Genevieve Lobbestael's Lunch Box Treats For Her Children, September 1962

Published In
Ann Arbor News, September 20, 1962
The children of Mr. and Mrs. Fremont Lobbestael, 1235 Hogback Rd., know their lunch boxes will yield something more exciting than the standard peanut butter sandwich. They can depend upon finding a variety of sandwiches made with their mother's homemade bread, nutritious molasses cookies, carrots, green peppers, celery stuffed with peanut butter and perhaps a slice of Banana Nut Cake.
Ann Arbor News, September 20, 1962
The children of Mr. and Mrs. Fremont Lobbestael, 1235 Hogback Rd., know their lunch boxes will yield something more exciting than the standard peanut butter sandwich. They can depend upon finding a variety of sandwiches made with their mother's homemade bread, nutritious molasses cookies, carrots, green peppers, celery stuffed with peanut butter and perhaps a slice of Banana Nut Cake.
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