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People are born, people die. In between you have life. But what about after or before? Does life have a preference on apples or oranges? What statements could describe life? What statements could describe me? Does the fact I have a dog and a sister make me want to ask these questions? What I ate today, does that even matter in the grand scheme of things? If I gave a dollar to a charity would that really help? F tk t ll th vwls n ths sntnc wld tht mttr? But with more importance, why do I ask these questions? Questions like these are things I ponder every moment of every day, but no matter how much I ponder it doesn’t change anything. So why do I ponder at all? With every second that you and I sit here writing or reading, our time is slowly ticking away. To what end will this happen? The cycle continues, people are born, people die. In between you have life.