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The Wilmot Proviso

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i he iollowing briel extracts wnl show the views of a poition of the Democracy on the Slavery Question, Mr. Wilmot of Pennylvani, now proceeded with nn able speech upon the j three million bil], After a few words In defenco of his reasons for ofTering the amendment at the last session af Con gress, he now carne lo the gist of the question and said : Sooner will I have my arm drawn tVom its socket ïhan 1 will yield one jot or titile of tho principie maintain against the establishment of slavery in a free te rritory. VV'ere it a queslion of compromise, I might yield and advise ihe North to yield again as she has so often done before. lt was a qoestion of abstract right, ono wliich adiniited of no compromise. Mr. YV. aked for res:stanoe to thepow-. ers and usurpations of Slavery. ile had voted for tho nümission of Texas, Slave ry and all. VVe lud been toltl that there should be Iwo free States and two slave Stn'es, bul there was nothing but Slavery there now and there wquíd he nothing else. We had been lold, too, that California was now a part of this Union. - So t was, and as it was frec so Jt should remain. lt wns free froni slavery under Mexico. Let it he free from slavery under (Í& lt hrulfoeen nffirmed that this was not the time - but Mr. W. contended that it was tfie time, and n.ow or never. Mr, VV. said that f Northern men yieU now, they would ever he coinpelled to yield. The south utlerod a. Uuming sarcam against the north when il presented a unted front opon tSiis subject. ' If the free States were thus manfuHy and independently unitoJ, they would present a noble, front Slavery, Mr, W. regard, ed as a great politica} and social evi!, and he said this with no rnawkiah feeling against Slavery, nor any syrppathy withboliionism. 11$ w,as no more an Abo-, tionist tha,n the. editor o,f hfi Union wat Hartford Convejitiqn man.. Mr. W, .. said thnt when the original latos wera foymed there were seven ree States an,d six Slave States, and icse wiih about an equa) populatioa - ; 'ha Iree States now have four times the opulation and prop,ery, and al frora. aving free labor. After somc rema,:kson other questions, l r. Wenlworth observed : " The Wilmot proviso also received, ïy support before my last election, as ; did that af an overwh,elmmg majorilyf the Democrats f rom the non-slaveholdig States of this Union. The most of de Tree States have instructed, h$t Sen-, toivs and requested their Representatives o support the doctrine of that proviso. - fhüse instructions from New York a.n.4 'ennsylvania ju&tarrived had only fifteen rotes opposition in both houses in both, States. " The cry that ihis proviso should; :ome up as a separate bill, on its owi nerits, ís as deceptivc as woa the kiss of Fqdas. lts friends have tried every honrablo m,ea,ns to bring it before thp iause, ind they still are anxious to talce it up bv tself, nnd thon, when both Houses huva passod il, on,d the Prosideot Kas srgned it, ts friends will be the Jast to embarras; lie three million proposition. I cali upo,n nmn making this cry, to show their sinceyity now while they have theopportunity, and I promise to aid them. I remember that Texas was rushed into the Union ahpad of Oregon by a like áecep-. tive cry. Thitf secqred, half of Qregon was giveq away. When Northern men objoctod to so, much slave-power in Tex-. as, the erywus, 'Qregon will balance it! :' Now, ha)f qf Oregon is gone to. Great Briiain. and tlio slave-power claims the bnlance. Look at the vote in this House ! It was purely sectional. And, yer, with the fact staring qs n he face that the Senate committeè have moved to, s'rike out the Cree clause in the Oregoi bill, we are agnin asked to "lie low and keep dark " upon the subjegt af &lavery in Oalifarnia, v) do, q auph thing. Qn the aontrary, I proolaim theaUrm to the North, and teil it that, whilat the Wilmot proviso pnssed this House at the last ïession,, tlmre '$ danger, great danger, thnt the Herculean eñbrts made here to, defeat it will prevail. The ayes and noes on King's proposition show its fate when taken by itseU j an,d it now mmt go with the three mülion bill, or free la-j bor is shu.t out of the Californias fort ever,''


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