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Jackson County Liberty Convention

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Fir the Siguul of Liberty.The Libcriy onny of Jacksou County he!d a Convention, pursuant lo a culi, at the Couiï House in Jacison, Üct. 9, to nomínate county oificers. The meeting wns orgnnized hy calling S. B. Trcadvell to'the Chai r, and nppointing Edwin W, Siiaw ;;nd D. M. Grithain Secretnry. Prnyer was oilored by Itev. Mr. Bjirows of Frankiin. Añer balloting informnlly tho following pc-rpans were unntiimously nomimlcd.First County Judge - Tliomns McGeo. 2nd " " - Simon Holland. For Representativos - Lonson Wilcox, Lulher F. Grandy, and Samuel Higgins. For Sheriö" - Frederick Johnson. ; Gounty Clerk - Jcroine M. Treadwell. ;' " Trensurer - Norman Alien. " Recisterof Doeds - llobcrt Dcvje. " Coroners - Duniel Snniord and Reuben II. King. For Su.veyor- Homer A. Hodge. Ti:e ! oüowing resDlutions werc adoptod Ij the Conrjniion. Resolved, That it is tho duty of all llie Lib eny voters in tliis county to give thcir cordial support to the Iiberty nominntion- believing as we do, thnt il is composed of true Liberiy nefj who are qualined prooerly to discharge tije dutje of tho offices to wliich they are severally ïioi.unutcd.Pcesolved, That no onc wlio profcsees toben Liberty man, shouIJ, under any pretëit of Local. ot personal interest, bo irrJuced lo divide orauaiganiate sin y ponioii ol tho Liberty ticket. Resolved, That the largely ncreaaed Liberty vote at t!ie Ia:e election uf our sister State lliinois, should lead evory Liberty man to grenter eííbru in the sacrud cause oí universal cmancipation.Resolved, lhut wc are not a Aart'icrn but n Lmíkktv par'y ; and, lint we wül continue to puisuc our onwnrd courso, rcgardles3 of minor considerations, till all n this land of Ëquèl Rights. shufl bo pcrmiticd lo enjoy the inaluni l nghldol' lifc, hberty, and the pursuit ofhupResolved, That tiie recenï cflorts of the ladii & in bchülf of the cause of the oppresseJ, encournge us to continue, wilh unabated zeal, our arduous enterprise ;'bslicving lliat, "with ouch alües is it:ipossible." ]li-aolvcd, Thai we most confidcmly belicvtthat no true intelligent Liberty man, wil! bo m:luceJby even the most fl;itteri;ig professioiis of reiird lor our principies, to vo!efir atiy ronñ t any office, who is connected wilh any natior.:! pany wbteb is in political feilowship witli sluvchulders. On motion, ilie Convenrion sdjourned sin; S' B. TREADWELL, Cha'n.OU The Whig Staic Journul of last week came out agaijist ihe cleciioa of tho Whig candidutes for Senators, Uawkins and Cranc, on (he groimd tliat ihey were decidcdly opposed to die rcforms souglit for by tho Whig pariy. - Tiiiscoursu of Mr. Coreelius is rather novol ind iinparty-like, but shows a mnnly and independ ent spirit that we like. If men of all pariicn would bc cqually decided to act only for the progressof their principies, iuetend of the auccess of thcir candidatos, the public would be greatly tho gainer. CCTThe Free Press montions a project for an Electric Telegraph from Detroit to B uilaio, around the south side of' Lakc Eric. A company lias been formed and an agent is looking the route through. It is to be constructed in the most substantial manner, witli iron cord, instcad óf copper wire. The capital stock to be ."170,000, of which Detroit is asked to subscribe $10,000. Twelve rnonths is talked of as the time of cornpletiuu.