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Children Pose in Preparation for Fashion Show, October 1969

Children Pose in Preparation for Fashion Show, October 1969 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, October 22, 1969
Making Fashion Debuts. Practicing modeling techniques in preparation for this week's Friday Fashions Show at the Ann Arbor Women's City Club are, from left, Jack Austin Jr., son of Dr. and Mrs. Jack Austin Sr.; Craig Pearson, son of Dr. and Mrs. M. Joseph Pearson, and Jill Lepard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Lepard Children of City Club members will model fashions from the Children's Shop in the Lamp Post Plaza. Also featured will be Christmas gift suggestions for children from the Kiddie Korner Shop. Other children who will make their modeling debuts are Karen and Judy Johnston, Polly Tippet, Jennifer Conlin, Heather Braithwaite, Amy Lepard, Christina and Peter Savarino and Jamie Edwards. Fashions will be shown throughout the luncheon hour in the dining room between noon and 1:30 p.m.

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