Frank W. Stampfler, Internal Revenue Collector, Swamped With Tax Returns, March 16, 1937

Published In
Ann Arbor News, March 16, 1937
INCOME TAX WORRIES: Frank W. Stampfler, internal revenue collector, had the income tax worries of more than 700 Ann Arbor residents in the returns stack on his desk today awaiting his inspection. This picture was taken this morning in his office, 616 Ann Arbor Trust building, where Mr. Stampfler, sleeves rolled up, prepared to being checking the returns.
Ann Arbor News, March 16, 1937
INCOME TAX WORRIES: Frank W. Stampfler, internal revenue collector, had the income tax worries of more than 700 Ann Arbor residents in the returns stack on his desk today awaiting his inspection. This picture was taken this morning in his office, 616 Ann Arbor Trust building, where Mr. Stampfler, sleeves rolled up, prepared to being checking the returns.
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