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TOLaine. - Liberty holding the Balance. The Representatives thus far chosen are as follows : Whig, 57. Dcm. 57. Liberty, 7. Thero are 33 vacancies to be filled. Ulassachlisetts. - Mr. Hawkins, the lemperance lecturer, stated at the meeting in Faneuil Hal'; recenlly that he liad visited a iouse in Boston which containedforly f our families. As much misery as he had seen, he never beheld anything before so revolting to humanity. - In one room were six children - one an iülarit - whose mother had been forsixor seven days drunk in a cellar in Broad street. The artesinn well at South Boston has been sunk to the depth of nearlv 400 feet. The boring machine is worked by steam power, and progresses about 12 feeet per day. IYcW York.- Quite an excitement has recently existed in the city of New York, which grew out ot an attempt to return to his master at the South a Slave, named George Kirk, who had secreted himself at Savanah, on board the Brig Mobile. The vessel had been out several days before he was discovered, else Capt. Buckley would have returned to port. - Some few days al'ter the arrival of the Brig at New York, t carne to the knowledge of some of our Anti-Slavcry friends that Kirk was detained on board, and a writ of habeas corpus was taken out in his behalf. The Captain by his Atlorney appeared against the release of the fugitive ; the decisión of Judge Edwards was that the slave was at liberty, inasmuch as neither his owner, nor his aulhorized agent appeared to claim him, and no oihcr person could do so. Accordingly Kirk wasset at liberty. At once a warrant was issusd by the Mayor, under an old law that gives the right to Captains of vessels, to keep and return any slave who may secret himself on board their vessels. A warrant was alsosworn out on a charge of assault and baltery upon the Captain, and another writ of habeas corpus was granted. The case ns it became compücated excited more and more feeling. - The Capt. designed to keep Kirk under arrest, until power of attorney touldrive from his owner, when the law would give him up. The final result was that Kirk was diacharged from custody, and he left the city for a place of safety. No friend of humanity can failto rejoice that the prey escaped from the oppressor. The conduct of the Mayor in requiring S1000 bail on the charge of ossault and batte ry, and in giving directions so that the whole poHce force of the city was at one timo in puráuil of Kirk, has been severely and justly censured by the Tribune. During tho progress ofevents, an at. tempt was made by the colored people to rescue Kirk by force, but it was unsuc:essful. - Cleveland American. The Laroest Load on Recoed. - The Canal Boat Bufialo, Capt. Milliner, irrived iri this city on Friday morning last, with the enormous amount of 41,100 aushels of W heat; dsstined for Chirpell Sc Co. of this city, being the largest load, ind paying the largest amount of toll of iny one load since the opening of tho Erie Canal. - Rochesler Daily Amorican. IVcW Jersey. - Two children of Mr. Samuel Condit of Orange, N. J., ïave been cut down with hydraphobia, ïommunïcated by a small pet dog belonging lo the family. We are pained to beur that a colored man, who is said to have ministered to the dog, though not :onscious of being bitten, hos shown sy mptoms of the disease. IiOllisiana. - A Southern " Mistake." - We gather the following facls from a communication in the Baltimore Visiter. A colored man has been lying in the pnson in New Orleansour years, jvho was originally confined by mislake, ïaving been taken for anotherman. The ïrror was discovered in a few days, but r the mprisoned man was not discharged. F He sustains a good character, and the Warden of the prison testifies to his formly excellent conduct. The attention ]- of the Grand Jury of the city has lately been called to this case, and they, after stating the fact of the raan's imprisonment by mistake, the good cbaracter which he suslaïns, &c, "most respectfully recomment (we quote the language of their reportj that if in the power of the court, he be ordcred to ie sold for hie jailfees rather than remain as he now is at the expense of the State, and in idleness." This is Southern justice. - Charter Ook. KeiltUCky. - The Louisville Journal states that a new secret political assooiation has beísn formed in the city, the members of which cali ihemselves " Sons of Lilerty." The leaders o f the Nalive American Association, the Journal says, are the leaders of this new movemeut. - The Journol says: "We aro informed that associations, under the name of " The Sons of Liberty," have been recently established in many paris of the country. In the formation of all ofthem, as far as we can learn, members of the late Nativo Ameri can party have taken the lead. One of these associations was formed not long ago in Cincinnati. On the night of the 2Oth inst a most shocking butchery occurred in Lexington, Ky. ; Alexander T. Hays, formerly of OhiOj but lately living in Lexington, was found murdered, his body more horrib'.y cut up, mangled and mutilated, than ever any man was before, and presented a spectable horrible lo look upon. It was found that he had received eighly-six distinct wounds with a bowie knife or knives,ind a pistol shot through the head. It i ,vas the opinión of those who made the ' ;xamination that there must have been at east tivenly wounds upon his body, nny one of which would have caused his ieath. There was not a vital part about jim that was not most shockingly perforïted. The rnurderer teft no traces by vhich he has yet been discoveredIllinois. - From theChicogo Jourial we learn that the plan reported some ;ime since, ofsupplying thesummit level jf the Illinois and Michigan canal with ivater from Lake Michigan, by meansof sumps, is aclually to be carried into ?ffeet. Mr. Guthrie, the engineer, is makingarrangements toput up the works, o be completed by ihe 20th of June next. Eight pumps, each 4J feet diamïter and 6 feet slroke, capable of raising 13,000 cubic feet of waler a minute, are lobe worked by lwo steam enginesof63 borse power each. The building for Lhis machinery is to be of stone, 50 feei by 166, and thre estories liigh. IVlichigan. - In the case ofRusscIl, chargcd with the murder of his wife, the jury, on last Saturday afternoon, rendered a verdict of "not guilty ." During the following night a large number of persons made diligent search for Russell, but failing to find him, ihey hung his effigy and fired cannon in honor of the event. We believe he has left ihe place. We are sorry that any such demonstration of nn apparent intenl lo use violence should have taken place in our village, though we are not very sorry that the obnoxious individual has chosen to deparl. Some of our most respectable citizejos wero cngaged ia the display on Saturday night. This we regret, altbougb ws donot suspect them of any design la do uny sorious misohief. The almosl universal opinión ofhis guilt may serve to paliaf


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