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State Convention

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We piiblijli lliis week a cali of tho Central Commiltco for n Convention of the Liberty party nt Jacksontwo months Trom this time for n nomination of Governor and Lieutenant Governor. The placo is andoobtedly ns e'igiblo for securing a full mreting as nny that could bc chosen, bcin about the centre of population, anJ near tlie centre of the rtttlroaH, and genprnlly nccessib'e. The lime is also a gooc' one. It is obvious tbat such a convention must be held beforc horvest, or be deferred till quite late in tho fall, whencrops, sicknpss, and other causea wou'd opérate to prevent atlendnnce. It is drsirable that all the cnurrlies, ns far as possiblo, be representod there : and as the time is short, nnd "ounty Conventions cannot in all cnes be held, vvepropnse that frirnds in the sevnral connties make private arrangements by which as manv as possible, and at Ie ist one member from cach county, ahtfll certainly attend. No ratio of delegation ia proposed by the Comrnittee ; but wc presume the usual one will be adopted - thrce times tho numtieï of Representatives of the Le islat'ire clected by each countv. II' this meeting be in numbers, charncter and deliberations what it ought tobo, we shall look. for important results from is acUin. Wc hope to see tiiei'e attained a harmoryy of view, of purpose, of' feeling, and of measuresthere which does not now exist among nll our Liberty men. We are on the eve of important political events ; anci wo bel eve that the power of the Liberty party mav be macla to teil efTectually in ;he struggle of coming vents. Wo have in ourmind sorae considprations on the present condilion of our cause in th3 State, which wo will present atan early day.


Signal of Liberty
Old News