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Dr. Elizabeth C. Crosby and Dr. Edgar A. Kahn, September 1964

Dr. Elizabeth C. Crosby and Dr. Edgar A. Kahn, September 1964 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, September 11, 1964
Familiar Figure Takes New Post: Dr. Elizabeth C. Crosby, left, who next month will assume duties as lecturer in a applied neuroanatomy at the University of Alabama after 44 years at the University, is shown making rounds at University Hospital with Dr. Edgar A. Kahn, chairman of the U-M's Neurosurgery Section. A long-time favorite among the medical students, a milestone in Dr. Crosby's career came 15 years ago when she began her clinical association with Dr. Kahn and literally put her vast knowledge in neuroanatomy at the service of patients. She will continue to serve the U-M on a part-time basis and will "commute" here from Alabama to attend two neurosurgery conferences monthly.

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