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The People Of Ohio Moving

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Below we copy some res"IiJti(Jl)i of thfi riglit stamp, adoptei bv n Convention of llie ppoplo of Ashtabida Cnutity, Ohjn, trom the CWpl.-ind Tru Oemocrat. It will be 'een that Mr. Giddings was present and uddrcsed the meeting. The Democritt Baya: 'It as a 1 'i-ge and enthti.tinstic meeting. Wfi ivcrc su'rprised to spe so nianv of thfl farmpra in altendoftce'ffl this seasirmf theyear. Nothing bnt asen-eof ilifi imqortanre ofihe crisis, could have bmugbt them 'ocet' er, The rPS'lntions pnssrd, em'iid y the sTitimpni of the Anli-Sliverv VVhigs of the Rpspi-ve, and tiiey will alide by thcm, Bftd wili in no tvent, be move.l from the stand they have tnken. Wlirrens, the Conventinn Ihrtt formed onr Fedpral Cönstltuiion declared in explicit Inngunge thnl one of the oljpctsof i's adciption was to te-ure to thei'Sphes nnd tlieir oiTspring the ings oflibprly; Thercforp, Rpslve', Tli.-it nll effiirts ofthe FeHpral Governmpnt to upholil nnd extenn' Slnvprv, are p&ípaMy subversiva of the vital principies of our politica! compact. 2d. That tho annexntion of Texa,and ihñ prosecution of tlio pretent war avnwedly for tlie purpose of iner'-nsing the political power ofihe Slave State, of extending Slavory over terrilory now f rep, and nf subjecling the penpln of the F rep States and their nflspring lo the dominion nnd nnntru! of thp lnverv powpr,is grnssly insu'ting to tl e patriotism.ihe humanity, and selfrespect of thp ppoplpj of llie Northern portion of the Union; and exhibit n total disrogard ff thp splf-pvident Iruths on which our govprnnient wasfiunded; and gives evidenre of a rPcUlnss cnn'empl fur the limi'ation and restraints of the Federal Constituiion. 8d. That we regard thoso who nvolved our natiun in an ignminious Mr fir the purpuse of subjecling ui to the slnve power, and those wlio since the av(rwnl of their otjeclB; lend their Influ. ence !o furni'-h men and money to prose' cute our conquerís In Me.xic, as traitors to tlie frpe staten, and enemiesto the in:ilienal)le rights of man. 4th. That tho.e members of Congi-ps1; fr"m the F rep States, who :n its last spsion votfd ag-iinst the Wilmfit proviso, havo shown thpm-olves unworlhy ofihe ennfidence of Northern freemen, nnd subjret to snob nflupncps ns to render shpni unsufe depo-jitories of political pn we r. 5th. Tlial the conspirncv now forming ntnong the people of the South and ihpir allies oflhp North for subjeoting us to anothftr Administraron pedged to the. extensión of Slavcy, ought to arotn-e pvery rlrctor of the frpe stnlps to corresponding efforls ngainst such usarpntiin, arid outr.-iges upon our rights and our sacred honor. Cth. Th af wliilo we discard nll nttnchment toany oftrticular candidato for Prp.-idpiit, we fpel bound to that we will support nn man for that high office who is notfully and publicly plelged ngainst the extensión of 'slaven and ngainst, the further sacriftce of our National Irea.inry, and of human Ufe, in proseculing the present icar witt Mexico. Tth. Thnt wo npprove the jtatrintic and truly christinn course pursued by onr distinguished Senator, Thomas Corwin, upon the suhject of this war with Mexico, nnd commend him to the consideraron of our fellow oilizens ns tvorthy of their eiHire confidence,and a safe depsiiory of político! X)ver. Sth. That we earnestly recominend the holding of county nut the Slale in order to arouso o'ir fellow citizens lothe (langer that nv threnteris the overturn of uur institutions, and to i enrier our Government thescoffof civilized naltonm Hon. tí. S. [Tamlin le!ng present by invitolion,wns callfd upon, nni nrldrpsipi) the meeling in a speech of rnuch eloq'ien'e and power. The committee for that pnrpose, reported through teir Chnirman, S. Henrlry, F-sq., an ad Iress, which M acceptpd nnd ordered to he publislied with the proceedings of the mepting. Hon. J. R. Giddings bping prespnt, was eallcd upon, and addressed ihe meeiing in a soul-stirring and patriolic s-eech."


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