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There once was a little lamb named Carlos. He had thick white wool and always wore a huge smile on a face. But that all changed when he got to high school.

“It’s called an exam,” Mrs. Lamb Chop explained. “You’ll be taking one for each class, and it will be an assessment of everything you’ve learned this year.”

Carlos gasped in horror and began to cry. He kept crying and crying until all of his wool was sopping wet.

The next day, the farmer came, for it was time to shear all of the sheep. Their soft wool was very valuable. So the farmer began collecting their precious wool, throwing it all in a bag. The sheep didn’t mind. Then it was Carlos’ turn to be sheared. The farmer picked him up and froze. His wool was stained, sticky, and crusty from last night’s cry! No one would want to buy disgusting wool like Carlos’!

The farmer sighed sadly and set Carlos back down on the ground. Carlos did not get sheared at all that day, or ever again.

Years went by, and Carlos’ wool just grew and grew. Eventually, it engulfed him completely, and he suffocated.