. i priE prceeding liguro is ai to jgprcm)} ihe Insensible Persen ni ion. It is, lic gro'fl vaottiUon .. w inpuiities I" l j n 1 -tl V - fi uil' 0 ,â.!. . ,1 il,. ii i iliti k fi..,:(iv m.tól tesiieö Ir.'ni I! puinis cjf ili" :-ui , . â â indican s ihal , ,, p';. lii.ü lloVVfi ii.'iïi'i1 -. :!'t((ily wflCII V,0 ie n iiöaltli. but cr-nffis wht n we ate sick. l,iv dooft) !'â snitumed wiii.oui it. h Ãs iftfowti "il om ihc l'noil nnl il.i r j.m ui ifi) l.mly. ml dispo?rs lij t is ir. â !â ;-.... i. ,.i!y ;ill tiiii in - liritïés vvithm us. b'. I. !y ihis'Ãncn.ná nly. wóvks iféèli pure'. Tfic lansfnagè ol' Sr ure is, "in tlic. Ãk :!u iiÃf.'" I ' 'vlr eco nu b i m pure, il i.ny le :;.;. -I djj-pcijy " ihc i:;i 61 the !ns( h . .' ;ui. It lK-vrr eqitirea iny inudii iiuá to ! n. s 1 alwaj ),i riÃ'n i .-â Ij' !'' "" " '" '' nndae. ii. ii. umi hVowà bit ÃÃHUie óÃTcn'dÃrig hrï'morSj Iii(,,,,.l, the Ju-, n i! !â t â rsjüfiïü ". Tlnts wc . . lill'itml is mox i wheii the blood is slji"i:ur, oi liifci-i. â !. tó ';â )!] ilic i"i. ;inlit róiriiMi, â â â !.' I i (ril i inj'Hi it in.-iün; !y. Itsouu ii ai .nul i i.-iln v an BiuTicieht, jyitliouj uu. pirirli' ui rrutfioirfd, (rcpi io iipfü ilic pui iv upon ir ., ui!, icc Th. is vo ere tito follwpf tiikni',' k dik :i inici ii-il mi:i. ilii A IJ prnqii ionerq. lnw i i , diirri ilnir rrtoÃÃà ti rèi ffrt? il"' Inscnsibl i â i â j 1 1 r : 1 1 n i r , lm! ii stc.i. is lu h.c nol nlwqjri l.hc pi. Hl mie. 'l'inr Thoni)i)iii;iii, !oi instnnw â . :â . I I .Ii .i".l hisl :.mi â .; i n uf! lilnllk(!-â . lllO I foinopntil I J 'M Is o IK i lili :i;:al-, ÃÃO AlhuMifr."! blc-flile ni7H iloèra ïu Wli iTOfCury',ant] rhc bjiie tering (u,u-k güfijcs ua wjli i;üs. )ills. 'i'.. ui' soiiir i don ('t llicnjiir.illil r t lic Iiisrn.siiilr ï'ci'i-ii:;üii):i. WO wjij BiatClhol tlio, Iimiimi! ut, Lowciiliöuk. .mil ::u-.ii Bpcrhnnvo, nscci uiifi, f â ii ,i fiv'e d'glifl .â ' al à v. â ,. , i inii. ilic MuiimcIi. pnÃÃCil o!l' liy llnx Ijlyiins. In oiher ,ji.!-. i we c.ii :i ml ilrinK eighi poiinVTs pcr"dny. wc fvi'üi.iie iive pouiulu of ii by die fnsciisililc r.w.-i'liaii-iii. This is nrfiie oïlifir innn iïït: (cd up pnri1lt ni iIm' il-"l. 1 1 I ."li.i unie.' givjogpioco t.iilie iicw .7i. 'I 'rcsb. ones. To check ilia. llicreiure, a i icinin ju 'he syijit'rti il v -cirinlis ot all thi â . uiiU'iii tiKidcr ti.;i! 'liiiuic icniHtitls siimild lea v ili. â iniily. And cv Pil '.lcii ihis Ãs l:isc, i!ic l.hoil is ot souriiv-i! n pïcMpj lll;" " '1Mi'"r ujinjeat'.oae pniiicley n the siv. ' vl(ye i.i y furiii scahs. pimplos, ulerra, ai;d iilhs.'ÃpoÃBji a '-ii.lii.ii ir."n3l)0n fro'Ai liPál (o cnii l" porjpsnrq f=toppe(i.;jjic prrs.iuiii. .i.'-s. (ktlu i!isoiki bi jins at. oncè tó devólopèMaelf. Hcix.c. ;i atopp.Tge uf ifiia ll"vv oPth'e ju;cèfl, .n;.i iffttft 30 maiiy ci.i;i,i..iul; . !i ..- ! y sfiifi'piiig 't!l póres, lint ovcrw'icliijs mnpblnd wilb coughsi 'oJds. ;iik! oo': -Tiimpiiuii-. Ninc ii-nilis cf Uic wo: 1.1 lie froin Iise:iscs induced by u utóppagé ui lite róscnèiblu Përèpirn lien. It is ciisjly seon. iliereforc, how ncceeiary is liu! tl'iv." ..)' lliió Sllblli: InilrlDI tó til;' surfiico. lü preserve lie:ilth. it cannoi hc sUipped; it eannoi bc even clicckc.l, withuut inducingdiqeiiSffJjtii hfiu ;tslv now. evéry cpnJfd mÃnQ; wlÃát :oiiit-f: Beerns most rensunablt? to puiHiie. l iiostoo ihe po res, aftcr they are clbned? W'uulil mu iÃm" pliysic :o!i:isUi[i the poTCS? Oà voul y ui npply .Hjiuttlüii th;ii would di iliis up.'ii ihe -..i rf. . vvhere the ciogging nctuuljy is? Wowld imi i.iii li' i-.ini,iiin s ii;.i-; And y i Ikii'Wul no physician who inuk'S ijiiy c-eroul pplicoyoij loetÃ'e:! it. Thfifeoeun I assig'n js, thai nonioili c;i;c ill.iu liu II ii lii 1 c;i ;.(? ..! [I it. Lniiir threo cinimisiai)ccÃ". I present tv jli s't; mÃ.. ;nid to :ill otiicre. pre paral nii iliai M5 (!.is )U)v" lli ii (ullryl (fjitèat. It is ". Al, irmrs all i:::ai,l:; xi-.n:.r. ...i l'.io tVORLirS .-vi. :.' Jt tiáa p.nvcr ló rtlore perspiration m the fóà K dÃi the lÃoád, p. -. (. . . i'..M lllO ( 'n.-!, in SU'.I'. llpi'Jl . j i . ..ti - t the i.j.!v . v!hm!.i ..â ...-ui J: .'Iü! ..i sevejoly.; Ii lm.-; power to i ii I! i xtej als. res, scro Ii.:, i .!. ... i '..i.. Ainitá -ai.uii'I.. :ii' ir 1,1:1.1 tyctter, ;,m! ihi.11 iu oJa I hè Vi i â â â ! ottui :!â i 1 ..I ui ,!,. .,11.. i'i. ,. 11 .ie. -. ,ni, ruioltii l!n ijitrc r:-i:i ! . 'â â 1 lu'rtli'ln lui . rlouál 1. :i ri'inedy n.n !.tI.:.U rJn i. I .ii.Kiy aü.l i: ii t. i.uu ; i.'i ii lakcq iiiJly ihc 10If i; 1.. :-. H int-,!, iliül noiliii , â i 111c..i . -ü.i 'f. . n r rfnyj i)l ti l)ll 1.1 â . . It pM -ei vt ;ni'l ilclciuls lln' iiiTÃin: iVoinal! , ilci.ii:':i ,1 óf il . iiiin ti..i!. i Ii i(f it licepS O. pi-n tt. cluiiinc(sfi llio hlwud to voicf alj il impuriitee and diiipoêo 61' II its usoless pari 1 'l'iic Miii.ic. 1. ;h,: ,,i.i!,;t ,,; live cii.liiiis o" tlu ife itiitl nsetl up maiiei wnd . It is ;m. r.i ,â ! wi'li mijlion â ..' . 1 . mu . â . in r'ciie'v'c tl i tilUt-. iMo, np liu s-c i.ics. anti luali kun. '.. M youi .!â â .. 11. li s i,:ji;i teriiicd AH-fle , l.ii tlicrr 1.-. :.(-. :rccly ;: iliscuso. extcrnTil Si ( 111!. 1I111 11 v.ill nul li.MKÃ'r. I have i;, ei 11 I 1 ! tlie last (n'iiri'ccii J'fnrs, for ;il! disca. i-., ..I iln i-llCSI. COIISIIIi;illii. lu.r, ill vol VÃM2; Illà UI ' 1 .1:1! r. â spoiiMlulily. ;ni. d. cl.iro liclu, c .'l.i.cii nni] iniiii. iliáà iol m áiñele ca â II fuiliid to !.(.ni . wlïoit iIju patie'hi was V];hin tiiu ie, 'ii of riiorlul ïiioaiis. I ïiriVc !ia! 1 1 1 â s h . 1 1 1 .-- . learneil in ilic pi BÃohj 1 lïTe h:i. iiiinistcis ot i!ic QiïapéK iuiigâ -.111 the liciicii. Aiiiermcn ainl lavryors: â n III meii oà !lt') firghcsl crÃffiiÃoii nnd liitiltiÃudi Ã- 61 l!i-' !ior USO II in cvciy .i:icty ol way. :inil lliöFc !i lij ln'fii luit one v'ijre. one iinited, univor-il viitee, tmytttfe, McAli.tcT, youi Uiiitincnt is y.)Ol!" CÃN UMI ,!'â .. I: oan h.ililly Ik crc.litcd (hul .'i salve culi liavc â 'â ' â ' '!'., r ;:,â ,, tllc Illl];..,. 1 C'.llec! ï.i llll'}' IirP wit! 1.1 il: .- stem. Caà we'ssy once tor all, '!iat iliis Ointmciit will r"ncli lliö hlng's qftficker tliü'ii nny t!i il c in l)i giyfln uiicrn.illv. ThM9. il placed upon dio -!;is. ii pênvirütesdircctly to ii" liii.;. -. â â â thi pöiöohoun pnf(icl(fè tlini aro consuniiiig Uigjn, uitii c.rncJo tiicm liom the 11 1 ni.lnni tay thii il i.; .111 inp nersons nl Goh luhij i, ui continupljjr, al(houli we irc 10U it is , liMilisniM .-.â â . I en. uol ivhat iá éaid. so long as â 1 eau cuic ücvuüiJ tlii.n.-aii.l pci.joiis _( ;:ï!y. HJ l .UiiK. 'I'liis SaUc haa ciarod persons öfthe I Ie nl Ach': ol I'i ycais at.inlni,', and wiio lintl it rfigulatly !vcry week, , tliat yoiniting oton toik plcc. Dedfn'esd and ilnr AchO are helped vvilh the h!;o bucccbj. Ãid aleo Agüe in tlieKitcc. coi.u i:.i 1. Coiisiiiiipti'n. l.ivci coinplriini. pailis in ilir pli es I 01 sidc. follfö ot ilic ïiair. (inc or tito otlicr il wuyii accompanies culd teel. Ii is a au re ign oà disenso iu the .systoin to li.uc cold feèr. The Halve will rctloit; (lic Iiibeiiüiblc Peröpiratfori and thns curé every cate. Iu .StTof'nla, Kiyvjpcla's and Snit Rh e urn; nud other. (liseascs orthjs nuitno, no iulenial rotnedy lias vet bei 11 diecovered taal is no ood. Tne anic niny bc eaid af Erunrlniis. Quincy. SdVé Tliroat, f'ilts, Ãpina! Diseases, Brokeq or Sore Brdbef, te. And ;ia lor the Chcsl Difioases, b:ic!i as Astlimn, l'ain. 0ipicK,'3Ã(n and the. like, it ie the most wondcrfnl antidote in the Voild. Fr Lior (J'cniplnuit il is equally cflifticiotts: lor Jïtirns it nao not has i le rqual in tlio Vorld: ;iIho, F'xcroscnces of every kind, su'oh as Wariff, XutDOfs, Pimples, &c, it niakes clean workof iheni all. SOIIK KYKS. The inil.iniination and disease Iways liesback of the ball of the eye n lbo Boeket. Ilencc the virtue oà any medicino tuiiat r'oa'ch the scat ol the nflaoiation or it will do litile yood. Tlir Siilve. if rublied nn the temples, will péndrate directly intn the sorltcl. The poreswill bc open nd, n proper pcibpiraiion will beercated and the discaso will Nonn pas oil'lothe surtnec. 'rïffll.'ÃS on hik FACK. rrtï.cKi.r.s, ian, mAKcüI.INh bKIN, OKOSS SUltKAth.. Iiü lirot action uto'exoei all humor. Itwillïot fcn6c drhvritvg lili the face i fme from anv â natter that niiiy bc lodged under the skin and requontly breaking mi 10 the siiiÃacú. ]t dic i-i!;. Whcn'théré in rrothmg but grAssnVss ,r tulKrepulsive it Cicgtns lo sollen and loften uuiil the skin heao mes asBinooth and (ici .: a a cliild'a. ft throws n frctfhnc68 affti )litsl)n color lïpon the now white, transpnicnt jkin, ibut in porfcclly enchnnting. Soillc t'nres ri ense of Frotrkles il wiil firM 'start' out t'hrtie liru tüivc lain hulden nnjj een buiHcIduin. Tui uu ilic Salve ;iiiil ;ill will soon dÃaoppear. Wil!.' MP. Hpmoiits knew how fatal movà medicines woro o cujdrcn inken inwardly, tli.y would bc ülow ., rijsbVt Cö iheui. Espceinlly ''nïercVrial lozen. e n." pulled 'fmcdicnled lojccngesjV pills Ãc iituli ib. no one cm uil. iii.váriialjly 'wheii' svorniK me present. New Iet nvency to pln-cins iliMi iliis Halve will nlwiys lol 1 il a c,ij n w .11 1.. -. I: will clrivö evcry Vcstigè of tliem a. wav. TIiÃh is :i H:mplc and safe cure. Tin -e is irli:ibly no medicino qj: ilir fntc of lie énriti nt óncc so eurcand so safe n the ex. iuImoii of woru:s. li would lu cruel, nay wjckcdj to pive Ãnteriil, ] uli t fn 1' tiicdii.'i nes, so longaè a hnrmli'és exicriial one cotild bc hüd. icil.i:r. AhhorÃÃrn] li.ive'smd littlö abóut i ns n ,,,,' satorniiyc, yd I will siakc itagoiusi ihc World!' l'hi-y 1 1 i-i v ti i n v, tln-ir OiIm l;ir .-irnl neiir. and iiiiitc will icMoio Uic li.iirtwo cnrs to llicironc. OI.l) â â "...â . :.!") mi n j nis-, i i i ins. t;TcTIkii eoriic Sores nrt nn outltM to ilic irripiirÃnr- o( lile syBijjin, ia Iconu5e thcy cnynot uk off tbrou"li i lic nam ;il clmnnols of iho Iiisciibiil: fi-rspiiMiioti. Jf sucli sorrs ;iro hcalrd tip, ilie impiriii( s must hnye sone oilu.r outlri. oà h will endniig i life. 'I i.'-' lÃic ronsun uhy it itnpoIU4 le uso Iho'có'nmion SJilvó bl tli; d.ny in bucIi ense. I'1" thoy have no powct iu upen otber .ivcnii'.s. io lot oVilii murbid matloir, and il ,insMi,H'iic-('N nu' always fatal. This SaFve will .il.vayh piovi'lc fijr yueh ernergpycics, IU":i A 1 OF CIIILURI S. llow nninv tboüsands are swrpt oti' by eiviny â n tt-r n..l niriüi'ines. vli:n il.i ü yonng odftl iiiü! tender fniincs ore fuuible to feir up tgninsl ilitin' Wholc nrrnici fvp liius sent to "tlirir; iries merel) Ãi i" póniiñ in'tö llicff weal átoin;ifclis phvveSfuJ llftÃgà ÃM physicsl Jt is tiv -in II llial lllfi All-Ilcalu,;; QillIJ) flll . ri 8fc. plcasunï. an'J harniless n rnte Sucli etui -;(â !. ub Croup, ('liolir. C'ñolcrn InOinÃxÃtÃ, VVorine, and ;i!l Sffrmnef ('(yfinMitg, by wKr;, 80 m.'iiy cliil'li'i die. tflO OoiKnent H 1 7 f to utpvü so. fpeédily â iiid o'.iuJy, dia; n physjejan will ncvci lio ncf-iitd. Moilicis! tliiüiipli'int all lliis himl. vvo nW euloillllty nnd Laijf tlly lr clare to yon ihat ilic A!l Ifcilnii; Oin(ineht will r.ivo your clnl'lrcii i' m c;.ilv rtve il you will uso n. We nrc nut imw noüiaHsd bj ilm lèas' dcair to fi)n but k{iwing ,atrwe üq tluf vast hddiés l' iblatHn .â !( rliiiilrfn die cnrlj'; wllicll ÃS ÃllppoBc'll IO hli üiowiCiblf lllll iuipOPSfb)j f' jji â-â . f . we old ii( ;:r wuMiing voice, and .Wrl.ii.' ui llie facfl ol ihn wliol wórlit, CülLOllKN NKKI) M'' Ã)I JMOKK tllAN OflÃERS'i Mui it ë frortl t!i' w-nut cl propeV rti'ViiipI'infnt :ihI ilwj ( fliiiyuiu ilit-y nndorgn wliich mows .hètn ilnwn as the rouk gr.ij lalls, berbrti tb'è feefthe: .Mcihiis! vvc fcpcai agnm, nni{ il 5n y nero iliehist wo'iis vvo wire rvr to ir, ut i:urse pus the rcacli of ;ill inteicst. we wmld ay. "u.iüli" AH-fh'alin Ointnicm (ui sjcluiet f1tHt!C; cliü'lrcii." imii r r iT.ttff, ]i removf:' .'i!:nos( iininrdi.-iicly tlic jdÃÃÃmiiÃiv lión fjfnd SWGfliiig', wheri the idin ol" coaiicem ''. fn Cisec ff ffÃeri litPiculty lus Ãn ifè paree bejng licked "Pr 1 ftat ihe beat and portfp:riÃVm "ca'nh'ót pas "à Jffbefeiiet nwinue rihutd be -:uiud. io cr-ifHi w pnf7 Ãhm! iho danser ove'r, The All-leaÃfig O:fitniiii wjll n uil i'.nsns of fevera .i' most iustaifJy fnlj'jk thv s'un and brine; forth the perspirntiur. hm i } cMi i a:ms. filflamntibii ol lir kidnèyè, of liie wonb. anrf iisiitlling down. v Nikness. iind irrrLiilrity; in short, uil tliose difllculiies whirh ore fjte.qiicnt i r ii itMiiüIrs. liii'.i rènfly óml permanent rÃ-lréfl Wc Ii.iviï luid ged I.idiufr fd! uh tbey tould dt live ;i. tpqn.tbs withinit it. J5"' lo fctiinlcr nbouf io bccóm'c i'iïoHier'si if uved l".i some vei Is -i r - cedont ú thcir confinemont. vrry few oà iliosa pums uiid cortvulsioiis whiph utfiul tl' pip nt ihat period will le fült. Thisfact ouglit to bc known the wut ld ucr. n m w. We Imt'C entod cases 'ha; actunlly belled évtt ryihinc Knowii, ns well n8 ihe ability of fifrrrn i.j iwi ;r 'y (!:,,,.-;. Ole iimil l-.)(l u? H â ,'v n with'ooi n'ny bil cv, ki :i ov böXC ol i ljj Oiiiluiunt cuu d Uitu: (O KNS. Peoph htfc I in-ver bc trouMcd witli jhctn it' tfiey iïill i:;.'1 it. As n FAMILY MKDJCJNE. no mnn can me il.-, vaii;u. S" long na tho star.-, r,.ll . I - 1 1 2 o "â t tho I ifc loug ns Dun tieodi lllfl C. lllll. Mllijr'.t 10 al lilf: illl'.llillC'S Ol llie flo.-th - su '; â _ -id t-n-kness is known - jij.t ." Kili!;wi]l lilis Ojiiliii Cll I i: Vvrt] .Mi' eatvenied. lion ninn censes fnm oiï à â earUi, thc'ii thedcirirtiid wil! cen.-r. niid hoi uil ilfén. 'J'o allay all ypprclicnsions. fort accouol oà iis iiiL'iii'-nts. ui possessingsuch powuiful proper - tic.-. We will state ii i.) corriposcd of tomo of most eoiiiiiuni and linirir--s hei la in caipi â . nee There a no merctiry init. asean lie ieen ÃVbni the fbci ihai itdoeá n'oi inftirt ilic skin one pnrtlclCj v 1 1 i K' t will piss ihrpugJi nnd phy.ú; the bgwela. JAMKS McAl rSTER & CO. 1( 8 Som sm-ct. N. Vori.. Sofa proprictor ei (lic ahove Medieiiif1, if M-hi;m .dl coinrminicptions tniim be mldiobscd Ã i.ud). i'ncn yacente and GO cents. II â GAyTIOfi.j [ As ihe All Ile.'iliiig OiiitnÃciil has bren greafl- coÃtrUÃrlfliled, we hav: irjvon ini CftUtton lo theputbhc, iliüi '-un Oinuiif-ni Will bc goiiuine iïritess'tlib ñamfcffol Jumos !rcAli!cr, or James MrAh.-ur vV ('o., nre wrktorr with n pen tipoa evcry label." Tho label is n sioel cnrnving wjih thé figuro of i4Jiii-enaibic fcrspiralioa" on tflO l;:eo. Now we Ifercby offer .i riwa-vd f $500. to b piiid dn èoiiviciion', in uny of the eonsiiHiied cdiirtff of tho United St;iie!. of any individual eounieileitiii:; otir nomo and Ointment, MAYA'AKIVS. Ann Albor, WholewÃe Agenia; Binith A' 'l'yrell. Clinton: Kfriclim & Siniiii, Teouinseh: D. C. WÃÃiiwood1, Dexiör? II. Bywor, iMh,"li. . ;, i . ,l,dni Owcn fc Co., Detroit; llainian & (.'ook, Urooklyii. P.t. is, , +2U- ljr -ATTApl ! iMlONTÃOTÃCE. ÃiiyBecWeyA; ") Lgko iJoklcy, ! U(,fürc L_ Tijomson, eSl]. V3. ,' Svl v.nnius If. Uil!. ( à WlilT ui Att.iehuiciit haviiif: been issucJ by Edwin Thomson, es-q., njüstice of the pencc in and for W'ai-inenaw (Jniinty, nt thu sui of Guy üeckley and Luke Becklcy ogainal &rl i'.-iniiB 11. JJill. iKtiirnaltio nt the ollice of hou juanee in the vjllnge ol Ana Arbor, n suid rounty. on the l(i h day of May, I84D, al oneo'clock 1'. M., and tiie wiid dcfcndnnt huving failod fo appiiri-, nolicQ is hi:ieliy is givon thnl said cnuse is contirrued Jor lrtal muil the 17th day ol Au-nsi IBIC, at onc u'clek, 1'. M , nt the oilicc ol b.iul Jiislue. báitÃtÃ. June 1, 1846 269. rfIIP. Pnrtncrenïp under tho nnnic and finn J G. D. I Ii II & Co. havirifà dissolved by hm itation, idl pereonb indebtcd to the concern by note or account, are notilied that iinlesn they cali und pay or prttle the sanio wiih G. p. Uil' l'.roj vious lo the I5tli day ol'June ihey will N the said notes mul afeoiiuls in the hniuls ola Juslieeof the Peacc lor collccnon. G. D. JÃILL & Co. Ann Arbor, May II IS-H5. Jl-'f XV H ï. ÃA AflïToyÃRS, JB, DEALER IN FOREIGN AND D0ME8TIC Hardware and Cutlery, tïailB, GI.ÃB8J Carpeiucry, Coopcr'e nnd Black,mitli'ö TooIh. Also, ïMamifactiirer of Copper, Tin Ware. No. 70, Woodwurd Avenue, Detroit. 248-W__ FRAÃKLIN C O LD WA T EK HO t' &' à I Bates Stréét, onc door Norlk nf JFTEflSOJ AvtNvr, DETROIT. 263-1 y S.
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Signal of Liberty